Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(90)

Grace peered down the hill, hoping to see Olivia. No such luck. She was trapped with Will, and although this was usually a crowded area, there was no one nearby right now.

"I can't believe you no longer care about me," he said in a voice that throbbed with sincerity.

Grace refused to meet his gaze. So far she'd been polite, but that hadn't worked. "Believe it," she said sharply. "You're married. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't want anything more to do with you. I thought I made that clear."

"Okay, fine. I'll divorce Georgia if that's the only way I can have you."

Grace shook her head. She wanted to yell at him to stop harrassing her, to go home to his wife, but the polite little girl she'd been wouldn't let her. Where was Olivia? Grace scanned the street, desperate to find her friend. What could possibly be taking her so long?

"Grace, listen to me." Will sounded hurt and confused. Then, as if overcome with emotion, he gripped her by the shoulders, forcing her to look at him.

"Leave me alone," she cried, jerking herself free.

"I can't! I love you."

Sure he did. Grace might have been a fool once, but she wasn't going to play that role twice, especially with the same man.

"I wanted to talk to you at the wedding, but you stuck to your bodyguard all day long."

Obviously he was referring to Cliff.

"Just hear me out," he said.

"No!" She could hear the desperation in her voice. "The best thing you can do is just go."

"Who is he?" Will demanded. "Is it the guy you were with last Thanksgiving?"

"Cliff is twice the man you'll ever be." Cliff knew the meaning of honor and decency. Even though he wasn't happy in his marriage, he'd stayed for the sake of his daughter because it was more important to him that her world remain secure. Grace could only imagine how difficult that had been.

"I'll prove to you how much of a man I am." Will glanced over at the hotel across the street from Mr. Wok's, the Chinese restaurant, as he placed his hand on her shoulder a second time.

"Leave me alone!" she said, almost shouting. Outraged she slapped his hand off her shoulder.

"At least talk to me. We can spend a quiet afternoon together and discuss this like reasonable adults."

"There's nothing to discuss!" She shook her head vehemently. "Just go. Olivia will be here any minute."

Will heaved a sigh. "I can't leave until you promise to meet me. What about tonight?"


"We need to talk," he insisted again.

"I believe the lady said she wasn't interested."

Grace whirled around to find Cliff standing behind her. He'd come into town earlier than she'd expected. He had his checkbook in his hand and she realized he must have stepped out of the bank.

"The bodyguard?" Will asked her in a whisper.

"I would appreciate it if you left," Grace said calmly and clearly although her heart was pounding crazily.

"I believe the lady would prefer it if you left now," Cliff said. He slid his checkbook in his hip pocket, taking a protective step toward Grace.

Will glared at him for a long intense moment. "Frankly this doesn't involve you."

"If it involves Grace, then it involves me," Cliff said coolly.

"I asked you to stay out of this," Will muttered, moving closer to Grace.

Placing himself in front of Grace, Cliff stood shoe to shoe with Will and eye to eye. They scowled at each other, neither willing to back down.

Then, for no apparent reason, Will swung wildly at Cliff.

"Cliff!" Grace cried out a warning. She needn't have worried; Cliff could take care of himself.

He easily sidestepped the punch and delivered one of his own, catching Will in the jaw. The force of the blow sent Will Jefferson staggering backward. He lost his balance, collapsing onto the asphalt. Almost immediately his jaw started to swell, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

Grace brought her hand to her mouth, unsure what to do. Thankfully she saw that Olivia was rushing toward them.

"You saw what happened," Will shouted, pointing at Cliff. "He attacked me!"

"I saw everything," Olivia cried, running the last few steps.

Will's eyes blazed with righteous indignation. "I'm suing you for every cent you own. Olivia, call the sheriff. I want this man arrested on assault charges."

Olivia had her arm around Grace's shoulder. "As I said, Will, I witnessed what happened."

Will stood and brushed himself off. "Stay here so the sheriff can take your statement. I want this... this bully prosecuted."

Olivia frowned at her brother. "You might have a change of heart when I testify that I saw you throw the first punch. From where I was standing, Will, it seemed Cliff was protecting my friend from your unwanted advances."

"I... I—" Will clearly didn't know what to say.

"Go home, Will," Olivia said sadly. "You've behaved atrociously and I'm ashamed of you."

Will stared openmouthed at his sister.

"Let's have our lunch," Olivia said and slipped her arm through Grace's. "Will, I'll talk to you later. I have a few things to say." She smiled at Cliff, but Grace could see that it cost her an effort. "Cliff, would you care to join us?"

Debbie Macomber's Books