If Ever(43)

In a flash Chelsea's gone as the remaining contestants make their entrance, but then the camera pans back and shows the line up of teams, each bopping to the music and grinning for the audiences at home. Chelsea's wearing a sequined leotard with silky cream-colored fabric draped around her body in a deliciously provocative way.

The door to the flat flies opens and Ryan bounds in. "Hey, man."

"Shh!" I motion impatiently to the telly.

"Sorry," he mouths, heading for the fridge.

"Just started." I watch for any glimpse of her as the host explains the switch up and the stress on the dancers to get to know new partners. When he introduces the first dance, which isn't Chelsea or Dominic, I turn to Ryan. He settles on the other side of the couch with a light beer and observes me with amusement.

"Geez, dude. A little obsessed? It’s just a TV show."

But who am I kidding? I've been looking forward to tonight all week. Chelsea's become a habit I don't want to kick.

Brady and Cassie finish their routine and get their scores, which are higher than I like as I want Chelsea to win this thing. The show goes to commercial. I lean back and relax and finally speak to Ryan. "Any luck today?"

"I had to wait all day to be seen, but I nailed the routine and the director actually seemed interested. But now I sit on pins and needles praying to the casting gods that I move on."

"You're a great dancer. You're bound to hit one of these times."

"I've auditioned enough that the odds should be on my side."

The show comes back on and next up is Shane and Leyna. They do a decent job, but I just wasn't feeling it.

Ryan agrees. "Watching this show is killing me. They have no chemistry, for Pete's sake, show a little emotion."

"You should audition for Celebrity Dance Off. Show them a thing or two."

"Nah. Their dancers all have to be national or world ballroom champions."

Between the judges’ comments and reporting the scores, the camera shows snippets of the other teams. I'm rewarded with a three-second shot of Chelsea applauding for the last team. Her hair is artfully pulled away from her face, and falls down her back in loose curls. Damn, she's gorgeous.

It's forever before she and Ivan take the dance floor. Their video package shows their first meeting and him falling all over her calling her honey, baby, and kitten. I instantly despise the guy.

The package wraps and a stream of light shines on Chelsea alone in the center of the dimly lit ballroom. I lean forward in my seat.

“Isn’t she the one you sang for a couple of weeks back?”

“Yeah,” I say, my eyes glued to the screen. Sultry music begins and Ivan approaches her from behind, sliding his hand up her arm and turning her face to him. They perform a few steps and her hands sweep up his chest as she gazes at him with a desire that makes me squirm. He whips her into a few more rumba steps then spins her in front of him, her back arched against his chest, and he runs his hands over her body.

"Damn, they're good," Ryan says. "I bet they’re sleeping together."

“They’re not,” I snap. But Ryan’s right. Ivan dances with Chelsea as if he's about to take her to bed and from what I see, I wouldn't put it past him to try. My jaw clenches.

"Now that's how you show emotion." Ryan waves his beer at the screen.

Her filmy wrap floats with each move as they step and spin, him catching her leg and pulling her to him. This guy's getting way more action with her than I have and he's on national TV. But he's a professional dancer I remind myself. It's all for the show. But still, I'm jealous as hell.

The dance ends and I breathe easier when Ivan releases her. The judges praise them and their scores are good enough I think they'll be safe. God, I just lost five years off my life.

A minute later Chelsea texts, "What did you think?"

That I want to kick Ivan's ass, but instead I message back, "You were exquisite. And a tease. I miss you!"

Los Angeles

"We have the team dance this week. That ought to shake things up a bit. We're on a team with Brady and Eva," I tell Tom the next evening after I learn I’m safe for another week and finished with Ivan.

"The chef and the soap star. They're both really good."

"We had our first rehearsal and the pros spent over an hour arguing how to choreograph the number. Honestly, I didn't even need to be there." But Eva was friendly and even complimented my last dance, which made my day. It was nice to feel part of a group for a change. "Brady is wrapped up in his partner, Leyna. I'm pretty sure they're doing a whole lot more than dancing."

"His wife won't be happy about that," he says. "Whoa!"


"A guy just streaked down Tenth Avenue. That's new."

"Where do you live?" I can't believe I've never asked before. I have no idea if he's in a fancy sky rise, or a cramped apartment.

"Hell's Kitchen."

"Isn't that a cooking show?"

He laughs and I picture his smile. "It's also a neighborhood."

"Sounds sinister."

"It's a dangerous part of New York filled with criminals," he says in an ominous tone.

Angie Stanton's Books