She shuddered at the horrid memories.
He peered into her eyes, concern etched in his features. “One day, I hope you tell me what happened with that jerk, sweetie. It breaks my heart to see all that pain in your eyes whenever you think about it.”
Abby leaned her head against his chest. She didn’t see that ever happening. Mainly because sex discussions of any variety was out of the scope of their friendship. At least that’s the reason she’d given herself for keeping that particular aspect of her past from him. Now, she wondered if a part of her had deliberately kept it from him to avoid tainting the image of the nice girl he saw before him today.
Second fiddle to the nice girl that Beth had always been.
“But getting back to our original discussion.”
Abby glanced up and saw Brian give her his made-for-TV smile, coaxing a smile out of her as well. “My version of high school dating is old school. We’ll go to a fast food joint for dinner and I’ll take you to the movies. I’ll say I’m trying to reach for some popcorn and you’ll smack my hand when I get too friendly. And the farthest we’ll go is a little over-the-clothes action, I swear.” The innocuous way he explained it all was completely neutralized by the loaded wink he finished with.
He really was just too cute sometimes.
“It’ll be perfect for us, Abby. Since you’ve never had a real high school romance, you can have your first with me. Who better than your best friend?”
That did sound pretty perfect. She chewed on her lower lip in debate, and gasped when she felt his tongue smooth over the marks left behind by her teeth.
He held up his hands innocently. “Totally allowed per the high school dating rule book.”
She extinguished the burgeoning giggle in her belly. Lordy, if she didn’t give in now, he’d never quit. In fact, she knew with every certainty that he’d just get worse. “Okay,” she agreed, finally. “Let’s try the casual high school dating thing.”
A faint peal of delight sounded from the guestroom with a hushed, “Yes!”
Abby could almost see the dancing fistpump that probably accompanied it—Skylar’s trademark endzone celebration.
Brian shook his head and called out, “Did we talk loud enough, you nosy little eavesdropper?”
Pause. Then, “Yep, thanks guys!”
Always the comedian.
“‘Kay, now I’m taking a nap for real this time,” continued Skylar from behind the closed door, “Save some California rolls for me! And thanks for giving dad a chance, Abby! He really needed it.”
Mock-offended, Brian clutched two hands over his heart, miming a fatal blow.
Abby chuckled. She really did love that little girl…and her father.
He’d been so focused on getting Abby to agree to date him that he hadn’t thought at all about what to do after she finally agreed. Unfortunately, so far, all his dating ideas were pretty lame.
“Skylar’s right. I really don’t have any game,” he muttered.
“Hey, dad.”
He glanced up. “Hey kiddo, how was your nap?”
“Good. I don’t know why I’m so tired today.”
He put his palm to her forehead. “No fever. Maybe you just need some R&R. You want to stay home with your old man this afternoon instead of going to the mall with Becky? We can catch up on some DVDs.”
“No, I’ll be okay.” She smothered a yawn. “I already promised Becky.” Looking around, she asked with a frown, “Hey, where’s Abby?”
“She had to run up to the main house to ask her landlords something.” He pulled up a stool. “I saved you almost all the California rolls. You feel like eating or you want to lie down a bit more until Becky’s sister comes to get you?”
“I’m going to lie down. Can I use the iPad?”
“Sure.” He ruffled her hair. “I’ll call you when they get here.”
“Thanks, dad.”
Skylar shuffled back to the guestroom and Brian turned to discover Abby over at the backdoor watching him with a smile.
“What’re you grinning at?” he asked as she walked past him to head to the bedroom.
“I was just thinking Skylar might be wrong about you not having any game. Big burly man being a gentle giant with his little princess? Always sexy.”
He snagged her by the waist and planted her on his lap. “You can’t say something like that and not give me a kiss.”
“Is this another rule in the casual high school dating handbook?”
“Yep.” He pointed to his cheek expectantly.
She leaned in and he turned just in time to intercept the kiss with his lips.
“Stop stealing kisses,” she laughed.
“It’s not stealing. Those are your dues owed me as Charter president of the throwback high school dating club.”
“Really? President, huh? So that would make me?”
He arched a wicked eyebrow. “A newbie pledge. Now, there may be few ‘initiations’ you’ll have to—mmpff—” The California roll Abby shoved in his mouth effectively shut him up, but it did nothing to cool him down when he saw the effect his teasing was having on her breathing.
The loud horn honk from the driveway stopped him from exploring it further.
Violet Duke's Books
- Violet Duke
- Resisting the Bad Boy - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 1 (Can't Resist #1)
- Love, Tussles, and Takedowns (Cactus Creek #3)
- Love, Exes, and Ohs (Cactus Creek #4)
- Love, Diamonds, and Spades (Cactus Creek #2)
- Love, Chocolate, and Beer (Cactus Creek #1)
- Falling for the Good Guy (Can't Resist #2)
- Choosing the Right Man - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 3 (Can't Resist #3)
- A Little Combustible Chemistry (Cactus Creek 0.5)