Abby thought about that for a second. “Why don’t you girls just focus on looking at dresses first and I’ll call Becky’s mom in the morning and ask what she has planned.”
Skylar became quiet then and nodded. “You’re right. That’s really nice of you to think of Becky’s mom.”
At the word, mom, a cloud of sadness hovered over Skylar’s face.
Abby sat down next to her. “Hey, you know you can always talk to me about your mother, right? I know you must miss her.”
“You don’t mind? I mean, I’d get it if you didn’t want me to bring her up anymore since you’re dating my dad now.”
“Don’t be silly. Your mother was a great friend of mine and honestly one of the coolest women I’ve ever known. You remind me of her a ton you know.”
“You think? I don’t remember a whole lot, but I did think she was super pretty. Dad made sure to take tons of photos and videos of her so I’d have lots of memories of her.”
Yeah, that sounded like Brian.
“My favorite ones of her are from their wedding day.”
Abby nodded wistfully. “I love those too. Especially since there was a little angel dressed in the cutest peach dress right there with them.”
Skylar beamed. “Some of my friends think it’s weird that my parents got married after I was born but I don’t. I think it’s cool that dad didn’t want to have a quickie ceremony just to make it look like they had me after the wedding.”
“Your dad was pretty adamant about that. He didn’t want any wedding planning to get in the way of their learning to be great parents for you. So, they waited until after your first birthday to plan the ceremony. And your dad made sure it was your mom’s dream wedding.”
“See, I think that’s so romantic. Who cares if I was born before or after? The ceremony should be about the bride and groom, not the baby.”
“Well in this case, your dad made sure it was about all three of you.”
Abby remembered all the planning, how hard he’d worked to make Beth and Skylar’s day special. God, he really was such a good man.
The quick flash of car headlights coming up the driveway—and Skylar’s squealing—signaled the arrival of the man himself. “He’s here! He’s here! I’ll go get the door.”
While Abby had never been to a prom as a teen, she imagined this fluttering in her stomach and the humming excitement in her veins was exactly how she would have felt on her actual prom night. Then, when she saw Brian walk in dressed to the nines in his suit, she amended her thought—there was no possible prom date she could’ve ever had in high school that would ever compare to this one.
Not just because he was standing there looking drop dead gorgeous in a suit with an orchid wrist corsage picked just for her. But because he was wearing a smile that made her think of the one she’d seen on his face the first day she’d met him. The one that had convinced her that day that his heart was taken.
The smile he wore now was older, wiser, and yet just as filled with unmitigated love.
For her.
The sound of gleeful clapping from the foyer had Brian’s eyes crinkling at the corners and shifting over to his daughter. His expression changed then, softened into that affectionate dad-smile of his that served to suck up every last bit of air Abby had on reserve.
“You’re right, kiddo,” he said quietly as he came over to slip the corsage on her wrist. “She’s stunning.”
Abby practically melted into a puddle.
“OMG, you guys look so great together! Don’t move, I’m going to go get the camera!” And with that, Skylar scampered off to go search through her overnight bags.
“Abby.” It came out a near-reverent sigh. Her eyelids drifted shut as Brian lightly brushed his lips against hers. “You look beautiful.”
BEAUTIFUL SEEMED FAR TOO INSUFFICIENT a word but Brian was having difficulty thinking, let alone speaking. Not just because Abby was in a gorgeous dress that fit her like a glove. But because she was looking at him as if he were the only man she wanted in the room with her.
“Batman in a tux.” He heard her murmur quietly, blinking as if surprised at hearing her own words voiced out loud.
Quintessential Abby—her thoughts were always so unique, just like she was. “That’s high praise, sweetheart. But don’t you mean Bruce Wayne?”
Biting her lip, she took in an unsteady breath and shook her head slowly. “No. Definitely Batman in a tux,” she repeated softly, her throaty voice as sexy as he’d ever heard it. “I’ve always had a thing for Batman.”
Well, damn. His slid his arms around her and tugged her close, only to be interrupted by a very loud throat-clearing from behind him.
“Geez, keep it PG-13 will ya?” Skylar tsked as she poised the camera for a shot. “Am I going to have to sit you two down for a no-hanky-panky on prom night talk?”
Abby buried her face against his chest and giggled.
Brian shot his daughter a look. “I’m going to remember this very moment on your prom night in a few years, I hope you know.”
Skylar lowered the camera, jaw dropped in panic.
Abby dug her elbow into his side. “No he won’t, Skylar. I’ll tackle him if he tries.”
Violet Duke's Books
- Violet Duke
- Resisting the Bad Boy - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 1 (Can't Resist #1)
- Love, Tussles, and Takedowns (Cactus Creek #3)
- Love, Exes, and Ohs (Cactus Creek #4)
- Love, Diamonds, and Spades (Cactus Creek #2)
- Love, Chocolate, and Beer (Cactus Creek #1)
- Falling for the Good Guy (Can't Resist #2)
- Choosing the Right Man - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 3 (Can't Resist #3)
- A Little Combustible Chemistry (Cactus Creek 0.5)