Jagged (Colorado Mountain #5)(67)
Oh God, that felt good.
My head fell back and I moaned.
“Fuck me, so goddamned hot,” he growled, pressing his groin into my back so I could feel just how hard he was.
“Okay, now I really need your cock,” I pleaded.
“Hang tight, Zara,” he returned.
“Honey,” I implored as he kept torturing my nipple magnificently.
I could hear my vibrator going. I could feel his hard c**k pressed against me and both were driving me mad.
I could take no more.
He positioned under me. I got the toy back just as his c**k rammed up inside me. My head flew back, and my hands automatically went to where his were on me and I came, so primed by our play, the orgasm burned through me and I again cried out his name.
His hand at my breast went between my shoulder blades and he pushed gently as he ordered, “Down. I want that sweet ass.”
I didn’t hesitate. Even though it meant losing my toy, I went face to the bed and gave him my ass.
He turned off the toy, tossed it aside, and his fingertips glided over my ass as he pounded deep.
“Fuck, baby, love this ass.”
“Take it,” I gasped, rearing into his thrusts.
“Fuck,” he grunted, slamming into me. He clamped one hand on my hip, yanking me back, the other hand flattened on my ass, the pad of his thumb pressing against the sensitive spot exposed for him.
“Yes,” I breathed, jerking up to my hands, my thighs quivering. I slid my fingers between my legs and rubbed my clit.
Ham pressed the tip of his thumb inside me.
My head shot back and I cried out again as orgasm two seared through me.
“Fuck, my girl takes anything I got to give,” he growled, still ramming hard and deep.
“Yes,” I panted, still coming, still rearing back into him, wild, beautiful. “Ham, baby, I’m coming apart.”
“I got you, Zara,” he grunted.
I lost his thumb as his hand clamped on my other hip. He jerked me back, kept me there, and ground into me as he groaned.
I knew he was coming down, or close to it, when his fingers in my flesh relaxed and he started moving in and out slowly.
I dropped my torso back down, cheek to the mattress, and let him f**k me tender after f**king me hard.
Finally, he pulled out but I didn’t lose him. His fingertips roamed my back and ass as the bed moved. Then I felt his lips at my ass, gliding, soft, one of his fingers slid along the cleft and down before it slid through the wetness between my legs and up inside me, filling me.
I made a contented mew and closed my eyes as he kept f**king me tender, this time with his finger, and I thrilled at it before he slid his finger out, gently glided it over my clit, sweet, light, but my h*ps still moved with the thrill of it and I made another low noise in my throat.
He kissed the curve of my ass before he muttered, “Relax, baby.”
I fell to my side, curling my legs up to my chest.
Ham exited the bed.
I smiled into the covers.
He seemed gone for only a second before he was back, gathering me in his arms, my back to his front, his legs curling up with mine.
“I hope to f**k you liked that as much as you seemed to ’cause we’re gonna do that again and we’re gonna do it a lot,” he said into the back of my hair.
“For a man who vaults over a bar for me, I’ll do that again and I’ll do it a lot but even if you didn’t vault over a bar for me, I’d still do it again because it was f**kin’ awesome,” I replied.
“Vaults over the bar?” he asked and I twisted my neck to look at him.
“Maybelle and Wanda saw you when you vaulted over the bar to get to me,” I informed him. “Wish I’d witnessed that display of athleticism, darlin’. But how did you vault over a bar?”
“Babe, there’s a reason I do one-arm pushups and a shitload of pull-ups,” was his simple reply.
“I thought it was just so you can be hotter than hot and f**k people up when the occasion arises,” I remarked and watched him grin.
“That, and bein’ able to get over a bar when my cookie needs me,” he returned.
Oh man. I really liked that.
“Well, hopefully your cookie won’t need that kind of physical heroics again, but that said, if you get in the mood, you can give me a demonstration,” I stated.
His mouth was still grinning even as my words reminded him that he’d needed to protect me, so his eyes went thoughtful before he cleared his expression and tightened his arms around me.
“You give me you, na**d on your knees with your hands behind your head, I’ll vault over the bar for you.”
It was my turn to grin at him before I declared my stipulation. “I’m up for that, though no toy. That nearly undid me.”
He pulled back a few inches in order to roll me to him, then he tangled us up, front to front.
Through this, he said, “Payback.”
I felt my brows rise. “Payback for what?”
“Payback for takin’ yourself there with your toy and makin’ me listen.”
That was when I felt my brows knit over narrowed eyes. “I didn’t even know you were in the apartment, so I didn’t make you listen.”
“Still heard you. It did a number on me and you made me wait until I got in there again, so I get to play with you with your toy,” he shot back.