Not Safe for Work(82)

I rubbed a hand over my face. “I’m okay. I’m just…after the weekend…”

“Top drop?”

I met his gaze. “How’d you guess?”

“This isn’t my first rodeo.” A faint smile appeared on his lips, but it quickly faded, and his forehead creased. “You’ve been working at breakneck speed for weeks, and then you’d barely recovered before we went to that club. I should’ve known this was going to happen.”

“Yeah. Me too.” Sighing, I rolled my shoulders. “I figured it was coming, but it hasn’t hit me like this in a long time. Like you said—stress. Lack of sleep.” I waved a hand. “Story of my life, I guess. I’ll be okay, though.”

“I know you will.” He studied me. “Why don’t we take it easy tonight? If you want to come by my place, I can cook something, and we can just watch movies or whatever.”

I lifted my eyebrows. “That’s the kind of crazy talk that leads to guys turning into boyfriends.”

Rick laughed. “I’ll order pizza, then. From one of those shitty chain places.” He winked. “Keeps the expectations low.”

I chuckled. “Seriously, though, movies and laying low sounds like a great night. Should I bring anything?”

“No. Just yourself.” He smiled. “I’ll take care of everything else. I’ll see you tonight?”

“Definitely. Text me if you decide you want me to bring something.” I glanced around. There were cameras in here, but no one ever looked at them unless something was stolen or damaged, so we were safe. I touched his arm, wishing like hell we could do more here. “And thank you. For understanding.”

“Nothing to thank me for. I understand.”

He held my gaze. I held his.

Oh, to hell with it. The garage was deserted, no one looked at the cameras unless there was an accident or a break-in, and if I didn’t kiss him soon, I was going to lose my mind, so I reached up, slid my hand around the back of his neck and pressed my lips to his.

God. Yes.

I didn’t have the energy for anything wild or kinky, but just touching him, just kissing him, went to my veins faster than a 5-Hour or a Red Bull. Like a hangover miracle cure delivered on the lips of a Prince Charming. Well, sort of. At least it got my heart going again, and I was pretty sure I could survive the day now.

Rick pulled back a little and glanced around. “Are you sure we should do this here?”

“What are they gonna do? Fire me?”

“Not on my watch.” He laughed and let himself be drawn back in, and I kissed him once more.

Any time I kissed Rick, there was that risk of losing track of time, space, everything, but we were at my office. Although I couldn’t get fired for being with him, I didn’t necessarily want to get caught.

So, reluctantly, I broke the kiss and let go. “I should… I should get back to work.”

“Yeah, me too.” He nodded toward where he must’ve parked. “I’ve got some meetings at my office today.”

“Okay.” I smiled. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Looking forward to it.”

One more kiss, and we went our separate ways—Rick to his car, me back to the office to wrap up a few things.

I stepped into the elevator area, and froze.

“Mr. Mitchell.” I swallowed. “Didn’t…didn’t realize you were down here.”

“Mmhmm.” He gestured past me. “Did I hear you and Mr. Pierce having a conversation?”

God, I hope not…

“Sorry.” I cleared my throat. “Same as before—he had a question. I deferred him to you, though.”

“Mmhmm.” He scowled. “Again, and again, and again, I keep seeing you chatting with our client.”

We were doing more than chatting, but f*ck you.

At least he hadn’t, apparently, seen more than that.

“Sorry,” I repeated.

He narrowed his eyes. Glancing past me, he bristled.

My blood turned cold. Had he seen more?

But then he rolled his shoulders and looked me in the eye. “Anyhow. Let’s stop having these conversations, all right?”

I nodded. “Okay. Yeah. Definitely.”

“Good. Good.” He continued into the garage, and I paused by the elevator for a moment. That was weird.

But he’d let the subject drop, and he didn’t need to know that I could still feel the softness of Rick’s lips against mine. Grinning like a fool, I pressed the button for the elevator. No, Mr. Mitchell was not going to kill my good mood today.

All the way back to the NSFW Zone, despite the sluggishness that had plagued me since this morning I couldn’t stop smiling because tonight… Rick. I didn’t have the energy for more than dinner and movies tonight, but damn, once this top drop was gone, I fully intended to make this up to him.

And I couldn’t wait.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

The rest of the day crawled by. As they all did, though, it eventually wound to a close, and I was out the door at four fifty-nine. I went by the house to grab a shower and my overnight bag, let Karen know I’d be gone for the night and headed across town to Rick’s.

Just pulling into that long tree-shaded driveway was enough to knock some more of the weight off my shoulders. I was running on three cylinders at best, dragging like I was about to come down with the flu or something, but damn if the sight of Rick’s house didn’t snap me far enough out of it to at least grin a little.

L. A. Witt's Books