Not Safe for Work(38)


I didn’t catch up to Rick again until mid-afternoon, when I was walking by while he was at the Coke machine. After a glance around to make sure nobody important was nearby, I said, “Hey.” When he turned, I grinned. “How does it feel?”

He glared at me.

I laughed. “Good. And what did we learn?”

Rick exhaled slowly. “That apparently snickering in a meeting doesn’t end well.”

“Well, not for you.” I grinned even bigger. “I’m rather enjoying this.”

“I thought you said you weren’t a sadist.”

I shrugged. “Well, I do have a little bit of a sadistic streak. But it’s not the pain I enjoy. It’s watching you squirm because I told you to.”

Right then, he squirmed. Because of the cock cage? Because of the comment? Didn’t matter—I was making him squirm.

“Just think of how good it’ll feel once I take it off.”

He closed his eyes and released another long breath. “I can’t wait.”

“You won’t have to wait much longer.”

“Thank you.” He met my gaze. “I should, um, get back to…”

“Yeah. Me too.”

He glanced at the soda machine and then at his hand, as if he’d forgotten what he’d come here to do. After a second, he apparently figured it out, because he dropped the coins into the slot, jabbed the Mountain Dew button and waited while the machine hummed to life. The drink fell into the tray with a loud thunk. He started to reach for it but paused. Then he sighed and turned to me. “Do you…would you mind…” Holding my gaze, he swallowed. “Please?”

I leaned down and reached into the machine. As I handed him the can, I lowered my voice. “My place after work?”

“Yes.” He closed his fingers around the can, sucking in a breath as if he hadn’t expected the cold.

“You could probably use that if you needed some ice.”

His eyes widened. “Ice? On my—”

“Well, it’s a thought.”

“Dick,” he muttered. Then he froze. “I mean…”

“You want to wear it a little longer?”

He grimaced. “No. Sorry.”

“I’ll let it go since we’re here.” I paused. “I mean, we did agree to keep this separate from work.”

“We did. But I don’t suppose that’s getting me out of this thing any time soon.”

“Not when it’s punishment for that little snicker that happened at work.”

“Damn. It was worth a try.”

“It was. And it was a good try.” I winked, struggling against the urge to touch him. A hand on his arm or his shoulder, maybe his face. But that would be way too conspicuous. And it would be far too tempting to bring him in for more, and I was pretty sure a long kiss in front of the office Coke machine would be a bad idea.

“Anyway, I’m about to head back to my office.” He exhaled. “I’ll see you tonight?”


“Looking forward to it.”

We exchanged grins and then turned to go our separate ways.

And goddammit—Mitchell.

He folded his arms and halted. “McNeill, we’ve discussed this.”

I exhaled. “Yes, sir. I know. And I directed him to Mr. Forsythe.”

His eyes narrowed. “That looked like a pretty friendly conversation.”

“I was being polite.”

“I see.” He set his jaw, holding my gaze because God forbid he look away first.

I gestured past him. “I should get back to work.”


Without another word, I walked away, grinding my teeth as I headed back to the Zone. It was amazing how quickly that son of a bitch could put me back in my place. I may have been a Dom in the bedroom, and I may have been a human being in the eyes of most people—including Rick—but Mitchell never failed to remind me that I was still shit on his shoe. I swore, if this place paid me a penny less, I wouldn’t stand for this dancing monkey bullshit.

But of course I would. I needed this paycheck at least until my kids had graduated, and this particular job wasn’t available at nearly as many firms in this town anymore.

I closed my eyes and exhaled. Mitchell had control over me here, but he didn’t control any other aspect of my life. And though the bastard had nearly killed my good mood, as soon as I thought of Rick struggling through the meeting with that cock cage on, I grinned to myself. Indeed, there were some things this place couldn’t take away.

You can tell me not to talk to him at work.

Won’t stop me from gagging him, tying him and f*cking him till he cries when we get home.

Oh yes. That thought would get me through the rest of the day…

Chapter Fourteen I was just about to shut the garage door when Rick’s Mercedes came into view. As he pulled into the driveway, I stepped outside to greet him.

He parked and killed the engine. As he got out of the car, though, he paused, grimacing. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but the motion of his shoulder and the twist of his lips told me he was adjusting his caged cock.

“Having trouble?” I asked, resting a hand on top of the car door.

L. A. Witt's Books