The Revelation (Pandora's Harem 1) A Reverse Harem Tale(18)

A shadow appears at my side. It’s Moros, I feel his essence in my bones. He’s cold, so cold, more cold than anything I’ve felt. Even colder than Thanatos and Ker combined.

Moros takes human form; a long midnight blue, hooded robe covers his body. He turns and stares at me. His pale blue eyes are striking, almost hypnotic, against his even paler skin. “Your men will live, today, Pandora. But only because I feel they are honorable souls. I can’t say the same for my brothers. But don’t think I won’t be back.”

I face the dark god. “I might not have my box, but I do know I have a link to it.” I jab my finger at my chest. “I feel it, deep inside me. So, while you may be Destiny and Death, remember this. When I unleashed hell on earth, I preserved Hope. I did that. Pandora, preserved Hope. Not a god and not a goddess. And I will not give up on finding her.”

Moros lifts his chin. “My grandmother, and Zeus, were right. You are a formidable opponent, Pandora. Not even the mighty ruler of Olympus would dare speak to me as you have.” He turns to the watch the battle. “Thanatos. Ker. Enough.”

The two gods of death back off my Spartans.

Lycus growls at Moros.

“Have no fear, dog. You will get another chance with these two, trust me on that.” He crouches to Lycus’s level. “And one day, you’ll have your chance with me, as well. That, I promise you.”

My wolf snaps at Moros, but the dark god doesn’t flinch. He vanishes, taking his brother with him.

Chaos was right when she said this was going to be a game.

And it now it begins.

Where it will lead, I have no clue. But for now, I have my Spartans, Zeus’s book, and for the first time in many years, I have Hope.

Pandora is finally coming into herself. k12

To be continued…

Angelique Armae's Books