Not Safe for Work(40)

“Looking…” He grunted as I bent my fingers inside him. “Looking for you.”

I bit my lip. God, yes. “You found me. And now I’m going to make sure you feel amazing tonight.”

“Already do.”

“Good. I think I know what’ll make you feel even better.”


I slipped my fingers free and put more lube on the condom. Then I pressed against him. He leaned back, and I let him, especially as the head of my cock breached him and he took me deeper.

Neither of us made a sound as I slowly—stroke after smooth, gentle stroke—worked myself all the way into him. I found an easy, steady rhythm, rocking my hips and watching myself disappear inside him again and again. Why did people have sex with the lights off? Hell if I knew. And why was I thinking about that? Or anything?

I shook myself and ran a couple of fingertips up his spine to make him shiver. “This isn’t the last time I’m gonna f*ck you tonight. When you’re in that meeting with your investors tomorrow, I want you thinking about how this felt.”

He clawed at the comforter. “I’m always thinking…about how you feel.”

“Good.” I slid my hands up and down his sides. “I’ll just have to make sure you still feel me tomorrow.”

He just moaned.

I rocked my hips a little faster. “Your punishment’s over. You did well, and now I want you to enjoy this. No rules—just enjoy it.”

“Thank you,” he breathed.

“Do you want it slow like this?” I asked. “Or faster?”

“However you—”

“I’m asking you.” I ran a hand up his back—God, I just needed to touch him. Everywhere. Always. “How do you want me to f*ck you, Rick?”


Music to my ears. Holding my breath, I grabbed on to his hips, and I f*cked him hard. Hard enough to knock him off balance for a second; he didn’t have far to fall thanks to the bed beneath him, but his knees buckled. I kept riding him, and he eventually got his feet under him, but I didn’t imagine he would have cared if his legs had just given out completely.

This view was… Holy hell. Lean, powerful muscles. Narrow hips. His gorgeous ass taking my cock while his hands clawed at the bed.

“I could do this all night,” I ground out. “You’re f*cking beautiful.”

And so was the long, helpless moan he released.

“Can I—” His shoulders bunched and he swore under his breath. “Jerk my…jerk myself off?”

“Yes. Anything that feels good. Anything.”

His hand moved slowly at first. Maybe he was a little tender—God knew my skin had been irritated after wearing that damned thing all day—but he picked up speed. His elbow and shoulder moved rapidly, implying the motions I couldn’t see. Oh, my mind’s eye filled in the blanks. Though I was behind him, watching him take my cock over and over, I could see his long fingers around his cock, squeezing and jerking it while I pounded him.

He turned his head. “C-can I come?”


He moaned but didn’t come just yet. Probably making sure he had permission before he dared get close to the edge, and now that he did, he pumped himself faster and faster, and he tightened around me as I matched him thrust for thrust.

“Oh. Fuck.” In a heartbeat, he was impossibly tight. Shuddering. Shaking. Swearing. “Oh my God, Jon…”

I let myself go. My vision blurred, my knees shook, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not…get…deep enough. Gripping his hips, I held him against me, my own hips jerking until my knees damn near buckled.

And then we were both still. Aftershocks rippled through me. My vision cleared, though it still sparkled around the edges. I rubbed my hands up and down his back just for some contact, and he arched into my touch like a cat. At that point, I was genuinely surprised neither of us had started purring.

After a few slow breaths, I pulled out and paused to give my trembling legs a chance to stay under me. Rick pushed himself up on one arm. He was shaky too, surprise, surprise. With a little help, he managed to get to his feet, and we both stumbled into the bathroom like a couple of drunks.

“And I thought I couldn’t walk earlier,” he murmured as he wiped off his arm. “Wasn’t this dizzy at work, though.”

“Maybe it should be tighter next time.”

He shot me a horrified look.

I winked and tossed the condom into the trash. “Kidding.”

“Fucking hope so,” he muttered.

“You want me to put it back—”

“No! No.” He gazed at me through his lashes. “Please, no.”

I just laughed and kissed his cheek. After we’d cleaned ourselves up, we returned to the bedroom and fell back into my bed. It was much too hot for any kind of covers, especially since I wanted to be as close to him as possible, so we left the sheets rumpled at the end of the bed and tangled ourselves in the middle of the mattress.

“How do you feel?” I asked.

“Like I’m going to sleep like the dead tonight.”

“It’s not even seven.”

“Says the guy who didn’t have his dick in a cage all day. I’m exhausted.”

L. A. Witt's Books