Ten Months Later

“YOU ABOUT READY, Sky-bug? If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late for the ceremony.”

The faint, dull stab Brian felt in his gut when he said the word no longer wrenched at his insides as it had when he’d first learned that Abby and Connor were engaged.

But it still hurt.

Falling out of love always does, he imagined.

Skylar shuffled out of her bedroom looking equally torn about the day ahead. “How long is the drive up to Lake Powell?”

“About five hours. So you can bring your video games but you’re leaving it in the car when we get there, you hear me? This is a big day for Connor and Abby.”

A faint smile tilted her lips just a bit at the mention of Abby’s name, before a cloud of sadness passed over her expression again. “She’s never going to sleep over here again is she?” It was more a resigned statement than a question.

He hugged her close. “No, probably not, sweetie. But I’m sure you’re more than welcome to have a sleepover at your uncle’s McMansion. You’d have your pick of rooms.”

She sighed. “It wouldn’t be the same.”

No, it wouldn’t.

She gave him a look about ten years too old for her face. “Besides, part of the fun was watching Abby bash you in the face with pillows in the morning.” With a resolute shake of her head, she gathered her things and headed to the closet to get a jacket. “So if you’re not going to sleep over, neither am I.”

The kid was just too lovable for words some times.

“Why don’t we play it by ear then? I’m sure Connor wouldn’t mind if I crashed on his couch every once in a while. So maybe you could keep Abby company while your uncle and I watch a game or something. I wouldn’t want Abby to feel like the third wheel after all.”

Though she wasn’t facing him, he could hear the glimmer of joy in her voice even as she shrugged, “Sure, I mean, if you’re already going to be there and stuff.”

A bolt of guilt hit him then when he realized how long it’d been since they’d really spent time with Abby. With Abby’s new job and Skylar’s therapy, not to mention the wedding planning, they’d hardly seen each other the past few months. But he wondered now if it was more than that.

“Hon, I know we haven’t really talked about it much but I really am okay with how everything ended up. I’m happy for them, truly. Abby and I are fine. You shouldn’t feel like you can’t hang out with her or—”

“I know dad,” she interrupted quietly. “I’m happy for her too. Really. But I can’t help it that I’m still a little sad. So that’s why I’ve been avoiding her. Because I know she’ll be able to tell and I don’t want her to feel bad. Especially not before her big day.”

He exhaled heavily. “You are one amazing kid, you know that?” He wrapped her up in a big hug. “You know what I think? I think after we see them exchange vows, we’ll have the closure we’re both needing. And we’ll be able to let go of that tiny bit of sadness we can’t seem to shake.”

She looked up at him with an adorable middle school furrow. “What do you mean by closure?”

“It’s a chance for our hearts to say a proper goodbye.” He closed his eyes on the hollow ache in his heart. “Before we move on.”

She nodded solemnly. “Closure,” she agreed softly.

A sharp knocking at the door had him checking the time. Who would be coming by this early in the morning?

“Delivery!” called out a bright young voice from the porch.

Brian opened the door and immediately had two garment bags plopped into his arms. “Mr. Sullivan, these are for you. I just need your signature here.” A digital pen and tablet were thrust in his face by a very determined looking high school kid.

“I think there’s been some sort of misunderstanding—”

“My instructions were very clear, sir. I was told to make sure you didn’t refuse the delivery and to tell you to open it ASAP. Now if I could just get that signature…”

First his students and now the delivery boy. This next generation of business sharks in training scared him a bit at times. He quickly signed for the delivery and brought the bags into the house.

“What are those?” asked Skylar curiously.

“No idea.” He unzipped the smaller one first, and uncovered a shimmery, lilac covered dress. Pulling it out, he grinned when Skylar began gushing over it. “I think this is for you, cutie.”

“Open the other one, too! I bet that one’s for you.” Skylar grabbed the dress and held it up to the light, swishing the shimmering fabric to and fro. “It’s so pretty! Who do you think sent it?”

He unzipped the other garment bag and sure enough, saw a tuxedo in there awaiting him, along with a note.


If you’re not up there with Abby and Connor during the ceremony, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. Plus, c’mon let’s face it, there’s a good chance I’ll mess things up and lose the rings or something before the vows if you don’t take over. And God knows lilac isn’t my color—clearly, Abby was thinking about someone else when she picked the maid of honor dress. Which is why I special ordered a second one in a smaller size just in case. Frankly, I’m tired of doing your jobs for you two so get dressed and get your asses down here!

Violet Duke's Books