Never Been Ready (Ready #2)(78)

I turned to see Logan straddling Clayton on the ground. The gun was tossed several feet away, and Leah's father was face down on the pavement with his hands behind his back.

"Sure you don't moonlight as a cop?" I asked Logan.

"I'm not just a pretty face, you know? I got skills."

I gave a ghost of a smile before focusing back on Clayton. My fists clenched, and I fought back the need to attack. I wanted vengeance so bad that I could taste it.

"Get him up," I said to Logan.

Logan lifted off of Clayton and roughly pulled him up from the ground. He wrapped his arm around Clayton's neck in a chokehold to make sure he wouldn't get away. Clayton's vision focused and unfocused for a minute, making his level of intoxication clear, and then his eyes finally settled on me.

"Well, well...if it isn't the movie star. Haven't gotten tired of my daughter yet, huh?"

My fist collided with his face so fast that I barely saw it. I only registered his head snapping back afterward.

"You shut the f**k up, do you understand? The police are going to be here in less than five minutes. Then, you will finally be arrested and punished for the multitude of sins you've committed over the years, including when you tried to kidnap my son today. You're going away for a long time, Mr. Morgan."

He just sneered at me, giving me that evil smile that said he didn't give a f**k about what I'd said.

"Do you remember what I told you about how much they love child abusers in prison?"

His eyes went wide just as I heard the sirens pulling into the parking lot. I gave a wave, and the police cars headed in our direction.

Turning my head back to Clayton, I gave a wicked grin and said, "You have fun in prison, you hear?"

His pleas for help and his cries declaring his innocence were the last things I heard as the cops shoved him in the police car before driving away.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I broke down the last box and took a final look around. We'd done it. Every box was unpacked, and everything was put away.

We had a new place to call home.

It had taken a solid week to unpack. Between my work schedule and driving back and forth to Williamsburg to visit Connor, we'd managed to cram the entire week full of activities, leaving little time for thinking.

I thought we were both avoiding the inevitable, but sooner or later, we'd have to talk about it.

Hands slid around my waist as Declan pulled me close.

"Looks good," he said, his mouth hovering over my shoulder.

"It does, doesn't it?"

"I wasn't talking about the room."

He dusted featherlight kisses on my skin that sent shivers down to my toes. He spun me around, and I immediately became lost in his dark gaze. Declan had the ability to say so much with even the slightest expression. Right now, I saw a million emotions churning under the surface of his intense stare.

"I love you, Leah," he said intently before bending down to touch my lips with his. "I love you so much," he murmured.

"I love you, too," I whispered.

He trailed kisses down my neck and shoulder. "The thought of losing you...I was sure I'd go mad from it," he admitted, bending down to bury his head in my shoulder.

I stroked his chestnut hair as he held my waist.

"I'm right here. Connor and I are fine. You saved us."

"I wanted to kill him. It took every ounce of control I had not to rip him apart right in the middle of that parking lot. If he had hurt you again, I don't know that I would have been able to control myself."

"Shhh...he's where he's supposed to be, Declan. He can't hurt any of us anymore."

"I was so stupid, Leah. So stupid. I should have let the police handle it in the beginning. I should have had him arrested the minute I saw the bruises on your face. None of this would have ever happened then."

"Declan," I said, pulling his face up to my eye level, "none of this is your fault. Do you hear me? None of it. You've done nothing but protect Connor and me. We could have never known what my father was capable of. Please don't let guilt take over."

He gave a brief nod, bending down to take my lips again, as if he needed proof that I was still there. I eagerly gave him all the reassurance he needed as I returned his kiss. I slightly moaned as he deepened it, sweeping his tongue against mine, like two bodies making love. He slowly led me across the room until I felt the back of the couch bump against my legs, and I fell backward. He laid me down and settled his weight on top of me, his eyes full of heat and need.

"I'm right here," I reminded him. I placed his hand on my heart, so he could feel it beating inside my chest.

"Show me," he said.

Declan's world had been rocked last week, and I could see in his eyes that he needed this. He needed me to show him we were still us. I was still Leah, and he was still Declan, and nothing could change that.

"Take off your clothes," I instructed.

He stood and shed his clothes, and then he watched as I did the same. I had him sit down and face me. If he needed to see, then I would show him.

I straddled him, placing one leg on each side of his massive thighs, and then I took him inside me. He hissed in pleasure, but his eyes never wavered from mine as I slowly slid myself down his length.

J.L. Berg's Books