Never Been Ready (Ready #2)(12)

"God, I forgot how sweet you taste," he said against my flesh.

In those minutes, I thought I fell in love with Declan's tongue. It was a work of art and should receive medals or trophies. If there were an award for the best tongue action, Declan would win, hands down.

I weaved my fingers through his dark locks as his thumb found my clit. The two sensations together sent me over the edge, making me free fall into bliss. My body shook from the force of my orgasm, and I silently thanked Declan's massive shoulders for holding me upright. He let my legs return to the floor, and slowly, he rose, licking his lips with the same tongue he'd just used to f**k me senseless.

Without a word, he began to give me a striptease of his own as he lifted his white T-shirt in one graceful, fluid move. My memories of his body hadn't done him justice, and the few films he'd done were strictly shirt-on type movies. Those directors were seriously stupid. They could make a shit-ton of money just by having Declan parade around shirtless for a few minutes. Women would line up for days to see that movie.

His broad tanned shoulders gave way to a torso made for stroking, petting, and licking. Along with his six-pack abs, he had a perfect V that pointed to all things dirty —things my mind and body couldn't wait to do again. As if he heard my naughty thoughts out loud, Declan smirked while his hands headed for his belt buckle. My libido cheered him on, begging his hands to work faster. He grabbed a condom from his back pocket, and then his faded jeans dropped to the floor, leaving him standing before me in a pair of black boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination. He was hard, massive, and so ready for me under the thin barrier of fabric. As his hand went to the waistband of his boxers, I pushed off the door, stopping him.

"No, let me," I said boldly, needing to put my hands on him immediately.

He stilled, gave me the condom, and allowed me to take over. The instant my fingers touched the hot skin of his abdomen, he hissed in pleasure. His eyes flared an intense green as my hands wrapped around his back and slipped into his boxers to grab his tight ass. After giving it a firm squeeze, I pulled the boxers down his legs, dropped myself to the floor, and leaned back onto the balls of my feet. Ripping the wrapper of the condom apart with my teeth, I slowly slid it down the long length of his shaft.

Seeing me in this position must have been the last straw for Declan. Before I even had a chance to admire the view from below, I was hauled up, slammed against the wall, and devoured by his mouth. Our tongues tangled and moved together, and his hand fisted in my hair like he was punishing me for some unspoken act. I felt the same because no man should be this consuming or make me feel this unglued. Men were fun but on my terms. Declan had a way of turning me inside out, twisting me in knots, and just when I thought I had recovered, he'd do it all over again.

As we feverishly kissed, he reached a hand down my body until he found my center, and then he slid his fingers into my wet core.

"God, you're so wet," he said against my mouth, "so ready."

He removed his finger, lifted me up higher on the door, and then brought me down onto his rock-hard shaft. I cried out at the sudden invasion, but he gave no mercy as he pulled out and slammed back in again. The door shook and vibrated as he f**ked me, and I gladly took all of it, letting out my cries of pleasure, completely uncaring what people passing by might think.

"That's it, Leah. Let those boys downstairs hear how much I like to please my girlfriend. Let them know whose name you scream out when you come."

"Oh God, yes!" I cried as he continued to thrust and fill me completely.

"No, wrong name...although I have been called him a time or two. Try again, Leah," he taunted.

His fingers found my sweet spot, and he began to rub my clit as he pounded me against the wall with his powerful strokes. I could feel my muscles beginning to tighten and clench, and I knew I was close as my stomach began to flutter.

Just when I thought I would pass out, I screamed, "Declan!"

I came undone, fisting his c**k like a vice, which sent him over the edge and he joined me with a deep guttural moan.

Out of breath and completely sated, I sagged against the support of his body as his hand braced us against the door. I didn't think I'd ever been this tired from sex before, and I'd had sex with Declan before, so that was saying something.

As I lay against Declan's hard shoulder, I felt him beginning to harden again inside me. I lifted my head and met his eyes in surprise. His smug smile said it all.

"What? Did you think you were done? Silly girl." He laughed.

That man was like the Energizer Bunny. He kept me going all night long, never stopping longer than to change the condom and grab a glass of water. He was an unstoppable force.

God bless Declan James.

Chapter Four


"Against the wall?" Clare squeaked as we sat on her bed, folding laundry on a chilly Tuesday afternoon.

We'd met for yoga, had lunch at one of our favorite little spots in town, and now, we were spending some quality time with her socks and underwear. I was an awesome best friend.

"Yep, and then he bent me over the desk and took me in the shower. Hell, we even did it on the floor before we made it to the actual bed."

"Wow, didn't your, um...girlie bits hurt after all that?" she asked.

I burst out laughing. I loved Clare. She and I were the perfect combo. I said whatever the f**k came to mind without a care for the consequences while Clare turned the color of a tomato and said things like girlie bits because she was too afraid to say pu**y out loud.

J.L. Berg's Books