Not Safe for Work(86)

It was also almost impossible to get comfortable while I was this hard.

I shifted as much as I could, still exploring Rick’s neck with my lips as he dug his fingers into my shoulders. We were both breathing hard now, my heart going ninety miles a minute.

Fuck being tired. I wanted him. I needed him. Fully clothed on the couch, wrapped up in limbs and a blanket—that just wasn’t enough.

Maybe I still had some energy tonight after all.

I ran my hand up the inside of his thigh. “We should go upstairs.”

“Thought…thought you weren’t—”

“Turns out I am.”

Rick shivered. “Upstairs?”


Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Someone’s in a good mood.” Teagan eyed me suspiciously as I strolled into the NSFW Zone.

“What makes you say that?” Oh, who was I kidding? I could feel my own damned grin.

“He’s smiling,” Steve said to Bianca in a stage whisper. “I’m scared.”

Cal pointed sharply at me. “Don’t say it, McNeill. Don’t even say it.”

“Say what?” I showed my palms. “I have no—”

“You know exactly what I mean.” He stabbed his finger at me again.

I snickered. “Relax. I’m not going to say anything.”

“Yeah, Cal. Calm down.” Teagan shook her head as she picked up her coffee from beside her model. “He has to leave some things for you to hear over Thanksgiving dinner.”

The whole crew—Cal aside—roared with laughter.

Yes, this was going to be a good day. The banter was already starting, and Teagan was right—I was definitely in a good mood. My body still ached from f*cking Rick twice, and my neck was stiff from falling asleep on his shoulder during an episode of Golden Girls, and I felt spectacular. Even the lingering top drop—that heavy fatigue deepening the ache in my muscles and slowing my brain down—was no match for this rejuvenated, nearly giddy feeling after waking up beside Rick this morning.

I took off my jacket and got to work. Today would be more time spent with my arch nemeses—uncooperative miniature windowpanes, each needing to be cut into unforgivably precise dimensions and coaxed into weirdly angled slots. Fine by me. As fiddly as these little bastards were, I could shape and place them in my sleep, which meant my brain was free to wander back to last night.

Top drop notwithstanding, I decided I wouldn’t mind more nights like that. Lying back on Rick’s bed while he sucked my cock. Fucking him until I didn’t even care if I came anymore because it felt amazing just like that. A shower that led to more sex before we finally made it downstairs for TV and pizza. Rick was amazing company. We really needed to spend more nights like—

The phone on my desk rang, startling me out of my thoughts.

I set my X-ACTO and ruler aside and reached across my desk to pick it up. “Drafting and modeling, this is Jon.”

“It’s Marie,” my boss said flatly. “Meeting in conference room three. Now.”

I bit down on a string of profanity. “But I need to finish—”

“Mitchell just called me and said it’s urgent. I’ll meet you there.”

And with that, the line went dead.

I exhaled. This was not going to kill my good mood today. I refused to allow it. Whatever my bosses had up their asses, it was rolling off this duck’s back and that was all there was to it.

“I have to go up and talk to Marie.” I turned to Teagan. “Can you handle these guys while I’m gone?”

“As long as they don’t try to light each other on fire or something.”

“Cal, don’t set Bianca on fire.”

“Thanks, Jon.” Teagan laughed. “You’re a big help.”

“Any time. All right, I’ll be back when I get back.”

On my way up to the fourth floor, I tried to guess what this was about. Impromptu meetings weren’t that unusual, but clients were usually involved. Rick wouldn’t even be here until later today, so God knew what they wanted this time. Probably another time-waster meeting. Or maybe it was a brainstorming session about cutting costs. Those were always fun. Nothing like watching boys with yachts wring their hands over the price of foam-core and model cement. And then they’d be on my ass for not finishing the model in time for their presentation this afternoon.

Whatever. In a few hours, Rick would be in my bed, and I just couldn’t bring myself to get indigestion over anything that went on in this building.

I stepped off the elevator and nearly collided with Marie.

“Oh, sorry.” I fell into step beside her. “So, no idea what this is about?”

“No.” She scowled. “They probably want us to bend space and time to get something done ahead of schedule.”

“Again?” I sighed dramatically. “I’m running out of Spice, damn it.”

She eyed me. “Out of what?”

“Never mind.” I made a dismissive gesture. “Science fiction reference.”

“Probably one from before my time.”

I shot her a glare. “You’re not that much younger than me.”

“Young enough, apparently.”

L. A. Witt's Books