Cranberry Point (Cedar Cove #4)(102)

"What does it say?" Corrie asked urgently. She didn't want Roy hiding anything from her. It was only by chance that she'd learned about the postcards.

Roy scanned the letter and gave it to her.

I don't mean you any ill will. I just want you to think about what you did. Don't you have a single regret?

Corrie quickly read the note and looked up at her husband with frightened eyes. "What does this mean?" she asked.

Roy shook his head. "I have no idea. I guess we'll have to wait for the next message."

He placed his arm around Corrie's waist. He didn't have the answer yet, but he would soon. He'd cleared too many cases not to succeed at solving this one.

Whoever was doing this, it was personal. Sending the fruit basket to 50 Harbor Street

had breached the sanctity of his home. But he'd find out who'd done this.

His instincts still told him that he and Corrie weren't in physical danger. But there were other dangers, less obvious ones, and Roy knew they could cause just as much harm.

He wasn't prepared to let anyone risk the haven he and Corrie had found in Cedar Cove.

Debbie Macomber's Books