Never Too Far (Rosemary Beach #2)(45)
I didn't watch them. The idea of him sticking a wand up me only made this worse. I focused on the screen.
"Okay, here we go. Easy, be still," the doctor instructed. I watched the black and white screen, waiting patiently for something that resembled a baby.
A small thumping sound filled the room and it felt like my own heart had stopped beating.
"Is that...?" I asked, suddenly unable to say anything else.
"That's it alright. Thumping just right too. Nice and strong," the doctor replied.
I stared at the screen and the nurse pointed to what looked like a little pea. "There he or she is. Perfect size for ten weeks."
I couldn't swallow past the lump in my throat. Tears rolled down my face but I didn't care. I just sat transfixed looking at the tiny miracle on the screen while his heartbeat filled the room.
"You and the baby are both doing excellently," the doctor said as he slowly pulled the instrument from inside me and the nurse pulled down my gown and gave me her hand to pull me up.
"A little blood tinged discharge is perfectly normal after this procedure so don't be alarmed," the doctor said, standing up and going over to the sink to wash his hands.
"Keep taking those prenatal vitamins and come back to see me in four weeks."
I nodded. I was still in awe.
"Here you go," the nurse said, handing me a small pictures from my ultrasound.
"These are mine?" I asked, looking down at the pictures of my baby.
"Of course they are," she replied with an amused tone.
"Thank you," I said as I looked at each one and found the small pea I knew was alive inside me.
"You're welcome." She patted my knee. "You can get dressed now. Everything looks great."
I nodded and wiped away another tear that had broken free and was rolling down my face.
Chapter 33
"Where is she, Bethy?" I demanded walking out of Blaire's bedroom holding her cell phone. She'd left it here.
Bethy snarled at me and slammed a kitchen cabinet door. "The fact your sorry ass doesn't know where she is only makes me hate you more."
What the f**k was wrong with her? I'd had a day from hell. Telling my mom she had to get another house and then telling them I was going to ask Blaire to marry me had sent them all into a wild rage. Well, not all of them. Blaire's father had seemed fine with it. Nan and my mother had gone ballistic. We'd spent several hours yelling at each other and I'd made threats I intended to keep. Nan was supposed to leave to go back to school on Monday. She'd be gone until winter break and I was sure she'd end up in Vail with friends then. It was what she did every year. Normally I went too but not this year.
"I've had to deal with my mother and sister for the past four hours. Kicking Georgianna out of the house and informing her and Nan I intend to ask Blaire to marry me isn't exactly an easy battle. So forgive me if I need a little help remembering where Blaire is!"
Bethy thumped the bottle of water down on the bar and her angry snarl became more of a disgusted frown. I'd thought once she heard I was going to propose to Blaire that she'd be happy. Apparently not.
"I hope you didn't buy a ring," was her only response.
I was tired of her games. "Tell me where she is," I roared.
Bethy put both her hands on the bar and leaned forward giving me a furious scowl I didn't know the girl was capable of. "Go. To. Hell."
Fuck. What had I done?
The door opened and Blaire came walking in smiling until her eyes met mine. Then her smile faltered. She was mad at me too. Not good.
"Blaire," I said as I walked toward her and she started backing up.
"Don't," she replied, holding up both her hands to stop me from coming closer.
She was holding something. It looked like pictures. What the hell did she have pictures of? Was it something from my past? Was she pissed about some girl I'd done something with once?
"Is that what I think it is?" Bethy asked pushing past me and running to Blaire.
Blaire nodded and handed her the pictures. Bethy covered her mouth. "Oh my God. Did you hear the heartbeat?"
At the words "heartbeat" my chest felt as if it had just been ripped wide open. Understanding dawned on me. Today was Thursday. It was Blaire's doctor's appointment. She'd called to remind me and I'd hung up on her.
"Blaire, shit baby, I am so sorry. I was dealing with my - "
"Your family. I know. Nan told me when I called back. I don't want to hear your excuses. I just want you to leave." Her voice was flat. There was no emotion in it.
She turned her attention back to the pictures and pointed to something. "Right there. Can you believe that's inside me?"
Bethy turned her hateful scowl from me to the picture and a soft smile touched her face. "It's amazing."
They were standing there looking at pictures of my baby. Blaire had heard his heartbeat today. Alone. Without me.
"Can I see?" I asked, scared she'd tell me no or worse, ignore me.
Instead, she took the pictures from Bethy and handed them to me. "The little thing that looks like a pea. That's... our baby," she finished. She had been reluctant to call it our baby. I couldn't blame her.
"Was its heart okay? I mean, did it beat properly and everything?" I asked, staring down at the picture in my hand.