The Dangerous Thief (Stolen Hearts #3)(33)

He pushed another finger inside and that was all she needed before she fell apart. Her hands balled into fists against the door and she would’ve fallen over after her legs gave out if he hadn’t caught her.

She caught her breath for a few moments before she couldn’t take it any longer. She didn’t care whether he’d just given her the orgasm of a lifetime. She wanted more, damn it. She pushed his hands away from her as she twisted around, and fisting her fingers into his shirt, she pulled him in for a kiss.

Granted, she knew he didn’t have to do a damn thing, but he kissed her back. This time when he pushed her against the door, she wasn’t just going to wait for him to use her. She reached down and, hooking a finger in the waistband of her panties, she pushed them over her hips and let them fall to the ground. Even though James had been kissing her deeply and thoroughly the entire time, he growled at the motion, somehow aware of everything she was doing. He settled two hands on her ass as he lifted her against the door until she could wrap her legs around his waist. Even though she was ready and waiting, he still happened to be wearing way too many clothes. But at the moment, she was kissing him too much to help with the undressing. Kissing and touching. Touching any part she could. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders and the bulging muscles of his arms. Every inch of him felt fantastic, and she needed to take every chance she could to revel in the fact that she had all this strength to herself. A moment of clarity cut through the haze. She pulled her mouth away from his and met his eyes. Thanks to him holding her up, they were almost eye level, which was a strange change. “I’m on birth control,” she managed out.

“I know.”

She blinked a few times. “That’s a strange thing to say.”

“I’m clean.” He kissed her briefly. “You’re clean.” He kissed her again.

“You’ve been planning this?”

“I’ve been fighting this,” he clarified.

Well, that made two of them.

He kissed her once more, this time pulling her away from the door, and with her arms and legs still wrapped around him, he carried her to the bed. Once he was in front of the king-size mattress, he let her go and she slid down his body. Every inch of him was hard and, damn it, she wanted him naked. She reached for his buttons, but he caught her hand in his to stop her. “You first. Take off your dress.”

He said it in that low, growly tone that was impossible to ignore. So she didn’t. She reached down for the hem of her dress, and in one quick motion, she had it over her head and onto the floor. Then she reached behind her; the motion pushed her breasts up and out as she unhooked her bra. And then she stood there, naked as the day she was born, turned on as hell, in front of the fully dressed, sexiest man she’d ever met.

He started with the buttons on his sleeves and then moved to his collar and worked his way down. The entire time, his eyes were glued to her, taking in every inch of her exposed skin. As he pulled off the shirt, her mouth went dry. She wanted to reach out and touch him, but some invisible force kept her in place. Waiting for his permission to move. Waiting to see what he was going to do next.

When the shirt fell to the ground, he came over to her, and with one hand at the base of her neck, he pulled her in for a kiss. Willa went wild as they both explored all the newly exposed skin. But even as she ran her fingers along the ridges and planes of his stomach, she went right for his belt buckle. She wished she could undress him smoothly, but she wasn’t really an expert in undressing guys. After a few fumbles, the belt was loose and from there the rest came undone easily. And then she pushed his pants over his hips and they fell to the ground. When he kissed her now, it was absolutely carnal. He fisted his hand in her hair to hold her in place, and his tongue ran along her in a primal rhythm that mimicked what she hoped he'd do with other parts of his body. Now that his cock was free, it felt huge against her stomach. At this point, she was so ready for him, the size didn’t even worry her. The only thing that scared her was not getting him inside her now.

James pushed her back against the bed and she managed to crawl a few inches toward the middle before he followed her down. Although he’d been going slowly and methodically with every touch before, as soon as he hit the bed, things seemed to change. He hooked a hand under her knee as he spread her wide for him, and in half a second, he was positioning himself at her entrance.

She was just bracing her hands on his shoulders when he slid in with one long—emphasis on the long—stroke.

Her free leg wrapped tightly around his hip as she adjusted to his size. She bit her bottom lip as she waited for him to move. She turned her head toward him, and her nose ran along his neck until her head touched the bed and she looked up at him. He looked down at her with so much heat and intensity that she was struck with how strange it was to have all of this man in her arms. Her feral caveman. Her emotionless robot didn’t seem so emotionless at the moment.

She leaned forward to brush her lips ever so softly against his, and that’s when he withdrew a few inches before he slammed back in. The friction made her wince.

“Are you okay?” he asked, mistaking the action for pain.

She nodded in a jerky movement as she rocked her hips up, encouraging him to keep going. “Don’t stop,” she breathed.

And he didn’t. He started to move faster and faster. Willa gripped his back, holding on tighter, but then he’d released her leg to run his hands along her upper arms, stroking out until he could hold her hands above her head. And this time when he moved, he didn’t stop.

Mallory Crowe's Books