The Dangerous Thief (Stolen Hearts #3)(31)

“Well, as you know, my sister is in the most epic of epic dry spells. It’s only fair that I have enough sex for the both of us.”

“Well, when you say it like that, it’s completely logical.”

“I’m a very logical person.” AJ winked.

Stephanie shoved him playfully. “Don’t blame your whorishness on me. That’s on you.”

“Tough crowd tonight,” said AJ. “I know what will make this better. Drinks!”

“Steph just got—”

“That’s a great idea,” said Stephanie. “Go get drinks. Far away.”

“The lady orders, I follow.” AJ made his way back to the bar.

Willa frowned. “Is everything okay between you two?”

Stephanie shook her head but didn’t go into detail. “You want to tell me where you’ve been this week?”

Okay, so that was just going to be something they don’t talk about.

“Let’s go dance,” said Stephanie. “I’m stressed. You’re stressed. This is the most overrated DJ in town. We can fake having a good time until it actually happens.”

It was as if Stephanie were inside her mind. “Let’s fake it ’til we make it,” said Willa as they made their way out to the dance floor. Like always, there were a few guys who tried to edge into the dance, but Stephanie and Willa were quick to box out any unwelcome invaders. Although eventually Stephanie did end up latching on to one of the more attractive men on the floor. It was a cycle. She’d dance with a guy who was absolutely lickable, but once they got off the dance floor and started talking, Stephanie would try to ditch him as soon as possible. She was notoriously picky with men.

Once Stephanie abandoned her, AJ showed up. Dancing with him was always fun. Because they were on strictly platonic terms, he kept a safe distance and would lean in every few minutes to say a quick joke or offhanded comment. It was so nice to be here. For a few minutes there was no murder. No crazy father. No James waiting for her. She could be carefree for just a little bit and let her worries fall away.

She put her hands over her head and swayed her hips to the beat, but the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. When she opened her eyes, she looked for anything out of the ordinary, but nothing stood out. AJ was still there right next to her; Stephanie was a few yards away. The bodyguard had eyes on her, but he’d been monitoring her for a while now. But something was different. She turned in a circle until she saw it. The back wall, the shadows. Someone was there. Someone watching her. Then a form emerged from the shadow. She couldn’t see the face, but she didn’t need to. James. Of course he was there. Had he been there the entire time? Had he followed her there?

She had a feeling the answer was yes. And if he didn’t want her to know he was there, he never would’ve revealed himself. Her guardian angel. Her personal demon. Who knew at this point?

A hand fell on her shoulder and she jumped around to see AJ looking at her with a confused expression in place. “You okay?”

She remembered that the new security detail was there and she couldn’t go running over to James. So she forced herself to nod as she went back to dancing. She tried to forget that James was there, but that was like forgetting that she was at a dance club. The knowledge of his presence was just as loud to her as the music blaring in the room.

And when she started to dance again, she remembered the first time he’d seen her dance. The first time she’d realized there was something between them. The way his eyes hardened as he’d watched her body move. Was he watching her the same way now? Or was this just another day on the job to him?

She thought back to the way he’d pinned her against the wall earlier that day. No, there was nothing about this that was platonic to him. From that moment on, with every dip and sway of her hips, she knew without a doubt that James’s gaze was glued to her every move.

The elevator to her apartment opened and Willa cautiously stepped inside. She didn’t think James would be there. If he was following her, he wouldn’t beat her home without her or the new security detail noticing. She’d left the new bodyguard downstairs in the recreation room. She didn’t need him hanging around while Toni or James made an unexpected appearance.

Even though she logically knew that James wasn’t around, she still walked cautiously inside. She slipped the boots off her sore feet and listened for any sign of an unexpected guest, but her apartment was dark and empty, the dim glow from the lights of the city the only illumination in the apartment.

Willa sighed. Had she been hoping that James would be there waiting for her? Maybe. She’d felt his eyes on her all night. So maybe she’d willed the cab she took home to drive faster. Maybe she’d held her breath on the elevator, just waiting to see what would be in store for her once those doors opened.

But this wasn’t some strange, extended fantasy. This was real life. James was a professional and, like Toni said, he couldn’t afford distractions. Willa padded over to the white sofa and sat down, folding her legs under her. She was tired from all the dancing. Tired from the emotional rollercoaster of the past few days. But she was still wired. Waiting for something she didn’t even know....

But then it happened. The elevator doors opened and she heard the familiar footsteps of a strong, confident man who took every step with purpose. She didn’t get off the couch to verify it was James. She already knew. She heard the rustle of clothes and knew he was tugging at his jacket and hanging it on the hooks in the entryway. She then heard a few clips snapping and knew he was taking off the shoulder holster. A second later, she heard the clacking of metal and leather on granite and knew he’d set it on the kitchen island behind her. She bit her lip as she heard him approaching her. Instead of walking to the front of the couch, he stopped right behind her.

Mallory Crowe's Books