The Revelation (Pandora's Harem 1) A Reverse Harem Tale(16)

I am so screwed.

“Oh, honey, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

I don’t like the tone of Chaos’s voice. Not that her statement would mean anything good if she says it nicely. She’s a bitch and will never change. It’s not in her core to do so.

Fear spirals in my soul, but I refuse to cower. If I die, then at least I go down with a brave effort.

Two shadows appear in the room’s corner and fly to flank Chaos’s sides. Landing, they shift into human form.

Chaos extends her arms and pulls both men in for a hug. “Boys, what took you so long?”

“Thanatos insisted on knifing a guy.” The one man says, his face pale and drooping. He looks like he hasn’t slept for days, maybe months.

“That’s not true. Ker here took the bastard’s life before my blade even touched the human’s skin.”

So, these are my two enemies in the flesh. Now, if only death dude number three shows up, we can have a real party. “Why isn’t Moros here? Isn’t he the one who really wants my lost box?”

Chaos pushes her grandsons away. “Moros wouldn’t waste his time on you. Not until he needs, you, anyway. And besides, you’ve already brought yourself here to Thanatos and Ker. Moros is actually more Destiny than he is Death. And that’s what makes him so powerful. No one can come to Than or Ker if it weren’t for Moros.”

Now I understand. Moros is just a catalyst, so to speak. Every man’s destiny regardless if he is to die a peaceful death or a violent one. It makes sense now why even Zeus won’t mess with Moros. No one wants to interfere with Destiny because doing so creates Chaos. And that is exactly what I did when I let those evils out of my box. Stupid, stupid Pandora.

But maybe not. I did leave Hope behind. Maybe that is the purpose of my life. Making sure Hope remains for all of humanity. Maybe the gods have been painting me wrong all these years. It would be nice if that is the case. But they’ll never tell.

“No, we won’t,” Chaos says with a smirk. “Now come here.”

I don’t budge.

“Boys.” The crazy-ass professor orders her grandsons.

They do her bidding on the instant and are at my side, their hands squeezing my wrists.

“Take her somewhere no one will find her.” Chaos vanishes in a swirl of wind and ice pellets.

“I get first dibs,” Thanatos says, his red eyes glowing.

Ker shakes his head. “No way. She’s mine.”

I don’t belong to either of them. I don’t belong to anyone. Twisting my wrists, I try to break free from these two goons of death.

They tighten their grips.

Ker brings his mouth to my ear. “Sleep, sweet Pandy.”

I am so not going to die today. I can’t. I have to fight this. My Spartans need me. Especially, Lycus.

“You bastard,” Thanatos says, his cold hand pounding my chest, searching, I guess, for my heart beat. “You had no right to steal her from me.”

“You need to learn to be quicker, brother.”

Ker’s warm breath blows against my cheek.

My eyelids grow heavy.


The room fades. My body goes numb.

My heart beat slows.

I fall back, my captors now releasing my wrists.

My head hits the floor and every sense of feeling I have, vanishes.

Chapter 8

Death is a strange existence. It makes you think of all the things you could have done while you were alive on earth and didn’t. For me, I should have made friends. I spent so many years alone. Always keeping my nose in books to get a scholarship to college, then once I got there it was all about maintaining my grades. And after graduation came work. But even before my most recent years, I was a loner kid. Maybe a part of me always knew I was Pandora.

I let out a deep breath. Another surprise. I don’t think I should be able to breathe, being dead.

A stinging pain slaps my cheek. Ouch… Whoever heard of sensing pain once you’re dead? No wonder some people don’t follow the tunnel of light.

“Pandora.” A strong, smooth male voice vibrates against my ears.

Another sting to my cheek ensues. Whoever thinks they can beat the crap out of me, even dead, is going to learn a very different lesson in a few minutes.

My eyelids flutter open.

Ares crouches next to me, his hand slaps my face.

“Hey,” I say. “Stop that.” I grab his wrist. “Why did they kill you, too?”

He raises one blond eyebrow, but says nothing.

A lion prances by.

I certainly am no longer in Kansas. What the fuck? I turn to Ares and give him what I hope is my most questioning glance ever. Doesn’t he see the damn lion? My gaze flies past his shoulder to where a rather large wolf paces. Brother, but Ares is one dumb dude. We might be dead, but we are so going to also get eaten if the looks in the eyes of those two animals is any indication. One looks pissed and the other looks beyond pissed.

“There’s a lion and a wolf in here.”

“I know.”

“Are they yours?”

The lion roars.

The wolf just gives up a look of disgust. Though I don’t think a wolf can actually express disgust, but this one does.

“It’s just Leonidas and Lycus.”

Angelique Armae's Books