Never Too Far (Rosemary Beach #2)(50)
"I can't tell you what to believe. But if you need anything, I'm here. I know Rush has a garage full of cars but if you don't want to drive one then I can give you a ride to the doctor or the store. Just call me if you need me."
My next doctor's appointment was in five days. How was I going to get into the house? And he'd never shown me where the keys to his cars were or given me permission to drive them.
"I'm locked out of the house. He thought I had my key when he left," I told him.
"Where did you stay last night?" he asked dropping his hands from his chest and standing up. He looked angry. I hadn't meant to make him mad. I was just stating a problem I had. All my clothes were in Rush's house.
"How did you get there?"
"I walked."
"Shit! Blaire, that is three and a half miles at least. It was dark last night when Rush left. You have a phone now, use it." He was yelling.
"I wanted to walk. I needed to walk. Don't yell at me," I raised my voice and glared at him.
The tension in Woods' shoulders left and he sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. It's just that you're so damn determined to be independent. Let me make myself clear. Call me if you ever need a ride. I like to think we're friends. I help my friends."
I needed friends. "I like to think we're friends too," I replied.
He nodded. "Good. But as your boss I'm not letting you work today. I'll have you in Rush's house within the hour. I'll drive you there."
Before I could ask him how he had his phone to his ear.
"I've got her in my office. She's locked out of the house." He paused.
"No shit. She walked to Bethy's last night. I'm going to take her there if you can get Rush's housecleaner to go unlock the place." He paused again.
"No problem. Happy to help. Keep me updated, I'm thinking about y'all." He hung up and looked at me. "Grant's having the housecleaner open the house. You go get something to eat from the kitchen and then we can head that way. He said to give her about twenty minutes."
I wasn't hungry but I nodded. "Okay." I started for the door then stopped and turned to look back at him. "Thank you."
Woods winked. "My pleasure."
Chapter 37
I hadn't been able to close my eyes. I sat in the leather chair beside the hospital bed and stared at my little sister. She hadn't opened her eyes. The monitors blinked and beeped telling me she was alive. Her still form on the bed with gauze wrapped around her head and needles in her arms made it feel as if she were gone. The last words I'd said to her had been hard. They seemed cruel now. I'd just wanted her to grow up. Now that might never happen.
The rage I'd felt when I arrived had been knocked out of me when I laid eyes on her. Just seeing her so broken and helpless was killing me. I couldn't eat or sleep. I just needed her to open her eyes. I needed to tell her I loved her and I was sorry. I'd promised her that she'd always have me. No matter what. Then I'd jerked that away from her. Because she couldn't accept Blaire.
My stomach knotted up thinking of how I'd left Blaire. Her eyes had been wide and terrified. I'd handled leaving her all wrong too but I'd been terrified myself. I couldn't call her yet. Not while Nan was like this. I'd already put Blaire before Nan and look where that got me. This time Nan needed to come first. If she knew I was sitting here waiting on her she'd open her eyes. I knew she would.
The door opened and Grant stepped in. His eyes went instantly to Nan. The pain that flashed in them didn't surprise me. Even though he acted like he didn't like her I knew he cared for Nan. She had been the needy little brat that was impossible not to love when we were growing up. Those kinds of bonds are impossible to break.
"I just spoke with Woods. Blaire is okay. She was locked out of the house last night but she stayed at Bethy's. I called Henrietta and she's unlocking the house for her." He spoke quietly as if he'd wake Nan or disturb her by talking about Blaire.
I'd left her standing in the driveway late at night alone. Thank God she had a phone. The idea of her being stranded in the dark was more than I could handle right now. "Is she upset?" What I really wanted to ask was if she was upset with me. How could she not be upset with me? I'd run out on her after screaming for her to get out of my car. When mom had told me about Nan something in me had switched and I'd lost it.
"He said he was going to look after her..." Grant trailed off. I knew what he was thinking. Leaving Woods to look after Blaire was dangerous. He was rich, successful and his family didn't hate her. What if she realized I was a waste of her time?
"She's pregnant," I told him. I had to tell someone.
"Oh hell," he muttered and sank down onto the hard plastic chair that sat in the corner of the room. "When did you find out?"
"She told me shortly after she came back."
Grant covered his mouth and shook his head. That hadn't been something he'd expected to hear. But then he didn't know we were engaged either. He'd left Rosemary already when I'd proposed. I hadn't told him.
"That's why you proposed?" it wasn't really a question. It was more of a statement.