“You’re just begging for me to head to ASU and show your students the picture of the practical joke I played on you to get you back,” threatened Brian with a completely evil arch to his brow.
Abby gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!” Didn’t she erase that picture from his phone?
“I backed up a copy,” he informed her.
Great, that meant there was still a photo out there with her having electric blue teeth from the food dye he’d laced onto the bristles of her toothbrush. Since she’d been running late for her date that evening, she’d brushed her teeth while getting dressed and completely failed to notice her alien teeth. Her date sure noticed, however...when she flashed him a huge nice-to-meet-you smile.
Worst. Blind date. Ever. She glared at Brian over the reminder.
Brian was struggling to keep a straight face. “To be fair, I didn’t know you were going on a date. I really was sorry about that one, honey.”
“Yeah, you sounded positively torn up about it that night.” Abby smothered a smile. Looking back, it was pretty darn funny…now. She’d been less than amused then, mostly because her date ended up canceling before they even got off her front step, which was how Abby ended up driving straight over to Brian’s and tackling him at the door. And somehow in the scramble, he’d managed to snap a photo of her and turn it into her caller id photo on his phone.
The ass.
“I was sorry for embarrassing you; but I wasn’t sorry for ruining your date—the guy was a tool.”
A major tool. “You think that about all the guys I’ve dated.”
He slid his thumb along her jawline. “That’s because none of them have ever been good enough for you.”
Holy swizzle sticks. There were those butterflies again.
True to his word, for the rest of the night, Brian gave her a genuine prom experience, complete with prom photos and everything. And wouldn’t you know, there really were a few token girls crying in the bathroom stalls at the end of the night—guess Hollywood got that one right. Luckily, she was able to help one of the girls stop crying by sewing up a huge rip she had in the seat of her dress using the teeny sewing kit she kept tucked in her wallet. After a huge, grateful hug, the girl was all smiles by the time everyone was leaving the prom and heading to their after-parties.
Entering the now empty lobby outside of the ballroom, Abby felt the wind get knocked out of her yet again when she caught sight of Brian lighting up the instant he saw her.
It never got old.
“Unfortunately, with my chaperoning duties, there is one thing we didn’t get to do to complete your full prom experience,” said Brian, hand held out for her to take. “Dance with me?”
“Out here?” She laughed even as she took his hand. Heck, she’d dance with him out in the parking lot if he wanted. He held her close and they slow-danced in place in the middle of the lobby. Even without a dance floor, without music, and all the hotel workers bustling around cleaning out the ballroom, it was still the perfect dance.
“So now that your prom is over, am I dropping you off at home with a chaste goodnight kiss on your doorstep, or are you going to invite me in?” His words caressed her neck, and did a number on her insides.
She shivered as his lips traced the curves of her ear and seriously considered what he was asking. No more holding back. “How about we start with an unchaste kiss on my doorstep and see where that takes us?”
His arms tightened around her like a vise. “What happened to making sure I behaved?”
She loved how he made her feel like the most tempting woman in the world. “I said I was going to make sure you behaved. I made no such guarantee about myself.”
Brian abruptly ended their dance and practically ran them both to the valet. She was laughing and out of breath by the time he lifted her into the passenger seat of his SUV. “Buckle up, I have a feeling we’re going to get back to your house in record time.”
As the streets passed by in a blur, Abby reflected again on just what it was they were speeding toward. Could she really do it? This was Brian. What if all their crazy chemistry didn’t actually translate to the bedroom? It would be worse than awkward. And they’d never be able to go back. Things would never be the same between them. Their friendship would be damaged completely—
“Don’t worry so much.”
Abby yanked her gaze up to meet Brian’s. As always, with just a look, he could see what she was thinking, with a touch, he managed to ground her back to earth. No one else had ever had that power over her.
Was she really ready to wager all that?
BRIAN OPENED THE CAR DOOR for Abby and walked her to her front porch. “You’re obviously still unsure about this, sweetie.” Though every male cell in his body was calling him seven kinds of crazy, he added, “So why don’t we just go in the living room and watch a movie or something?”
She studied him for a few long seconds before shaking her head softly, “I’m not unsure. Not really. I do want to spend the night with you, Brian. I just…want to go slow.”
He rested his forehead against hers and took in a jagged breath. Even the prospect of going slow with Abby had him revved up and ready to go. “Slow. We can do slow.” Pressing his lips to hers, he guided her through the front door and over to the couch, kissing her gently, almost chastely along the way.
Violet Duke's Books
- Violet Duke
- Resisting the Bad Boy - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 1 (Can't Resist #1)
- Love, Tussles, and Takedowns (Cactus Creek #3)
- Love, Exes, and Ohs (Cactus Creek #4)
- Love, Diamonds, and Spades (Cactus Creek #2)
- Love, Chocolate, and Beer (Cactus Creek #1)
- Falling for the Good Guy (Can't Resist #2)
- Choosing the Right Man - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 3 (Can't Resist #3)
- A Little Combustible Chemistry (Cactus Creek 0.5)