Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(24)

I didn’t want her to see me like that either.

Protecting her only ended up f**king over my chance with her. I think I may have ruined it.

For good.

Chapter Sixteen

Early November 14th

Evan came home from work earlier than expected, much to my relief. Nick and I had settled back in our respective seats after our discussion got a little heated. Then our conversation turned into me trying my best to dodge his questions about my parents. Despite how close we were, I’m not comfortable talking about what Mom and Dad did with him. I’m not comfortable talking about it with anyone, only Evan. And that’s because he’s the only one who understands how I feel.

Spending time with Nick alone, I can feel my defenses wearing down, minute by minute. Just looking at him is a temptation I find hard to resist. I want to go to him so bad and curl up in his lap, feel his strong arms wrap around me and hold me close. He looks so cute in his jeans and light gray hooded sweatshirt, his hair a little wild from the moisture in the air outside, the golden highlights from the summer sun I loved so much now gone. They must’ve been trimmed off and I silently mourn the loss.

So silly.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Evan asks the minute he walks through the door and spots Nick sitting on the couch. “You brought back the help? Did you tell him we can’t pay as much as Mom and Dad did?” He laughs at his own joke but I ignore him, focusing instead on Nick’s expression, how irritated he looks, but he restrains himself from saying something awful in return.

I’m thankful. The last thing I want is for him and my brother to go at it.

“Seriously, Rev.” Evan stops by the chair I’m sitting in, peering down at me with that protective older brother vibe radiating from his tense body. “What the hell is he doing here?”

“I’ll leave.” Nick leaps to his feet, obviously uncomfortable, and I stand as well, going to him.

“No.” I rest my hand on his shoulder and he glances down at where my fingers rest before he lifts his head to meet my gaze. “Stay here with us tonight.”

“Oh, hell no,” Evan starts but I turn to glare at him, shutting him up.

“I couldn’t…” Nick’s voice fades when I send him the same look.

“He has nowhere else to stay. I’m not going to let him sleep in his truck again and neither are you, Evan.” I pause, letting that information sink in. “He’s going back home tomorrow, right Nick?”

“Yeah.” He pauses and shoves his hands into his front pockets. “Though don’t you have to go back there with me?”

Crap. Why did he have to bring that up now? I did promise Detective Jacoby I would return to the town where I spent so many summers so I could make an official statement in regards to my being with Nick during the night Krista was murdered. But I hadn’t planned on telling Evan about this.

How else were you going to get there? Take a bus? Hitchhike?

My logic isn’t always the best. I never think things through enough. I remember Mom and Dad both telling me this but I always blew them off. Guess they were right.

“You’re not going back there with him. No freaking way,” Evan says, sounding outraged. I should be mad at him trying to stop me because hello, he’s not my dad, but all I can do is appreciate his concern because no one else seems to have it for me. At least Evan wants me safe, and I love that.

I shoot an irritated glance in Nick’s direction before I start explaining. And by explaining, I tell Evan everything, even the hard stuff—like my staying the night at Nick’s apartment when Krista was murdered—but I don’t give him all the dirty details. I can hardly get the words out that I spent the night at Nick’s place without blushing. Evan can figure out on his own without me saying what exactly I was doing with Nick.

I still can hardly believe I actually had sex with Nick. It’s been so long, I can almost imagine the entire summer was a dream. That I didn’t get naked with him, didn’t touch him everywhere, feel his soft, warm mouth slide all over my skin before he slid inside my body…

Shaking myself, I focus on my brother. “So I have to go,” I say. “I have to give my statement and help Nick. They’ll leave him alone when they know he has a solid alibi.”

“Well, I can’t take you. I have to work all weekend. And don’t you work tomorrow?”

I nod. “Only in the afternoon, during the lunch rush. We can leave after I get off work. Is that okay, Nick?”

He nods, his face somber. “That’s fine.”

“Yeah, I bet it’s fine. Then this means my sister will have to stay the night with you. Not under my watch dude,” Evan sneers. “Just because our parents weren’t paying attention doesn’t mean I’m not.”

“Evan, stop,” I say softly but he’s not listening.

“Besides, she has school. She can’t leave. So you can forget about your alibi over a freaking murder. Who the hell are you anyway? What sort of kid finds himself involved in that sort of heavy shit?” Evan steps closer to Nick, until he’s practically in his face. I step away but Nick doesn’t back down and fear claws at my throat. If they start fighting…

“Did he put you up to this, Rev? Are you lying about being with him that night?” Evan asks, never taking his eyes off of Nick.

Monica Murphy's Books