Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1)(84)

"I think you're taking on a lot, especially considering we've only been mated two weeks." Crossing his arms over his chest, he tried to look stern. And failed. A smile quirked his sexy mouth. "But as long as we still have time for us, I'm all for this, if it's what you want to do."

"Whew! You had me worried for a minute," she said in relief. With a trembling hand, she wiped a bead of sweat from her brow. "I thought we were going to have our first argument."

Crouching, he peered into her face, brow furrowed in worry. "Baby, what's wrong? It's not that hot today-and you're shaking."

"I-I don't know. Breakfast didn't agree with me, and the nausea seems to be getting worse."

"You want to go lie down?"

"I think that would be-" A terrible cramp hit her gut, a fist twisting her insides. Crying out, she slumped sideways clutching her belly. Chup, dumped from her lap, squeaked in alarm and ran to Sariel.

"Kira! Baby, what's wrong?" The pain was so bad, she couldn't speak. "Melina!" he shouted, pulling Kira into his arms.

Agony shot through her jaws, her torso, arms and legs. Every inch of muscle and bone seemed to be turning inside out, imploding. Curling in her mate's arms, she screamed, clutching at his shirt.

"Oh, God, what's wrong? Melina, do something!"

The doctor's voice came as if from a long tunnel. "How long ago did you bite her?"

"Uh, two weeks. But-Oh, Jesus. She's changing."

"I believe so. Talk to her, Jax. Try to calm her down."

His rough hand smoothed the hair from her scorching face. "Angel, I'm so sorry," he rasped. "But it's going to be all right. This first time hurts like hell, but it gets better, I promise."

She nodded, wanting to believe him. But a scared part of her knew it didn't always work out. She thought of their feral teammate, Raven, still isolated in his lonely cell in Block R. The one she hadn't yet been able to reach.

And she could very well end up next to him.

Muscles, bones, and tendons began to stretch and pop. The pain was excruciating and she screamed on and on while Jax desperately tried to soothe her, to no avail. Now she knew firsthand why a wolf shifter could go crazy.

Don't let me end up like Raven. Please.

Her screams became canine yelps. The hand clutching Jax's shirt became a paw, the rest of her body following. Reshaping until she lay in Jax's lap, his fingers buried in her fur.


"Here, baby. Let me untangle you from these clothes." He helped free her and she looked up into his smiling face. "Wow, aren't you beautiful? You're a silver wolf like me, but not nearly as big."

Everyone gathered around, beaming and agreeing with her mate, whose blue-gray eyes were shining with pride.

Beautiful? She was completely freaked. Scrambling, she climbed off his lap and stood trembling on four slender legs. Frantically, she tried looking down at herself, and behind at her bushy tail. She tried wagging it, and it worked.

Oh, shit!

This couldn't be happening. Not yet. She wasn't ready.

Panicking, she scrambled backward, her first instinct to run. But the awkwardness of suddenly having four legs to control instead of two, plus the shape of her new form, trying to get used to redistributing her weight, was too much of a challenge all at once. Her legs tangled and she went down in a heap and sat up with a whine of distress.

"Kira, you're all right," Jax soothed, crouching beside her. Gently, he stroked her ears. "Easy, baby. There's nothing to be afraid of."

That was fine for him to say. He was already used to this. Tentatively, she stood again and looked around at the gathered group. Fear rose once more to override his words, and she did what came naturally-she pressed against his side and glared at everyone else, giving a low, ominous growl.

"Let's leave them alone," Mac said to their friends. "Come on."

They followed her back into the building, and Kira breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow, she felt better now that everyone wasn't staring. She took comfort in her mate's presence, strong and solid, easing her fright with his touch. She looked to him as he continued to stroke her face, her ears.

"See? You're fine. Try taking a few steps for me?" Standing, he moved back a few feet. "Just this far. You can do it."

She studied the distance doubtfully, the scant space stretching like a mile. But she moved one paw forward, placed it on the ground. Then another and another, until she'd moved all four and taken her first real steps. A tiny bit of excitement began to bloom in her chest and she smiled at Jax. Or thought she was smiling, but wasn't sure.

"That's it," he praised, beaming. "Now the rest of the way."

She did, slowly at first. Then a bit faster, until she'd covered the ground between them in no time. Arching a brow, he issued a challenge.

"Pretty good, but see if you can catch me."

He took off at a jog, not anywhere near as fast as she suspected he could run, but enough to test her new abilities. The predator in her exulted in the prospect of a chase, and running down her prize, and she bolted after him.

And promptly tripped over her gangly legs and went rolling, getting grass in her nose. Sneezing, she jumped up and spied her quarry making his escape-laughing, the jerk!-and she took off again. This time with much more success.

J.D. Tyler's Books