--Victoria (aka the standin best woman and mistress of honor)

Despite the weight of what the note was asking of him, Brian found himself chuckling. He was well aware that Victoria had appointed herself as both best man to Connor and maid of honor to Abby months ago—for the sole purpose of throwing both the bachelor and bachelorette parties, it’d seemed—back when it had been too early, too raw for Brian and Skylar to take on the roles.

But it appeared she’d had an ulterior motive all along.

Who would’ve thought?

Seeing an added note at the bottom of the page in a different handwriting, he chuckled again.

P.S. Brian, this is your mother. I did not spend an evening getting lost in the abyss that is your closet and the black hole that is my granddaughter’s closet (I see where she gets it) for nothing. The tuxedo and dress should fit you two perfectly so no excuses. I’ll see you in a few hours.

Wow, for a woman without any years of practice, she did the motherly guilt bit just fine.

“I thought my closet looked cleaner!” exclaimed Skylar, peeking at the note over his shoulder. “Remember? It was one of the nights you had a game and Grandma really wanted to come over and make dinner.” She cringed at the memory.

Ah yes, the burnt casserole night. The smell of smoky asparagus had hung on the walls for two days. “Yes, it appears your grandmother has crossed over to the dark side and joined forces with your uncle’s friend on this one.” He studied his daughter carefully. “So what do you think, munchkin? It’s your call. You and I are a team, always will be, so whatever you decide will be my decision too.”

Skylar took a deep breath and pivoted, walking slowly back to her room. “I need a little time to think about it.”

Brian called out gently, “Just remember, make this decision for you. And maybe for your uncle and soon-to-be aunt. But not for me, you hear?”

Nodding, she swiped a photo from the hallway bookshelf and disappeared behind her bedroom door.

ABBY LOOKED OUT across the rows of people seated on the sand. She’d only been working as a research associate for a few months now but she absolutely loved it, and she’d made fast friends with two similar specialists who were in attendance at the wedding today. She scanned every last seat, smiling briefly at the few faces who were turned her way. Then she searched the rest of the beach as well, but she couldn’t find them.

The two faces she’d been looking for all morning.

Willing herself not to cry before the ceremony even started, she took in a deep breath and hooked her arm around her father’s as they waited for the processional music to start.

He patted her hand gently. “Maybe they had some car trouble, honey.”

Chuckling, she leaned her head on his shoulder, wishing it were that simple.

“It’s okay. I’m going to wear them down eventua—” Abby’s words stuttered in her chest, directly over her heart as she saw Connor step up to his spot in front of the minister. He turned to her and lit up the whole beach with his smile.

Every last person in the audience instantly turned in their chairs, not needing the pre-recording of Canon in D to signal her arrival.

Because Connor’s look said it all.

As the crowd stood and the music started, Abby couldn’t remember the aisle being quite so long, the beat of the music being quite so drawn out.

“Slow down, pumpkin,” chuckled her father and she flushed, realizing she was walking nearly a step in front of him.

She looked up and saw Connor grinning at her as well, pleased as sin.

So she slowed down.

Just to show him she could. Sort of.

And that made him grin even wider.

It felt like a lifetime had passed before she was finally within arm’s reach of her husband-to-be...and that’s when Victoria stepped between them.

“Wait, stop the wedding.”

Abby felt her jaw go slack, her shock mirrored in Connor’s face.

Victoria looked at them both and rolled her eyes. “Not for me.” She nodded over toward the parking lot. “Your real wedding party just arrived.”

Abby spun around and saw Brian and Skylar running across the sand, Skylar waving her arms like she was trying to land a plane and Brian following close behind trying not to swallow any of the sand she was kicking up in her spastic running.

Tossing all wedding etiquette out the window, Abby and her groom ran down the aisle to meet their best man and maid of honor halfway.

“Sorry we’re late,” apologized Brian sheepishly. “Car trouble.”

“And guess what, Abby? Your SUV was the one that got us here!” squealed Skylar, jingling their set of her spare keys triumphantly.

Half the crowd laughed out loud at that.

Abby’s half, of course.

“Dad drove like a speed demon the whole way here. It was awesome!”

Yes, that would impress a middle schooler.

And a very emotional bride.

“You did?” Abby asked, feeling her heart melt. Brian never did anything so reckless.

“I couldn’t miss being in my best friend’s wedding.” He glanced over at Connor with a grin. “Oh right, or my brother’s.”

Connor chortled and they exchanged one of those super emotional double-thump guy hugs. “Glad you could make it, man. It wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

Violet Duke's Books