If Ever(46)

We skip the normal post show interviews and are whisked to the airport. Between the three-hour time change and the need for us to get to the morning show studio by 7 a.m., there's no time to lose.

"Seriously?" I say to Dominic when we're seated in first class.

"Helps take the sting off losing, doesn't it?" He offers me the spacious window seat and takes the aisle, while the flight attendant stows our coats.

"You won't find me complaining." I snuggle in and call Tom. His show should be over by now.

He picks up. "How'd it go?"

"You'll never guess where I am?" I smooth my hand over the supple leather seat.

"At the airport?"

"Better. In first class!" He laughs, and I can't wait to see him in person. It’s been three weeks since I laid eyes on him.

"What time are you off the clock and officially mine?"

My stomach tingles at his words. I pull the phone away for a sec. "Dominic, what time are we done tomorrow?"

The flight attendant hands each of us a glass of champagne. Dominic clinks his glass to mine and says, "Around nine."

"Hear that?" I say into the phone.

"Yes. I'll see you both at nine."

I whisper into my phone hoping none of the other high fliers overhear my rookie excitement. "They just gave us champagne."

"You're living the high life now."

I take a sip of the bubbly, it goes to my nose, and I sneeze. Dominic leans over. "Chelsea, I can't make it tomorrow. I've got a meeting with my agent."

"Dominic can't join us, you okay with that?"

"And have you all to myself? Bummer. Does he want to come to the show? I’ve got two tickets if you want them."

"Of course I do!” I nudge Dominic and mouth the question. He nods. "Dominic will be there too."

The flight attendant collects our glasses and indicates that it's time to hang up. "I've got to go, I'll see you soon."

Dominic and I eat dinner and talk for a long time, still hyped from the show.

"This was a great season. We started rough, peaked, then ended rough. Who could ask for more?" he jokes.

"Sorry about that."

"It wasn't your fault. Sometimes things work out the best way possible, you just don't know it yet."

"So what is the meeting your agent about?"

"There's a movie I could audition for, a summer dance tour, maybe opening a studio of my own."

"That's incredible. You're agent's been busy."

"She's great. You know, you should consider getting an agent. I'm sure there are opportunities for you now that you're a known entity."

I shake my head. "Nah. My fifteen minutes are about to expire. I'm not cut out for this fame thing. It's time for me to start searching for a job."

“Or, take a couple months off to just relax and enjoy life. From what I’ve heard, you don’t take much time to treat yourself.”

“No. It’s never been an option.”

“Why don’t you take a few chances and try something different? We made it far enough in the show, you should have some decent bonus money.”

I just have my apartment rent and a couple of bills to pay for, which I should be able to cover. “Maybe, but I can’t imagine doing nothing.”

It isn't long before Dominic is reclined in his seat with his head back and mouth open like a teenager passed out after an all-nighter gaming. But I can't sleep, I get to see Tom soon. We've only spent a few hours together and yet he's turned my life upside down. Will he still like me after we spend the next two days together? God I hope so.

The flight drags, so I watch a movie. By the time I finally close my eyes, it's only a blink and the flight attendants are serving coffee and pastries.

New York City

Stepping into the late November New York chill takes my breath away after two and half months in mild L.A. The studio has sent a car to meet us. I'm tempted to call Tom, but it's so early, he probably isn't awake yet; and he has two shows today, so I don't want to bother him yet. I peer out the window, soaking in every detail as we approach Manhattan. The traffic slows and we inch through rush hour. People pour out of a subway exit, just like in the movies. Taxis dodge in and out of traffic, and food carts crowd every corner. The air smells of baked goods and vehicle exhaust. Dominic points out the historic Grand Central Station and later the New York Public Library with its giant lions standing guard.

We arrive at the morning show studio in Times Square just before 7 a.m., and I change into a fitted blue dress and black boots. We're briefed by a producer, and my makeup is touched up. When there’s a spare moment, I sneak in a text to Tom.

The interview goes well. Jokes are made about my stubborn start to the show, and the growth I've made. They ask who we think will win. Dominic evades, saying it's too close to call, but I declare it's Brady and Leyna.

Afterward, our luggage is whisked away to our hotel, so Dominic and I can go our separate ways. I slip on the new coat that I bought special for the trip. Thanks to all the professional primping, I feel fantastic.

Dominic and I push through the doors and onto the sidewalk in Times Square. Cars and buses crowd the street and billboards flash with lights. I hear a distant siren as people hustle through the cool morning. There's Tom, with his hands in the pockets of his brown leather jacket, leaning against the light post and wearing a crooked smile and a dark scarf.

Angie Stanton's Books