Not Safe for Work(39)

He glared at me, and I could only imagine the profanity on the tip of his tongue.

I lifted my chin and stared him down. “Answer me, Rick. Carefully.”

Immediately, the glare turned to a more acceptably chastened expression, and he dropped his gaze. Gingerly, he emerged from the car, pausing once to curse before he was finally on his feet. “This thing is a bitch.”

“That’s the idea.” I took my hand off the door. “What did we learn?”

The look he shot me very clearly said That you’re an *, but he wisely whispered, “To keep a straight face during meetings.”

“Good. Now let’s go inside and take that thing off you.”

“Yes, please.” He shut the car door. The alarm chirped, and we started into the garage, but he hesitated. “Your ex isn’t home, is she?” He eyed me. “I’m happy to meet her, but maybe not like this.”

I laughed, wrapping my arm around his waist. “She’s out tonight. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you’re not wearing something like this when you finally meet her.”

“Much appreciated.”

We headed inside.

The previous times we’d been here, we’d both moved fast to get down to the dungeon. After all, why delay the fun? But Rick wasn’t going anywhere quickly.

Especially since we weren’t going to down to the dungeon.

I faced him in the hallway. “So there’s one more thing you have to deal with before I take the cage off.”

His eyebrows pulled together. “Okay?”

I pointed to my left. “You still have to get up the stairs.”

Slowly, he turned toward the stairs. His head fell forward as he mouthed Fuck…

“The sooner you get to the top, the sooner that thing comes off.”

His lips pulled tight, and his brow furrowed with frustration, but he didn’t say a word. He just quietly, stoically started up the steps. Though I had no doubt he wanted to get this over with, he didn’t hurry. Not that he really could. Gingerly, gripping the bannister like it was the only thing keeping him from stumbling and putting himself in a world of hurt.

I stayed behind him. “You’re halfway to the top.”

He paused. Pushed out a breath. Kept going.

At the top, I took his hand and guided him to my bedroom, which was only a few feet away. There, we stopped, and I turned to him.

“Well done.” Smiling, I cupped his face and kissed him. “Most people are begging me to take the cage off long before this point.”

“I didn’t realize that was an option.”

“It’s not. But people beg for it anyway. You did well. How was it?” I trailed a fingertip along the edge of his jaw. “Wearing that all day?”

“Torture,” he ground out. “Fucking uncomfortable as hell.”

“You going to snicker when my boss busts my balls again?”

“No. Definitely not.”

“Good.” I stepped back and gestured at his belt. “Take off your pants.”

He didn’t hesitate. He quickly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers, and—carefully—slid them down.

I knelt in front of him, not letting it show that my knee objected. I carefully supported his caged cock in one hand, and with the other, gently unfastened the strap around his balls. As I slid the whole assembly off, Rick closed his eyes and released a long breath.

“Thank you,” he whispered. “Jesus, that feels so much better.”

“I’m sure it does.” I rose, the jingle of the cock cage masking the crackling in my joints. “You handled your punishment well.” I dropped the device on my dresser. “I think you deserve a reward for that.”

He swallowed. “A reward?”

“Mmhmm.” I kissed him again and murmured, “How tender are you?”

He glanced down and shrugged. “A hell of a lot better now without that…contraption.”

“If it hurts too much, we can stop.”

“Doesn’t hurt.”

“Not yet. But say so if it does.”

“I will.”

“Good.” One more kiss, this time long and deep, just the way I’d wanted to while we’d stood beside the Coke machine this afternoon. “Strip, and then bend over the bed.”

He immediately started unbuttoning his shirt. I took my time while he shed his clothes like they were on fire, and I’d barely toed off my shoes before he was obediently bent over the bed. Excellent—now I could enjoy the view while I undressed myself.

A man like Rick looked hot no matter what. Leaning over the bed like that, long legs apart and that beautiful ass just waiting to be f*cked? Perfection.

I stood behind him and, in absolutely no rush at all, rolled on a condom. Once I’d put some lube on my cock and on my fingers, I pressed a fingertip against his ass.

As I carefully eased my finger into him, he groaned softly.

“Feel all right?” I asked.

He nodded, his forehead brushing the comforter. “Yeah.”


After a while, I added a second finger, and he groaned again, gathering fistfuls of the comforter in his kneading hands.

“I’ve been waiting for a sub like you for a long time.” I spoke slowly and quietly, watching myself f*ck him with my hand. “Where have you been for the last twenty years?”

L. A. Witt's Books