Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(30)

He’s gone. Like he was never here last night. Glancing around, I look for a clue, a hint of something that he really was here, but there’s nothing. Maybe I made it all up. The way we talked, how he kissed me…

False. A dream.

My knees weaken and I settle heavily on the couch before they completely give way. I’ve never been more disappointed in my life. Dipping my head, I bite my lip so hard I’m afraid I might make myself bleed and close my eyes, fighting back the tears.

He’s just…gone.

“I sent him to go pick up coffee and doughnuts,” Evan says from behind me.

I whirl around on a gasp, staring at the guy who just said the best sentence I’ve ever heard. “Why?” I ask, my voice a harsh whisper. Anger and relief war within me and I tell myself to let it go.

At least he’s coming back.

“Because those are your two favorite things. I think he’s become your third favorite thing, not that I approve. I have a feeling the kid is nothing but trouble.” He rounds the couch and sits beside me.

“Evan,” I start to protest but he shuts me off in that way he has. With the pointed glare and firm shake of his head I’ve become so accustomed to.

“I’m serious, Rev. I’ll let you go with him to give that statement to the police. It’s the right thing to do, I get that, but I don’t want you spending too much time with him. You’re too young to get all serious with a guy who’s had zero chances in life. Walk away while you can.”

His words are harsh. He’s asking me to give up on someone I love. How can I do that? “What if I can’t?” I whisper. “What if I don’t want to?”

“You can and you have to,” Evan says firmly. “The minute you’re done giving your statement and cutting that poor guy a break, your butt is coming back here on a Greyhound bus. So you’ll be home by late tonight, you got it? I already gave him cash to pay for your ticket. I’ll pick you up at the bus station, just make sure you text me what time you’re supposed to get there.”

Evan has it all planned out and he didn’t even tell me. When did he talk to Nick about this? Does he know what’s going on? And Evan can’t afford to pay for a stupid bus ticket, not that Nick can afford to drive me back and forth and then back again on his own. “Are you serious? That ticket must’ve cost too much…” I have no idea what a bus ticket costs but it had to have been pricey.

“It was cheap, don’t worry.” He moves from the couch lightning fast so he’s kneeling in front of me, his face in mine, grim determination etched in his features. I stare at Evan, blinking at him, waiting for the speech that I know is coming. He’s become a man in such a short amount of time and he’s doing a bang up job of it. “You need to get in and get out quick. Nick seems all right but he’s had some tough times. The kid never seems to catch a break.”

“I’m trying to be the break he catches,” I murmur, reaching out to grab Evan’s hand and grip it tight. “I want to help him, not hurt him.”

“Then help him with the statement and walk away. If you try and stick with him, this won’t end well and you know it.”

“You can’t predict the future, Evan. You don’t know how it’ll end.”

“How does everything else end for this kid, Rev? Like shit, that’s how,” he practically spits out, sounding angry. “In and out of jail, his mom dies, his ex-girlfriend is freaking murdered.” I start to say something, shocked that he knows all about Nick, but he cuts me off with a stern look. “Yeah, I’ve done my research and he told me a few things. You’ve been dealing with nothing but shit lately and you’re holding on to this guy like he could be your savior. Why, because he’s kissed you a few times and rocked your world?”

I look away, immediately uncomfortable. No way am I answering that. My hot cheeks are probably answer enough.

“And I definitely don’t want to know what you two have done because that’s just disgusting. You’re my sister.” He shakes his head, dismissing that particular subject thankfully, and then he squeezes my hand, forcing me to meet his gaze once more. “I’m trying to protect you, Rev. Stay away from him. I know you think you’re in love with him or whatever but it isn’t going to work between you two. I know it.”

They’re all trying to protect me and it’s so annoying. I sometimes wish they’d leave me alone. And how does he know it’s not going to work with Nick and I? His saying that makes me want to prove him wrong.

“You don’t know for sure,” I tell him. “If I take your advice, we’re doomed before we start.”

“Aren’t you already doomed? Think about it.”

Evan leaves me to take a shower and I do think about it, pacing back and forth in the living room as I chew on my index finger. I think about it too much, Evan’s words racing through my mind, filling me with doubt. Are we already doomed? I don’t doubt my decision to help him with the police because I refuse to let him get caught up in that game again if I can put a stop to it. And I can. I’m his alibi and I won’t let them harass him anymore.

But beyond that…should we continue to see each other? I don’t know much about Nick, and what he’s told me hasn’t been a lot. We haven’t known each other long. He’s so sweet and patient with me. Our summer romance filled my heart with silly, overblown expectations I’m sure. I felt so connected to him, so convinced that we were meant to be together.

Monica Murphy's Books