Never Been Ready (Ready #2)(77)

"What are you two talking about out here?" Clare asked, poking her head out the door.

"You weren't lifting anything, right? I told you to just put away small things, like kitchen things and clothes," Logan scolded, immediately taking residence next to his wife.

She was barely three months pregnant, but Logan was treating her like she was about to give birth any day. We'd all given him shit because he was so cautious and careful with her. As a doctor, he knew better, but apparently, that need to protect overrode all of his medical training. I knew it was a bit of a miracle that they'd conceived in the first place. They hadn't been planning on it, especially with Logan just recently going into remission. But here they were, expecting a child. I'd never seen my friend so frazzled and happy all at the same time. It was a look I hoped I'd have the pleasure of having someday.

"I was just saying how you and my lovely girlfriend can't keep secrets from each other," I said to Clare.

"Oh," she said with a giggle, "that's very true. Very true indeed."

"I don't even want to know what that smile means," I said.

She just laughed and headed back inside. I searched around the moving truck, grabbed another box, and took it inside, heading towards the kitchen. I found Clare sitting on the countertop with Logan standing between her legs. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and he was pulling her body closer as he kissed her.

"Dude! Could you at least let me be the one to deflower my kitchen?" I found a magnet on the counter and threw it at his head.

He ducked and laughed, chucking a kitchen towel in my direction. Just as I was looking around the kitchen for something else I could launch at my horny friend, my phone vibrated in my back pocket.

Leah had been sending me funny texts all day, so I was curious to see what shenanigans she was up to this time. She had sent me pics of flowery bedspreads and another one of herself looking miserable as she and Connor entered yet another store. I'd also received a text saying that she was seriously considering painting his room pink as retribution. She'd thought she was getting off easy by taking Connor shopping for bedding and not having to unpack. Little had she known that it would turn out to be an all day affair. I felt bad for her, but then not so much while I stretched my aching back as I remembered when she'd told me we didn't need a mover.

With a goofy grin on my face, I pulled out my cell and saw that I did have a new message from Leah, but this one wasn't funny or snarky. This one stopped my blood cold and left me frozen in my tracks.

Dad, need U. At mall. Man with gun.

"Declan, you look like you just saw a ghost," Clare said.

Someone tugged at my arm, pulling the phone out of my hand, which snapped me back into reality.

Leah and Connor needed me. I didn't understand what was happening, but I needed to get to them —now.

I heard Logan and Clare's reaction to the text message a second later, and I didn't even need to voice my request as Logan grabbed his keys and headed to the door with me. He turned briefly and gave Clare a quick but passionate kiss that seemed to say everything all at once.

"Tell Maddie I'll be home soon," he said.

And we were gone.

I barely remember the car ride. Thank God Logan drove because I didn't know how the f**k I would have gotten there otherwise. Logically, I knew the mall was only five minutes away, but it felt like an eternity to get there.

"What do you think he meant?" I asked.

"I don't know," Logan stated.

"Do you think there's a shooter?"

"God, I hope not."

We arrived at the mall, and everything seemed normal. People were walking calmly to their cars, and others were walking in. I remembered which store Leah had said they were headed to in her last text, so I directed Logan there first. We leaped from the car and took off toward the entrance.

That was when I saw him —Clayton Morgan, Leah's father.

I'd never felt such instant rage before in my life. Leah and Connor were walking ahead of him in the parking lot, and they looked ashen and scared. Clayton kept close behind, no doubt covering the gun that was pointed into their backs.

The motherf*cker came back. This was my fault. I'd assumed the money would be enough to keep him away. I'd thought he was so far gone into himself that once he got away, he wouldn't be able to find his way back. I'd seriously underestimated him, and now, Leah and Connor were paying the price.

He looked in our direction, and I dodged behind one of the cars. I didn't want to give up my position yet. If I knew the bastard at all, he had to have some alcohol running through that body, so he would be slow, and I'd use that to my advantage.

Crouched next to me, Logan asked, "Is that Leah's father?"

I just nodded.

"We need to take him out before he gets out of this parking lot." I said.


Moving low, we managed to get behind Clayton. Taking quick steps, we caught up, and in one quick motion, Logan attacked Clayton from the right, and I slammed into Connor and Leah from the left, moving them out of the way.

My eyes briefly met Leah's before I quickly checked both of them for injuries.

"Run," I told them. "Use your phone and call the police. We'll detain him until then."

Leah nodded, looking vulnerable and scared but strong and determined as well. She grabbed Connor, who was clutching my shirt and crying, and then they took off toward the entrance of the mall. She already had her phone out and to her ear by the time she was to the doors.

J.L. Berg's Books