Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(101)
A shaky smile touched her lips. "I didn't know you could alter your shape." Levet shrugged. "Oh, we all have our little secrets..."
"He didn't do it. I did," a female voice firmly interrupted. Shay's eyes widened as a curvaceous woman attired in a sheer bit of cloth stepped from behind the looming demon.
"A water sprite?" Shay regarded the gargoyle with a lift of her brows. "Good grief, Levet, you have been a busy boy."
"It looks as if you've been a little busy yourself. That one is still alive." He pointed a claw toward Styx who was beginning to stir on the floor. "Do you want me to squash him?"
Before Shay could answer she felt a comforting arm slip around her shoulder. Her heart gave a small leap as she glanced into the pale face of the vampire at her side.
"Viper?" she questioned softly. This man had just lost his leader. She wouldn't pressure him to also lose a friend.
"No," Viper retorted, his voice firm. "He was only doing what he thought was right. He risked his life to save us."
"Yes, he did." she said softly, her gaze returning to Levet. "No squashing."
"What of this animal?" Levet gave the troll a vicious shake. "Can I kill him?"
Shay lifted a hand. "Not yet. He still holds my curse."
Levet heaved a sigh. "Well, damn. I can't kill the vampire. I can't kill the troll. I hate to waste a good wish. Maybe I should go pillage a nearby village. The local maidens would no doubt appreciate my new, very manly, physique."
Viper chuckled softly. It was one of the best sounds that Shay had ever heard.
"Surely after all these centuries you must know that size doesn't matter to a woman?" he drawled.
"Ha. Easy to say for a six-foot vampire " Levet grumbled.
Reluctantly, Shay left Viper's side to gently take Levet's huge hand and pressed it to her face. She understood just how difficult it must have been for the demon to force himself to charge to her rescue.
"Levet, it isn't the size of the demon that matters, but the size of his heart. And there is no gargoyle in all the world who possesses a heart as large as yours." Her lips touched his rough skin. "You saved my life."
"Oui, oui. There is no need to blubber over me." Levet pulled back, a blush staining his gray cheeks. To cover his embarrassment he held out the squirming Evor and gave him another shake. "What do you want me to do with this creature?"
"Put him here." Viper pointed at a spot directly before him.
Holding his arm outward Levet simply allowed the troll to drop from his hand. Evor managed to crumble to the floor before Viper had him by the neck and he was once again on his feet. His eyes bulged and his round face turned red as Viper's fingers dug into his spongy flesh.
"You can't kill me," the troll squeaked. "Not without killing the Shalott."
With a casual motion Viper slapped Evor with enough force to make his head snap back.
"The Shalott has a name."
"Shay," Evor gasped. "Lady Shay."
Viper regarded him as if he were a bug he discovered stuck to the bottom of his shoe. "What do you want to do with him, pet? We could take him home and have him nailed to the wall as a trophy."
Shay shuddered. "And have to look at that ghastly race every day?"
"Good point. I do have several creatively themed dungeons he might enjoy."
"Creatively themed?"
Viper gave a small shrug. "Traditional torture, ancient torture, high-tech torture..."
"No, no. Please." Evor rolled his head toward Shay, his expression desperate. It was an expression she decided she liked on that ugly mug. "I'll do whatever you want."
She stepped closer to the troll, her expression hard. "I want answers."
"Of course." He nervously licked his lips. "What answers?"
"How did you get my curse?"
Viper's fingers abruptly tightened. "Don't even think of lying to the lady. I can make you pray for death."
"I went to Morgana for a... potion," Evor gasped.
"Morgana?" Shay demanded.
"The witch."
"Oh " Shay frowned. She hadn't known that trolls used magical potions. "What sort of potion?"
"It was personal."
"Personal? What does that mean?"
"Trust me, pet, you don't want any more specifics," Viper interrupted.
She grimaced. Viper was no doubt right. The mere thought of what the nasty demon might do in private was enough to give her nightmares.
"Fine. You went to the witch for a potion. How did you end up with my curse?"
"When I arrived the store was closed so I... let myself in."
"Meaning you broke into the store," Shay accused.
"I wanted that potion " Evor said in tones mat revealed breaking and entering was a common part of his moral code. "I thought the place was empty, but there was a hidden door that had been left open and I could hear voices. One of them was Morgana speaking to a younger witch. Her protegee, I suppose."
Shay frowned, recalling the door that led to the dirt cellar beneath the store.
"What does that have to do with the curse?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)