Shards of pain burst through her.

“We won’t know for sure for a while. And there are still a lot of variations to how they may present, but if Skylar does have JHD, we’ll do everything we can to help her. Give her the best possible life.”

The best possible life for Skylar.

Pulling herself up out of his lap numbly, she stood, a decision forming in her heart. “Can you show me the orchid house?”

Brian blinked, startled.

“Skylar told me about it. Could I see it?”

Brian held out his hand and led her out to the backyard. “There’s some broken glass out there so be careful.”

Abby felt like she’d entered the magical fairy kingdom she’d had as a child. Only this one was bigger, brighter, and infinitely more special.

“Brian, it’s beautiful.” Redwood slats and richly colored orchids filled her field of vision. She looked back at him. “I can’t believe you built all this for me.” She stepped into the gazebo and saw the broken beer bottle shards and took in the sharp scent of hops. Oh, Brian. You’re wrong. This is all my fault. In her mind, she could only imagine what Skylar had seen last night.

“Come out of there, Abby. Let me clean it out first. I don’t want you to see it like this.”

Abby took his hand and followed him as he navigated her around the puddles of broken glass littered around the yard.

There were so many.

Once back inside, Abby took in a deep breath and tried to pull herself together. Already her brain was planning out the next decade of her life. “Let me know when Skylar starts therapy. I’m not sure what my schedule is going to be but I’ll take her as much as I can.” She dragged in a stuttered breath. “I haven’t read up a whole lot about the genetic testing process but I will. And I’ll start looking into specialty tutoring as well because I know that’s going to become an issue soon. When we—”

Brian’s hands closed around hers. “No, sweetheart. Not we. Me. You need to go to California and take one of those professor positions. You can’t stay here just for us. Especially not now.”

“What do you mean ‘especially not now?’ I’m not going anywhere. End of discussion.”

A hard light entered his eyes. “So you’ve made your decision then is that it? Can you stand there and tell me that you want to spend the rest of your life with me?”

That was easy. “Yes.”

He flinched as if he’d been struck.

“Then can you also look me in the eye and tell me that you’re in love with me and not Connor?”

This time, it was Abby who flinched.

He let out a quiet, pained sigh. “Abby, I love you so much. And a part of me wants to let you do this. Because I meant what I said—I’ve dreamed up a lifetime of ways to love you, a lifetime of ways to make you happy.” He cupped her cheek gently. “But I know you, sweetie. Even though you’ll make the best of it, deep down, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t allow yourself to be with the one you really want.” Another sigh, but this one more resigned, resolute. But no less sad. “We both know that man isn’t me. You and I have a deep history together but Connor...he’s your future.”

That sounded like goodbye. “Brian, I don’t want to lose you,” she whispered, feeling everything she’s known for more than a third of her life seemingly dissolving right in front of her.

“Honey, you won’t ever lose me. I promise you that. Skylar and I, we will always be a part of your life, just like you’ll always be a part of ours.”

She looked back out into the backyard, at the orchid gazebo this wonderful man had built for her. To build a life with her. “But what if I stay?”

Brian shook his head softly. “Then you’d be settling for being my wife. Just so you could be Skylar’s mom.”

Her gaze shot back over to meet his. “Being with you would never be settling,” she argued firmly. “I love you, Brian.” But even as she said the words, she knew she could never love him the way that she loved Connor, and she knew also that what he’d said was the absolute truth—there weren’t many lengths she wouldn’t go to for Skylar. Was he right about all this? Was that why her heart and mind couldn’t agree on a decision?

“Connor told me about your son, Abby.”

A red hot blade of betrayal sliced her open in two. “He had no right—”

“Sweetheart, we’ve been best friends for over thirteen years. While I’d hoped it wasn’t the case, I’ve always suspected. I’ve heard your nightmares. And I’ve seen the way you clutch your womb without even realizing it...especially in the month of May.” He slid his hand over hers now and she looked down to see that she was doing it right now. “Tonight, while you were searching for Skylar, you kept saying over and over again to yourself that you couldn’t lose another one, that you wouldn’t survive if you lost another one.”

She didn’t remember any of that. But it was the cold, honest truth. The thought of losing Skylar in any way...terrified her.

“Abby?” a small voice called out from behind them.

They both spun around and saw Skylar, stricken, staring at Abby as if she’d never seen her before in her life.

“Sky-bug, you should be in bed. You’ve had a long night.”

Violet Duke's Books