Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(102)
"She was instructing the younger witch on her duties of protecting a young Shalott who was in dire danger. She said that once the curse was passed that she must always be on guard for those who would harm the half demon."
"She was going to pass the curse to another witch?" Shay demanded.
"Yes. Morgana was concerned that she was growing too old to be an adequate guardian."
"Oh." Shay slowly absorbed the words. Perhaps ridiculously she felt a spark of warmth at the witch's concern. Her father had obviously chosen her guardian carefully. It reassured her that he had truly loved her as much as she had once believed. "So she wanted to protect me?"
Evor shrugged. "I suppose."
Always sensitive to her every emotion Viper tightened his grasp on the troll's throat. He would realize just how much she needed to know she hadn't been abandoned by those who claimed to love her.
"And you heard the word Shalott and immediately realized how much she would be worth," he accused in a lethal voice.
Evor squawked, his eyes wide with terror. "I'm a businessman. What would you have me do?"
"You're slime." Shay corrected. "How did you get the curse?"
"I..." Evor licked his lips, his eyes warily darting from Viper to Shay. "I slipped down the stairs and waited for the proper moment. Once the curse was being passed I leaped forward to kill the young witch and the spell landed on me."
"Then you murdered Morgana?"
"Yes." A hint of confusion touched the ugly face. "I intended to burn her body, but she seemed to disappear into thin air."
Shay remembered finding the skeleton and small box hidden behind the enchanted circle. Morgana had used her last breath to keep the truth safe for Shay.
"You despicable, coldhearted bastard," she breathed, clutching her hands at her sides to keep from reaching out and throttling the horrid troll.
The creature had made her life a living hell. He had bound her, abused her, and sold her like an animal.
If not for him...
If not for him she would never have met Viper, an unwelcome voice whispered in the back of her mind.
The trembling fury slowly faded, and quite unexpectedly she sank to her knees and began to cry.
She wasn't sure why she sobbed.
The utterly senseless loss of her father, perhaps. The horror of her stolen childhood. The years of slavery.
The knowledge that, but for a fluke, she would never have been in the power of Evor.
Or maybe she was simply purging the last of her bitterness so she could put it in the past where it belonged.
Whatever the cause it didn't take long for Viper to be kneeling at her side, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
"Shay, please, my love," he whispered into her hair. "You are breaking my heart."
She sniffed, burrowing into the strength of his chest. "It's over?"
His lips brushed her face, kissing away the wetness of her tears. "It's over. Truly over. We can go home."
"What about Evor?"
"He will go with us. I have enough connections to find us a witch powerful enough to break the curse. After that... well, that will be completely up to you, pet."
She tilted her head up to meet the troubled silver eyes. "When we bring an end to the curse, I won't be your slave any longer."
A slow, perfect smile curved his lips. "Maybe not my slave, but you'll soon be my mate. Which means you're stuck with me for an eternity."
"I haven't said yes, yet," she reminded him softly.
"Good." His lips brushed her mouth. "I want the pleasure of convincing you."
She gave a small shiver. She didn't doubt it would be a pleasure.
For both of them.
The sound of Levet clearing his throat echoed eerily through the cavern and Shay glanced up to discover him regarding them with a hint of impatience.
"Not that I wish to be the pooper of the party, but unless we get out of these caves Dante will soon be bringing his army in with guns blazing " he pointed out. "Time is ticking."
Viper gave a slow nod. "I hate to agree with the gargoyle, but if Dante is on his way then we must stop him before any further violence." His head turned to regard Styx who was silently gathering the handful of ashes that remained of his master. "There has been enough bloodshed."
Shay lightly touched his face in sympathy before returning her attention to the giant demon. He was quite impressive with his bulging muscles and grotesque features. As terrifying as even the greatest of gargoyles. But she missed her tiny Levet.
"Not that I want to rain on your parade, Levet, but have you given any thought to how you're going to get out of these caves?" she murmured softly.
With a frown of surprise, Levet glanced down at his enlarged body. "Can't I just..." He gave a wave of his hands. "Force my way out?"
Viper rose to his feet and pulled Shay to stand close to his side. "Not without bringing most of the bluff down on our heads. And while I appreciate your help, my friend, I have no desire to be trapped in these tunnels with you until we can dig our way out."
Levet gave a testy stomp of his foot, showering them all with chunks of rock from the ceiling.
"This totally blows," he complained. "I finally get to be a decent size and now I have to give it up before I can even enjoy one good pillaging."
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)