Overcoming Fear (Growing Pains #2)(11)

“Because Ben usually sounds intelligent and you sound absurd.”

“Trust me, it’s impossible not to like the thing. You’ll see. I have the perfect place to hang it.”

“Her friends have made you…”


Ray smiled. “Insightful. Loosened you up somewhat, as well. They are an interesting group of people.”

“Fun, though.”

“Very. Free spirits, one and all. I haven’t talked with them long, but I worry that they won’t take this project seriously.”

“They’ll follow Krista’s lead. They worked with her in school. I’ve seen some of the things Kate can churn out—it is Krista-quality work. Jasmine has a definite creative edge to her, which will help. She thinks outside the box—“

“I hate that saying. It’s overused.”

“—and they both did well in school. When they have to be turned over to James Montgomery, I doubt they’ll do much, but that’s not my problem.”

“When they have to be turned over to James Montgomery no one will get work out of them. He won’t let that happen.”

“It’s a waste.”

“I think that will be about the time Krista walks away. And despite your selfishness, you should encourage her to do so. She is capable of great things, but not in that company.”

“What are you, Ray, a doomsday parade?”

“Just thinking outside the box…”


Krista entered the back door of the house, which was decorated with a million knickknacks lined up everywhere, including more than a few cow figurines, and found herself in the kitchen. If it was a party with people her own age, she’d just seek out the bathroom. With adults, she thought she’d better ask. They were liable to think she was trying to steal something.

Before she could ask the two women chatting idly by the kitchen sink, a woman with shoulder-length, reddish hair swooped down on her with a smile.

“Hello.” She was about Krista’s height, a little pudgy, and about Ray’s age. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. I’m Mary, Ray’s wife.”

“Hi! I’m Krista. I work with Ray.”

“So you’re Krista! Oh my gosh, I’ve heard so much about you! Ray and Sean are just delighted with you—Sean especially, of course. Not many women find their way to his heart. He’s a good boy, but all the women seem to be after his looks or his money, you know? But I must say, you are every bit as pretty as he described! I thought he must be exaggerating, but no, I can see he was right. Which means you must be as smart, too!”

Krista stared dumbly. She didn’t know what to say. With a guy like Sean, that really just meant he wanted to get her naked. But the way she said it, and pointing out his heart…it was confusing. It wasn’t like the guy she knew. The womanizer side of the guy she knew. The guy who had slept his way through the company, and finally come up against someone who said no. That guy was pulling out all the stops, including tricking her into going on a date. What Mary was saying just didn’t add up.

Krista covered her unease by smiling. She didn’t want to make anyone feel awkward. “Mary, I was wondering where the bathroom was?”

“Oh, look at me going on and on and you just trying to find the bathroom!” She laughed again and ushered Krista out of the kitchen. They didn’t go far to find a bathroom with a seashell theme.

“Here you are, darling. You just let me know if you need anything. And I look forward to chatting more!”

Krista walked in to do her thing, her brain whirling. She didn’t believe it. It had to be some charade. If it had been Monica who walked into the house, Krista was sure Mary would have said very similar things. Monica was the one who actually got him in the end, after all. And Sean thought she was all kinds of pretty. And great at her job. More so, obviously—he was fairly open in his regard for her.

Krista emerged from the house and found Sean where she left him, though now he was talking with Ray. As soon as Ray saw her, he jumped up. “Do you need anything?”

“You and Mary sure know how to host.” Krista laughed. “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

Ray nodded and walked away, asking someone else what they needed.

Sean met Krista’s eyes, then drew her in.

“Want to go for a walk?” he asked.

She shrugged.

They walked off toward the side of the house, then to the front. She purposely didn’t glance at Kate or Jaz. She knew this was a bad idea, she didn’t need the confirmation on their faces.

“Why did you invite me here today, Sean?” she asked, looking up to catch his eyes.

“I wanted to get to know you outside of work.”


“Because… You are interesting. I wanted to meet your friends. And hang out.”

“You want to get me into your bed?” All her vulnerability was poured into that question. She couldn’t help it.

“I want to get to know you,” he said softly.

“Like you got to know Theresa?” Krista had walked in on the morning after in the break room. Theresa had been the star of the show and on her way out. Sean had hit that and quit it, like he always did.

Sean visibly stopped himself from reeling backwards. She knew it was one helluva sucker punch. Saying he wasn’t expecting it would be like saying lava was hot.

K.F. Breene's Books