The Dangerous Thief (Stolen Hearts #3)(32)

She tilted her head back to look up at him. “You left.”

“I was close.”

That didn’t make her feel better. She didn’t want him watching her from the shadows. She wanted him next to her. But she couldn’t really say that. He had better things to do than babysit her. She was supposed to be helping him, not giving him more work. But even though she knew she shouldn’t be clingy, when she looked up at him, she couldn’t help the mixture of betrayal and need that shone in her eyes.

His expression was blank, as usual, and for a moment she thought she was being stupid. But right before she was about to get off the couch to go sulk alone, he reached out to touch her. Her eyes drifted shut as his fingers traced her jaw from right behind her ear to the tip of her chin; his fingers ran along her neck and sent goose bumps along her skin. She took a nervous gulp and her eyes opened. He was studying her so intently and she wished like hell she could read minds. Some days he was a robot and some days he was a caveman. She never knew what she was going to get.

But at the moment, she was all for him dragging her back to his cave. His fingers moved back up her throat and ran along her lips and she knew she wasn’t the only one affected. She tilted her head just enough for the tip of his pointer finger to slip between her lips and gave him a little bite before soothing it with her tongue.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” he said in a low, almost inaudible voice.

“I’m a rebel,” she whispered, meeting his eyes with hers and daring him to do something about it.

“Get up.”

She almost gave a witty retort but found her legs unfolding as she stood, immediately obeying his command. And when he reached a hand out to her, she met it and followed him around the couch before he led her to her bedroom. Each step seemed to blur. All she could see was his broad, strong back. She thought he was going to take her right to the bed, but he stopped once she was just a foot inside the room and he kicked the door shut. She wanted to ask what he was doing, but no words came out. And then he was moving her to face the door with both of her palms flat on the polished wood. She couldn’t see what he was doing and felt strangely vulnerable in this position. He hadn’t bound her in any way, but she might as well be tied to the ceiling because she knew there was no way she was moving from this spot.

When he did touch her, it wasn’t just with a fingertip like on the couch. He moved until his entire body was pressed against her back. He was so much bigger than her it was as though she were covered by a massive, sexy blanket. His erection pushed into her lower back and his chin was toward the top of her head. She almost fought the urge to lean back against him, but considering their present situation, the time for fighting had passed.

So she let her body mold against his and savored the sensation. He bent his head next to hers and she could feel his warm breath on her neck. His breaths came fast and it turned her on like crazy to know that she could do that to him. James seemed so impossible to penetrate sometimes. The fact that she’d wormed her way under his skin somehow made her feel powerful, even as he was totally dominating her.

His hands started to do a slow exploration of her body. He started simply as he ran his big palms along her sides from right under her arms, over her hips and to her thighs where her dress stopped. Then he started his way back up; the material caught on his hands but slid free before it could go over her hips. It made her feel too naked and too clothed at the same time. He could have access to her so easily if he really wanted. When his hands came up, he followed the dip of her waist and this time ran his hands over her breasts.

She gasped at the sensation and pushed herself farther back against him. His head was still next to hers. He turned in to her and pressed a kiss to her neck before he ran his teeth along the sensitive skin. The mix of hard and soft was erotic as she rubbed herself against him, standing on her tiptoes so her hips could meet his cock. The foreplay was great and all, but right now she wouldn’t mind if they just skipped to the grand finale. But James didn’t seem to be in any hurry. One of his hands slid the top of her dress down and slid into her bra to cup her breast as the other skimmed lower and then ran along the top of her thigh as he reached the edge of her panties.

Her head fell forward against the cold wood as he kissed at her neck and edged his fingers into her panties and along her wet folds. Good grief, this was a triple assault. Figures he wouldn’t play fair. “James,” she breathed as he slid two fingers deep inside.

She was already on her toes but she pushed up as high as she could at the invasion and bit her lip to keep herself from making any more noise than she already was.

“You are so fucking wet for me,” he said into her ear, speaking so close she could feel his lips brushing against the sensitive lobe. “Were you this wet earlier? Dancing for me.”

Her eyes popped open at the question. “I....” There was really no right answer.

“I know you saw me. And you had the nerve to dance with another man in front of me.”

AJ? AJ barely counted. But then his thumb was brushing against her clit and she wasn’t really capable of defending herself. “For you,” she managed out. “All for you.”

“Damn right.” His fingers worked her over. On her breast and between her legs before he leaned her head back to cover her mouth with his.

Willa closed her eyes and let him take over her body. On one hand, she never wanted these sensations to end, but on the other he kept stroking the flames higher and higher, making her feel as if she needed something... anything... just the tiniest push to get her over....

Mallory Crowe's Books