Highland Warrior (Campbell Trilogy #1)(101)
Sometimes words weren’t enough.
“Then show me,” she whispered. “Please.”
She melted against him, her br**sts crushed to his chest, and he groaned. His mouth sank over hers, and passion exploded between them as hot and swift as lightning. It had been too long. There was a desperate, raw urgency to their movements, as if they were both fighting to hold on to something that was in danger of slipping away.
She returned his kiss with equal fervor, opening to take him deep into her mouth. The warm, delicious taste of him drenched her with heat—and hunger. The anguish and anger of a few moments ago slid away as the hard pull of desire drove everything else from her mind.
His hand slid down her back and gently cupped her bottom, lifting her hard against him as he sank deeper and deeper in her mouth. Heat rushed between her legs as she felt the thick steely column wedged against her.
Her legs grew weak, and she clutched his shoulders, sensing the passion straining under her fingertips.
His kiss was wild as his hands possessed her. He cupped her breast, her nipple hardening against the warm pressure of his palm. His tongue plied hers, hard and demanding. She met him stroke for stroke, holding nothing back.
Her breathing came in uneven gasps as her need spiraled out of control. He moaned into her mouth with each hungry thrust of her tongue.
Lifting her leg around his waist, he nudged her more firmly against his erection. God, he felt so good. So hard and full. Heat pooled between her legs. She was throbbing where they touched. The pressure was almost too much to take. She wanted to rub up and down over him until the clawing need subsided.
His mouth slid down her neck, mindful of her bandage, singeing a path of sensation in its heated wake. The wetness of his lips, the warmth of his breath, the flick of his tongue, made her skin prickle and sent a hard shiver running through her. Every nerve ending was set on edge, so that every stroke, every touch, seemed more intense.
And when his tongue slid beneath the edge of her sark, circling the turgid peak of her nipple with moist heat, she thought she might fall apart.
Her head fell back in abandon as he took her nipple more fully in his mouth and sucked while his hand lovingly squeezed her breast. She cried out as a white hot needle of desire shot through her, and she collapsed against him, utterly boneless.
Her legs were swept up under her as he lifted her in his arms, carrying her toward the bed. Clasping her hands behind his neck, she laid her cheek against his plaid as she tried to catch her breath.
Carefully he set her down, and she sank into the pillowy feather mattress. Leaning over, he looked deep into her eyes—his own dark and hazy with unspent passion. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.
How could he ask such a thing? She held his face in her hands and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, lingering at the rich, dark taste of him. “I never want you to doubt how much I love you. I don’t want anything to come between us.”
His lips curved in a smile that reached his eyes. “It won’t, my love.”
Happiness burst over her in a shimmering wave at hearing exactly what she’d wanted to: agreement. I knew he would reconsider.
With nothing left between them, he quickly removed his own clothing and then hers. When they were both naked, she didn’t let him stop to look as he wanted to, but pulled him down on top of her.
Automatically, he tried to roll to the side, but she stopped him. “No. I want to feel you. All of you.” Latent fears had no place in their bed.
He took her chin and dropped a tender kiss on her lips, then his eyes searched her face intently. “You’re sure?”
In answer, she slid her hands over the wide span of his chest, gripped his powerful shoulders, and pulled him down on top of her—skin to skin. The feel of his weight pressing into her was incredible, the pressure exquisite. He was so heavy and hot, her skin flamed where they touched. They melded together in a pool of liquid fire.
He kissed her with a deep groan that tugged in her chest. It was a sound of raw pleasure and deep emotion that called to her in the most primitive way.
His mouth found hers again in a long, languid kiss that seemed to reach down to her toes. His lips were soft and coaxing as his tongue probed the deep recesses of her mouth and throat.
Their bodies slid against each other, the friction rousing her passion to a maelstrom. Her body dampened, deeply aware of his thick, hard erection hot and throbbing against her belly.
Unable to hold back, she clutched his back, his shoulders, the hard flanks of his bu**ocks, wanting him closer. Wanting him inside her.
Jamie wanted nothing more than to slide deep inside her and relieve their restlessness, but he didn’t want to rush. He wanted to savor every moment of their joining.
Whatever qualms he’d had were appeased by her words of understanding. Their love was what was important; nothing else mattered. Her trust warmed him, and he was relieved that she’d recognized the truth before it was too late.
His lips dragged over her mouth, her chin, her neck. His hands caressed the baby soft skin of her br**sts and hips. He loved feeling her under him, raking her hard ni**les against his chest and rubbing her downy mound near the head of his cock.
It was ironic—they’d made love countless times, but never in this most basic position. It seemed the final surrender of trust.
He was deeply conscious of how small and vulnerable she was. As if to dispel that notion, she lifted her hips against his in gentle entreaty. Blood rushed to his already throbbing erection as he circled her damp opening with his heavy head, teasing.