Never Too Far (Rosemary Beach #2)(51)

"How'd you know about that?"

He shifted his eyes to Nan, "Nan told me."

Nan had needed to vent I was sure. The fact she had chosen Grant to vent to was interesting. Normally those two were at each other's throats. Rarely did they spend quality time together.

"She wasn't happy about it," I said.

"No, she wasn't," he agreed.

I looked over at her and wished to God I could trade places with her right now. I hated that she needed me and this was something I couldn't fix for her. I'd been fixing her problems her entire life. And now when she needed me most all I could do was sit here and stare at her helplessly.

"She thinks you've lost your mind. If she knew about the baby she'd think you asked Blaire just because of the baby."

"I didn't ask her because of the baby. I asked her because I can't live without her. I just need Nan to understand that. I've spent my life making Nan happy. Trying my damnedest to fix her problems. I was mother and father to her. And now that I have found what makes me happy she can't accept it." I felt my throat close up and I shook my head. I was not going to cry. "I just wanted her to accept that Blaire made me happy."

Grant let out a deep sigh. "I think in time she will. Nan wants you happy too. She just thinks she knows what is best for you. Just like you think you know what is best for her." The tone in his voice as he said that last part was off. He'd meant something deeper than what he was saying. Or I was just exhausted and I needed to take a nap.

"I hope so," I replied, then laid my head back on the chair and closed my eyes. "I need a nap. I can't keep this up. My head is getting fuzzy."

The chair he'd been sitting in scraped across the floor as he stood up. I listened as he walked across the room back toward the door. "Check in on Blaire for me. Please," I asked, opening my eyes to make sure he was still there and heard me.

"I will," he assured me then walked out the door.

Two days later and still no sign of improvement. Nan wasn't waking up. I had gotten up to take a shower and change because my mother insisted. I couldn't deal with her and worry about Nan. I just did as she asked to shut her up.

Today Grant had sat in here with me most of the day. We hadn't talked much but having someone else here helped. My mother said she couldn't handle it and stayed at the hotel most of the time. Occasionally Abe would step in to check on her but I didn't expect any more from him. He never checked on the daughter he'd raised either. The man was missing a vital organ, a heart.

"I talked to Blaire today," Grant said, breaking the silence. Just hearing her name made me ache. I missed her. I wanted her here but that would only upset everyone. I needed Nan better. When she woke up she didn't need to know Blaire was here. It would only upset her.

"What did she sound like?" Did she hate me?

"Good. I guess. Maybe sad. She's worried about you and Nan. She asks about Nan before she asks about you. She also... she also asked if her father was okay today. Not sure why she cares but she did."

Because Blaire cared more than she should about everyone. Me included. She was too good for me and I was only going to keep hurting her. My family wouldn't accept her. The father that deserted her and her mother was now married to my mom. I'd started that whole ball rolling with the damn picture. All I would ever do is hurt her in the long run.

"She has a doctor's appointment today. Woods told me he's taking her. She doesn't know I know about the baby."

Another doctor's appointment I was going to miss. How much longer was she going to put up with this? I'd told her she and our baby came first but this was the second time my family came before her doctor's appointment. And why the hell was Woods taking her?

"Why is Woods taking her? I have three vehicles in the garage."

Grant shot me an annoyed frown. "Yeah, you do. But you never gave her permission to drive one and never told her where she could find the keys so she won't touch them. Woods has been her chauffer all damn week."


"I know you're hurting because of Nan. She's like your child. You're the only real parent she's ever had. But if you don't snap out of this and contact Blaire I'm not sure she and your baby are going to be around when you decide to go home. Sure don't want my niece or nephew having the last name Kerrington," he snapped and stalked out of the room.

Chapter 38


I sat in the waiting room and tried hard not to look at the other pregnant women also waiting. There were three of us. The woman across from me was snuggled up against her husband's arm. He kept whispering into her ear making her smile. His hand never left her stomach. There was no possessiveness in his demeanor. Just protectiveness. It was if he was protecting his wife and child with that simple gesture.

The other lady was much further along than either of us and her baby was moving. Her husband had both his hands on her stomach as he stared at her in awe. There was a sweet worshipful look on his face. They were sharing a moment and just glancing over in that direction made me feel as if I were intruding on it.

Then there was me. With Woods. I had told him he didn't need to come with me but he said he'd like to. He wasn't going back in the exam room because I wasn't about to let him see me almost naked in a thin cotton exam robe but he was going to sit in the waiting room.

Abbi Glines's Books