Highland Warrior (Campbell Trilogy #1)(112)

“He loves you, Caitrina. I know it wasn’t an easy decision.”

She smiled, hearing the concern in her husband’s voice. “I know, but thank you for telling me.” As much as she wished Niall had chosen to return to Ascog, as much as she wanted to hold on to him and protect him, he had to make his own decision. But she also knew what it meant: Niall was an outlaw, lost to her and their clan probably forever. “He will never be able to take his rightful place as chief.”

“Aye. Brian will be the next chief—when he is ready. I will hold Ascog for him until then.”

She didn’t know what to say. “You would do that?” Brian had the makings of a good chief, and under Jamie’s tutelage and guidance, she knew he would grow to be a great one.

He nodded. “It’s rightfully his.”

“And Argyll?”

He grinned. “My cousin doesn’t like to lose land, but in this case he agreed.”

But there was one thing that she still didn’t understand. “Why did you do it, Jamie? Why did you decide to let Niall go?”

He leaned up on his arm so he could look into her eyes. “Justice.”

“And justice would not be served here at Dunoon?”

“Not in this case. The law will not help your brother.”

She lifted an eyebrow, surprised to hear such blasphemy from his lips. “Is not the law the same as justice?”

“I thought it was.”

“But now you don’t?”

He grinned and dropped a soft kiss on her mouth, lingering for a moment before lifting his head. “I think there may be some room for interpretation. A wee lass once accused me of being driven by the past.” By Duncan. “It turns out there might have been an element of truth to her assessment.”

“Oh, really?”

His mouth quirked. “Perhaps a bit.”

Her heart soared, realizing what Jamie had done for her. He’d compromised his duty to help Niall. She knew how he felt about outlaws after his brother’s dishonor—yet he’d helped her brother even though he knew Niall was fighting with the MacGregors.

“What about the MacGregors?”

He shook his head. “You’re as relentless as your brother. No amount of sympathy for their plight will atone for their crimes, but . . .” He paused. “I will do what I can to ensure that they—as any man—are treated fairly.”

A wide smile spread across her face. How could she have ever doubted him? Argyll was fortunate to have a man like Jamie at his side. They both were. And Jamie, she suspected, was an important tempering force to his cousin. If Argyll crossed the line, Jamie would be there to do something about it. Caitrina bit her lip to keep from laughing. And if Jamie forgot, she would be there to remind him.

She’d made her choice and chosen her husband. She could trust him to do what was right for the future of the Highlands. The problems facing them were not easy ones. Jamie walked a precipitous line between the Highland divide, and she loved him for the strong, fair-minded man that he was.

Caitrina laughed, happier at that moment than she’d ever been in her life. All she’d ever wanted was standing right in front of her. Home. Security. Love. She would never forget the past, but she could make a new future. And she was ready to do so.

She looked deep into his eyes. “I love you, Jamie Campbell.”

He placed a tender kiss on her soft lips. “And I love you. Although I never thought to hear those two words together.”


“Love and Campbell.”

She grinned. “Get used to it. You’ll be hearing them forever.”

Monica McCarty's Books