Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(100)

"You're telling me." Olivia reached for her towel and wiped her face. "I can't apologize enough for my brother. I'm so angry with him."

Grace dismissed her friend's concern. Olivia wasn't responsible for Will's behavior. Neither was Charlotte. The best excuse or explanation they'd come up with was some kind of midlife crisis, but neither she nor Olivia had much sympathy with that.

"What are you doing Saturday?" Olivia asked. "Maybe we can go to brunch or the movies or something?"

"Why don't we go to an afternoon show?" She was working at the animal shelter in the morning, and planning to have dinner with Kelly and Paul that evening.

"You're on," Olivia said as she headed to the showers. "I'll call you later and we can pick a movie."

Grace smiled in agreement.

Still feeling out of sorts, Grace returned to the house. Buttercup, ever faithful, was waiting for her when Grace unlocked the door. She turned on the lights and found Sherlock curled up nose to tail, sleeping on her sofa.

"Hello to you, too," she chided as she brought her exercise gear to the laundry room.

The blinking light on her answering machine caught her attention, and she grabbed a pen and paper, then pushed the Play button. At the sound of Cliff's voice, a huge smile broke across her face. She hadn't heard the whole message before she punched out his number.

Cliff answered on the second ring. His hello was gruff, which was typical.

"Hi," Grace said. "I wondered if I'd hear from you."

"I've been busy."

"I know. Me too. How are you?"

"Okay. You?"

"Better now that I've heard from you." Even over the phone line, Grace felt his smile.

"Lisa called this afternoon. She wanted an update on what's happening between us."

"What did you tell her?" Grace carried the phone into the living room, sat on the sofa and moved Sherlock into her lap. The cat didn't like being disturbed, but settled down quickly enough.

"The truth."

"Which is?" Grace asked, stroking glossy black fur.

"That I can't seem to stop loving you, despite my best efforts."

Grace felt tears prick her eyes. "I can't seem to stop loving you, either."

Cliff exhaled softly. "I know it's a little early, but I was hoping you could join me for Thanksgiving again this year."

"Are you flying out to be with Lisa and her family?"

"No. Since I spent time with her this summer I'll probably just stay here."


He sighed. "Not if I can help it."

"Would you like to have dinner with me and the girls?" Grace didn't know yet what her daughters' plans were, but it would be easy enough to find out.

"Can I invite Cal, too?"

"Of course." Grace remembered that Cal was one of the bachelors who'd been on the auction block. "Speaking of Cal, has he gone out with Linnette McAfee yet?"

"Nope. I don't think she's too thrilled with her mother setting this up," Cliff said wryly. "And Cal's blaming me, since I encouraged him to participate."

"Is Linnette already living in Cedar Cove?" Grace had been too busy to keep up with the latest regarding the clinic. She knew Linnette had accepted the job of physician's assistant. The lot had been cleared and the structure was going up so fast, it was hard to believe that just a few weeks earlier there'd been absolutely nothing in that location.

"Not yet. I gather she'll be moving here next month to help set things up. According to Charlotte, the clinic should be in full operation by the first of the year."

'That's great. And I guess it means Cal will have his date soon."

"Seems that way," Cliff said. "Frankly I think it'll do him good."

"I think so, too."

"Will I see you before Thanksgiving?" she asked.


"I'll take that as a yes."

"Do you want to come out here Friday afternoon after work?"

"I think that can be arranged," Grace said.

They spoke for a few more minutes and by the time Grace hung up, she felt more hopeful than she had in days.

Buttercup walked over to the sofa to receive her share of attention. Sherlock, still reclining on Grace's lap, lazily opened one eye but didn't object to Buttercup's presence. Grace stroked her dog's head, smiling. She'd worked hard to regain Cliff's trust and was determined never to give him reason to doubt her again. This was one lesson she'd learned and learned well.


Corrie McAfee looked up from the playing cards in her hand and sighed as she tried to remember which suit went with which. Giving up, she stared helplessly across the table at Peggy, sending her a silent plea.

The two couples had spent a delightful evening together and after dinner had decided to play pinochle. Corrie hadn't played in years, so her skills were weak, and unfortunately Roy took such games far too seriously. Peggy had been more than willing to be her partner, although Corrie could tell her friend's mind wasn't on the game. For that matter, neither was hers.

"What's your bid?" Roy helped himself to a pretzel as he studied his own hand. Her husband and Bob Beldon had walked away with the first three games and gloried in their triumph a little too much.

Debbie Macomber's Books