Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(86)


Maryellen stepped out of the shower, hair still wet. It was the afternoon of Charlotte and Ben's wedding. She'd mentioned the ceremony to Jon, but they weren't exactly on good terms. The one time she'd asked, he refused to attend the wedding with her.

He also refused to discuss his parents. He remained civil, but distant and guarded. Every night they slept side by side without touching, without talking. Her beautiful home felt like a prison and Maryellen couldn't bear it.

Being pregnant didn't help. She hadn't told Jon yet. She'd planned to, knowing she should, but as time went on and his attitude didn't change, she realized it was a hopeless situation.

After dressing and blow-drying her hair, she got out an overnight bag and packed as much as it would hold. She added several extra pieces of clothing to Katie's diaper bag, as well. When she was finished, she carried both to the car.

Maryellen was on the verge of tears. She loved Jon and hoped they would be able to resolve their problems, but she'd begun to fear that wasn't possible. Her husband no longer trusted her. He felt she'd betrayed him. He couldn't understand or accept that she'd only been trying to help him reconcile with his family—for his own sake and his daughter's.

With a sleeping Katie over her shoulder, Maryellen gently tapped on the door of the darkroom where Jon was developing film. Whenever he was in the house at the same time as she was, he found a way to avoid her. If she was upstairs, he had some reason to linger downstairs. Meals were a painful experience. They sat across from each other and made polite conversation, but Maryellen simply couldn't connect with him.

"What is it?" Jon called impatiently.

"I'm leaving for Charlotte's wedding now."

"All right."

Maryellen hesitated. "Are you sure you can't come with us?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay." Disappointment settled heavily on her shoulders.

"Give the newly weds my best."

"I will." Maryellen swallowed painfully. "Listen, Jon, I'm thinking I won't come back after the wedding."


"I talked to Mom earlier, and Katie and I are going to spend the night with her."

"Hold on a minute," he said and opened the door.

Maryellen stepped back nervously as Jon's gaze held hers. "You're going to your mother's place for the night?"

She nodded.


Maryellen shrugged. "I need time to think."

"About what?" he challenged.

"I can't live like this," she whispered, breaking eye contact.

He didn't respond.

"I'm sorry, Jon, sorrier than you know." Her voice cracked, and she turned away and left the house.

To her surprise, he followed her to the car. When she'd placed Katie in the car seat, she straightened. Jon stood with his hands in his pockets, staring down at the ground.

"Are you coming back tomorrow?" he asked as she walked around to the driver's seat.

"Do you want me to?"

He didn't answer.

"That says it all, doesn't it?" She climbed in the car, started the engine and drove to the end of the driveway. Her heart was about to break. Hands clenching the steering wheel hard, she lowered her forehead and drew in a deep breath.

The minute Maryellen arrived at her mother's house, Grace knew something was wrong. "You'd better tell me," her mother said as Maryellen carried in her bags.

"We'll discuss everything after the wedding," Maryellen insisted, managing a smile. "It's all right, Mom. Everything's going to be fine."

Her mother looked as if she didn't believe her, and rightly so. Maryellen didn't believe it herself.

The wedding was lovely. Standing beside her mother, Maryellen battled tears. Only five months earlier, she'd stood before Pastor Flemming and vowed to love Jon for the rest of her life. It had only taken her five months to screw up her second marriage. Five months. That had to be some kind of record outside of Hollywood.

The church was nearly full. Charlotte's dearest friends crowded the front pews, wearing red hats and purple boas. Olivia and her family took up two pews. So many people had wanted to share in the couple's happiness. Unfortunately, neither of Ben's sons had been able to come; both he and Charlotte must have been disappointed.

Despite the jubilant mood, Maryellen felt a sense of hopelessness and inner turmoil. The church seemed to get hot and stuffy and the room began to sway. Maryellen sat down, taking several deep breaths, fearing she was about to faint.

"Maryellen?" Grace sat down beside her.

She offered her mother a feeble smile. "I'm pregnant."

Her mother smiled from ear to ear and squeezed her hand.

"Jon doesn't know."

"I think it's time for you to tell him, don't you?"

Maryellen couldn't answer.

The music started then, and Pastor Flemming came to the front of the church. Charlotte and Ben joined him and gazed up at each other with such adoration that Maryellen had to blink back tears.

She heard footsteps behind her and hope leapt into her heart. She turned around, thinking, hoping, desperately wanting the late arrival to be Jon. Instead, Cliff Harding slipped into the pew beside her mother. She watched as they looked tenderly at each other and then Cliff tucked her mother's arm in the crook of his elbow and smiled over at Maryellen and Katie.

Debbie Macomber's Books