Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(106)

Whatever his discomfort or misgivings, Styx was now their leader.

"I suppose that's the question," he said softly.

She regarded him for a long moment, her expression somber.

"Go to him."

In the end it was nearly a week before Viper found himself walking along the high bluffs that framed the Mississippi River. For all his concern for Styx he had his own clan to supervise, and he had neglected his business far too much over the past month.

At last it was Shay's insistent bullyrag that had sent him to the remote farmhouse. She had claimed that he was making her nuts with his nightly broodings. And that she would banish him to the cellars unless he confronted his old friend and eased his mind.

That was a fate he refused to even contemplate.

Leaving Chicago he had driven through the night and parked his car near the highway. He preferred to walk the narrow path that wound its way through the sparse woods. He still wasn't sure what he intended to say to Styx. Or if the proud vampire would even consent to speak with him.

He was still a distance from the farmhouse when a shadow shifted from behind a tree and he was face-to-face with the looming, raven-haired vampire.

There was nothing to read on the bronzed face, and Viper warily raised his hands in a gesture of peace.

He was technically trespassing on the land of another clan chief. Styx would be quite within his rights to have him executed.

"Is this a welcoming committee, or are you intending to kill me?" he demanded, his tone light but his body clenched to react to any attack.

Styx shrugged, his fingers absently toying with the medallion about his neck.

"I could ask you the same thing. There must be a powerful reason for a newly mated vampire to be so far away from his lair?"

"The power of simple friendship and concern for you, old companion " Viper retorted.

"Concern?" The dark eyes narrowed. "Did you fear I might follow in my master's footsteps and develop an addiction to those pathetic humans?"

Viper stepped forward. Around them the night air swirled with an icy breeze, tugging at their cloaks and whispering through the bare trees.

Thankfully, vampires didn't feel the cold.

"My only fear is that you would remain here brooding and blaming yourself for the tragedy of the Anasso." He reached out to lay his hand on a broad shoulder. "I love you like a brother, but you have an unfortunate tendency to believe that you should be infallible."

"Far from infallible." The dark eyes flashed with a guilt so deep that it made Viper flinch. "I nearly allowed your mate to be destroyed."

"Shay is well, and gloriously pleased with her new mate. As am I," he insisted. None of them could afford to have Styx crippled by his sense of failure. They needed him strong and prepared to take command. "The past is done with, Styx. Now it is time to look to the future. The future of us all."

"And that's why you're here?" he demanded.

"You are now our leader. I wish you to know that you have my loyalty, and the loyalty of my clan."

His expression hardened. "It's not a position I ever desired."

Viper couldn't help but smile. "Fate rarely cares about our own desires. It unfolds as it will."

Styx gave a snort of annoyance. "I have always detested philosophers."

"Then let me speak plainly." Viper's hand tightened on his friend's shoulder, his expression somber. "We need you, Styx. It is respect for you and your Ravens that has kept the vampires from open warfare, and, more importantly, it is fear of you that has kept the other demons at bay. If you do not take command then we both know that all we fought for will be lost."

Styx clenched his hands at his side. "Why me? You are perfectly capable of taking command."

Viper slowly shook his head. "If anyone else attempted to take control, then every petty vampire in hope of gaining power would rise up in challenge." He pointed out with irrefutable logic. "No. You are the natural successor, and only you can keep the treaties intact."

"Damn you, Viper," the older vampire breathed.

"I am only saying what you already know."

"That doesn't mean I have to like it."

Viper gave a sudden chuckle. "No, you don't have to like it."

An air of weariness settled about the grim vampire. "Return to your mate, Viper. I will do my duty."

"And you will call if you have need of me?" Viper pressed.

"I will call," he grudgingly conceded.

Content that Styx would indeed do his duty, Viper stepped back and offered a wicked grin.

"You know there are bound to be a few perks to your new position."

Styx frowned. "Perks?"

"There won't be a female vampire around who won't be eager to share the bed of our newest Anasso."

Styx gave a lift of one brow. "I don't need to be the Anasso to have a female in my bed."

Viper laughed as he tossed back his cloak to reveal the intricate tattoo that scrolled along his inner forearm. It was the mark of his mating with Shay.

"Just don't forget that females offer more risk than all the demons put together."

The older vampire regarded Viper as if he feared he had lost his mind.

'That's a risk I need never fear, old companion. There are some of us who are wise enough to avoid such obvious traps." he said with absolute conviction.

Alexandra Ivy's Books