Jagged (Colorado Mountain #5)(62)
She waited for my nod, I gave it to her, and she launched back in.
“And you find you got a long-lost nephew so you and your boss, hot guy, new-old boyfriend decide to sue for custody. You throw down with your Dad at a gravesite and now you’re livin’ the dream but with an impending nasty custody battle hangin’ over your head.” She paused before she asked, “Do I have all that right?”
Suffice it to say, I’d just filled them in on all that had gone down with Ham and Dad.
I looked to Wanda. She was smiling down at her drink so I looked back to Maybelle.
“Yes,” I answered.
Her eyes went to the ceiling.
“Okay, just gonna say,” Wanda began and I looked to her to see her looking at Maybelle. “You need to give him a good once-over ’cause it’s clear you’re not seein’ what I’m seein’. If that man right there”—she jerked her head to the bar, in other words, Ham’s way—“told me he came to town ready to commit and then went gung ho with gettin’ my long-lost nephew away from some serious nasties, I’m not sure I would fight him.”
Maybelle pinned Wanda with a stare and declared, “We need to get you a man.”
“No argument here,” Wanda shot back.
Wanda was Maybelle except white, and without the husband and three daughters. Wanda had two ex-husbands and a son who was so wild, he did her head in.
She was currently giving her son tough love by grounding his ass every three days, which meant he was out getting in trouble even if grounded so he earned more groundings. Thus this was not working.
She was also looking for husband number three and Wanda pretty much had only two things she was looking for in her new man. One, that he had no problem taking a firm hand with a wayward teenage boy. And two, he just had firm hands that he knew how to use.
On that thought, a piercing whistle filled the air, and all heads, including mine, turned toward the bar and I saw Ham taking his fingers out of his mouth only to crook one at me.
“Seriously, I don’t care if feminists hunt me down and burn me at the stake, that man crooked his finger and me, I’d follow him into a bank and rob it at his side,” Wanda muttered.
I smiled at my boots before I gave them a glance and said, “I’ll be back.”
Then I walked to the bar.
Ham met me there and leaned into his forearms toward me.
God, I loved that.
“Did you just whistle for me?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he answered.
“It was loud,” I noted.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
“You gotta teach me how to do that,” I told him.
His eyes dropped to my mouth and he murmured, “Easy.”
“Ham, no fair. Whenever you say that, my ni**les get hard. I gotta work. I don’t need chafing.”
His gaze shot to my br**sts, then to my eyes, and he smiled.
I smiled back before I asked, “You whistled, mein herr?”
His smiling lips twitched before he informed me, “I prefer Bruiser.”
“Bruiser Ham drags me into his bed and shows me an alternate universe I want to move to forever. Mein herr whistles at me to get my ass to the bar,” I explained, then went on. “So, you whistled?”
“Right, cookie,” he said through his still-present smile. “I’m your man but I’m also your boss and you been standin’ at that table fifteen minutes. Don’t mind that but you got empties on other tables, I get a bonus if I sell a shitload of booze, and the women you’re talkin’ to, one threatened me a few weeks back and is givin’ me looks I don’t much like. The other one is givin’ me looks I don’t much like that say she’s thinkin’ of drugging me, taking off my clothes, and tying me to a bed. She isn’t ugly but she’s not my type and, I think you know, I already got a woman.”
I burst out laughing and found Ham still smiling at me when I was done.
“I’m afraid you’re gonna have to win Maybelle over. She’s feelin’ we’re goin’ a bit too fast,” I shared.
“She’ll learn otherwise,” Ham replied.
It was firm and I thought that was sweet.
I carried on.
“And Wanda’s overdue for gettin’ her some. Though, we’d just swung around to the topic of findin’ her a man, and if we manage that, you’re off the hook for the drugging and tying to a bed threat.”
“Good news,” he muttered.
“Do you really get a bonus if you sell a shitload of booze?” I asked.
“Last manager was lackadaisical. If the waitresses don’t work the floor, remindin’ them when their drinks are low, they don’t sell a lot of booze. I up the bar’s take, which I’ve done, keep it there six months, which I’m gonna do, they give me a bonus.”
I felt a smile curve my lips, leaned into him, and stated, “We are so on that.”
He gave me another smile in return and replied, “Then get that sweet ass on it, cookie. And, just sayin’, the way to do that is not leanin’ into me bein’ all cute so I want you to take a break so I can take you to my office and make you moan. It’s gettin’ on the floor and not yammerin’ with your girls.”
I kind of wanted him to take me to his office and make me moan but I was getting the sense Ham wanted me to sell booze now and make me moan later. Further, talking about it would make me want it more so I ignored that and focused on something else.