Never Been Ready (Ready #2)(66)

"Would you support him?" she asked.

"What? Of course I would. I would never get in the way of him and his son," I answered adamantly. After having the childhood I did, I could only hope that other children could grow up with as much love as humanly possible. I'd never stand in the way of Connor having the opportunity to be raised by his father if that is what they wanted.

"And would you stand by him?"

"Of course I would!"

"Okay, well then your head can stop spinning now, because you've answered all the questions you need to know. Whatever happens, whatever he decides, you are there for him. That's all you need to know.

"God damn, you are f**king smart! When did that happen?"

"I've always been smart. You just don't pay attention."

"Well, I am easily distracted."

"That's an understatement. So, does Declan get to see Connor again anytime soon? Is there a schedule? Do I get to meet him? Ooh, we could set up a playdate for him and Maddie. That would be adorable!"

"First, no more coffee for you. You're practically vibrating in your seat. Second, yes...we have another visit set up in a week. Declan is finishing up filming this week, and then he's officially unemployed. Well, for now. He has a few other projects he's hoping might work out, but we're waiting on those. In the meantime, he's working on having all of his shit moved out here."

"Leah and Declan. Shacking up together. I'm so proud of you!" she said, before she threw her arms around me, practically jumping into my chair as she sat on my lap.

I laughed, hugging her back, "He just doesn't know what he's getting himself into. I'm a royal pain in the ass."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure he's aware. We all are. We just love you despite it," she grinned. "So, where are you two taking Connor for date number two?"

"Well, if your father was a movie star, where do you think he would take you?"

"Neiman and Marcus so he could buy me a diamond studded pony?"

"No, dork. We're taking him to the movies, of course."


We chose a theater that was slightly out of the way, and we picked a matinee. Sarah and Devin had graciously allowed Connor to spend the night with us in Richmond. Even though I was still just a family friend to him, I didn't want to screw this up.

My son loved movies. I couldn't get over that. It was my passion and chosen career, and he was obsessed. It was something we had in common, and I couldn't wait to share it with him. A new Marvel Comics movie was showing, and Sarah had mentioned that Connor really wanted to see it. As soon as Leah and I had picked him up that morning, we'd headed back to Richmond, going straight for the theater.

With my baseball cap pulled tight to my bowed head, I bought our tickets at the electronic kiosk, avoiding as much person-to-person interaction as possible. After the pictures of Leah and me had been plastered all over the tabloids a few weeks ago, we were a bit more recognizable now.

Turning, I found Leah standing in line at the concession stand. She was bent over while talking to Connor. She had a slight smile and nodded before laughing. I couldn't help but grin. She was radiant. It didn't matter what she wore, did, or said...I always wanted her. She had me. I was a goner, and I'd never been happier. Our life was completely crazy and uncertain, and I didn't care because I knew everything would be fine with her by my side.

Jesus. I'd turned into Logan. No wonder the man walked around with cancer and still grinned like a damned fool.

This, seeing her, made me feel invincible.

Sliding my way past a few people in line, I caught up with Leah and Connor, who were talking about their favorite movies.

"I like Iron Man," he said.

"Which one?" Leah asked.

"All of them. Iron Man is way cool."

"And way hot," she shot back.

"Say what?" I asked, raising my brow.

"But not as hot as you," she amended, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Better." I slapped her on the ass as we moved up in line, causing her to yelp.

Connor looked back with a confused expression, but he just gave a shy smile.

"What's your favorite movie?" Connor asked me as we came to another stop.

It was the longest line ever. Thank God we'd gotten here early. I'd suggested skipping the concession stand altogether when we arrived, but Leah had given me the death stare, stating she would not enter the movie without Milk Duds, so we waited.

"Hmmm...that's a hard one. Someone just introduced me to The Princess Bride," I said, giving Leah a wolfish grin. "But I'd have to say Casablanca."

"What's that?" Connor asked at the same time Leah nearly shouted, "Liar!"

"What do you mean, liar?" I asked her.

"Casablanca cannot possibly be your favorite movie. That is just what you tell people to make yourself sound artsy and smart. Come on, Hotshot, what is it? It's got to be embarrassing —otherwise, you wouldn't have pulled the Casablanca card."

I seriously hated this woman sometimes. She could call me on my bullshit in two seconds flat. Casablanca was absolutely a lie. I appreciated it from a directing and film perspective, but movie favorites were not based on that. They were based on emotions and what moved someone. What made that person keep coming back time to that specific movie? It was something special.

J.L. Berg's Books