The Revelation (Pandora's Harem 1) A Reverse Harem Tale(13)

But I do like my three Spartans. Yes, they’re each unique in their own way, but I like them all the same.

I sigh.

This is all so strange for me since I usually prefer to be a loner.

My back sinks into my soft, pillowtop mattress.

Taking a deep breath, pain flares in my chest.

I claw at my ribs, the thing that’s inside me twists about my body, bumps my organs and muscles. It’s making a mess out of my innards.

My eyelids fly open. “Get it out.” I don’t care what the guys have to do, I just want the damn thing out of my body. “What is it?” I ask as I thrash my head against the pillow, the pain inside me now escalating.

“It’s one of Moros’s probes,” Lycus says. He tugs my sweatshirt up my torso and over my head. Cold air caresses my flesh. Goosebumps pebble on my arms as I feel their pull on my skin. I shiver.

Ares pulls off my sneakers and socks, while Leonidas unzips my jeans, slips them off along with my lace panties.

My temperature drops. I’m freezing as if I’ve just been dumped in a tub of ice. My teeth chatter. I’m cold from head to toe.

I close my eyes once again, praying all this is nothing more than a dream. A very bad dream. Maybe when I wake up this thing in my chest will be gone or even better, never been here in the first place.

“We have to warm her up,” Lycus says. I hear his voice but I’m so cold, I just keep my eyes shut and wrap my arms around me. I can’t even tell him yes.

A shock bolsters a blast of heat up my calves as the touch of strong hands massage my legs. I know based on the feel, that its Leonidas. The power of his energy is immense. His hands move upward, skim my thighs. Heat veins through my muscles.

I part my legs. I’m eager for more of whatever Leonidas cares to dish out. Anything to get me warm and jack up my temperature.

My heart races.

I claw once again at my chest, the thing inside me now bobbing between my ribs. It makes an awful companion.

“Easy, Cupcake,” Ares whispers at my ear. The touch of bare skin graces my shoulder. He must have undressed.

His strong arm drapes around my waist. He slowly moves his hand over my midriff and up to my bra. I feel his fingers as they unhook the clasp and push the lace from my breasts. My nipples pucker on the instant. A delicious pain tops my peaks.

I don’t want him to stop.

Obliging me, Ares draws circles around my protruding bud, his fingers teasing without mercy. I thrust my breast forward. The lick of a tongue caresses my right nipple. I moan and open my eyes.

Ares is at my breast, suckling me, alternating between light pulls and harder, more severe tugs. I can’t get enough of his wonderous mouth.

But between my legs, even more sinfully pleasurable things are happening. The flick of a finger, a large, firm finger, strokes my clit. Leonidas. My attention flies to that sacred place at the apex of my thighs. I buck my hips, begging for more of the Spartan’s addictive touch. He flicks me faster, rubs me with an intense pace. I grind myself against his hand, wanting all that he cares to give.

“Oh…” This really shouldn’t be happening. But it is. And I’m going with it.

I nibble my bottom lip. I’m slowly getting warm, but I still have that damn thing in my chest.

Ares grazes his teeth across my right nipple.

“Yes…,” it’s all I can say. I run my hand through his hair, pull him closer. Heat spreads through my arm and side.

He glides his hand over to my left breast and rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, working the now hard tip with a series of tender massages and full out pinches, even pulls my nipple until he extends it to the point of pain.

I moan. His hands are incredible, but there’s more going on between my thighs and I’m not sure where to focus.

A warm breath, followed by a lick, caresses my clit. I’ll take Leonidas’s tongue over his finger, any day. And he’s damn good with those digits. But the man is more talented than a god with his mouth.

Moros’s bobbing entity flutters in my chest.

I don’t know what to handle first, the scream rising in my throat thanks to the damn darkness invading my body, or the moan of pleasure that wants out thanks to the way Ares and Leonidas are working my body.

Something bumps my heart. I gasp.

“Don’t give in to it.” A soft whisper caresses my left ear. Lycus.

I do as he says, but it’s not easy.

Ares backs away, as does Leonidas.

No… I want my guys back. Loss fills my soul, but I’m too shattered to call my Spartans to return.

A heavy weight comes down on my body and strong hands push my legs farther apart.

I open my eyes. Lycus is on top of me, his long, firm cock teases my slit.

I part my legs wider and raise them as I buck my hips.

He enters me with a single thrust.

A slight moan escapes my lips as a tingle fills me. Lycus is large down there and he stuffs me to the point of me being stretched. But I welcome him. All of him.

He pulls back and then slams forward once again. He picks up the pace, moving quicker and with more intent.

I match his every move, eager to take whatever he’s got.

As we ride this rhythm, the entity in my chest increases its swift moves. I suppress the cry rising from my core, fighting it like Lycus says to do, but I can take only so much.

He keeps pounding away. “Look at me,” he says.

Angelique Armae's Books