If Ever(13)

Stephen Harris beams. "Talk about a reversal of fortunes. I don't know what you two did to work things out, but it's clear things have changed. Great job. If you're through to next week, which I hope you are, work more on form."

I nod and grin. I could care less about scores. It was a blast. But when the scores come in, we get one seven and two eights, which is the best we've ever done. Dominic and I hug and celebrate as the show goes to commercial.

"Nice job." Hank pats me on the back.

"Thanks, it was a blast."

We watch the rest of the performances. Some of the couples are getting really good, like Eva the soap actress and Brady, the celebrity chef. Even the kid wonder, Shane, is shaping up to be a contender, but Tedrick the rapper has a bad night. Haley the super model, while gorgeous to look at, doesn't have much rhythm. Hank does a cute number, but I've learned enough about dance now to know it's pretty basic. His grin and charisma are adorable and I hope will pull him through.

After the show, I attend the after party. I've combed out my hair and toned down my makeup, but left on enough to still fit in with this Hollywood crowd. I sit in my car on the phone with Anna until I see a few cast members arrive.

"You were amazing tonight," Anna gushes. "And I love the rehearsal clothes you were wearing in the package. Huge improvement."

"Thanks. They cost a fortune."

"You're worth it. Now get in there and play nice. You'll have fun."

"Fine, but if no one talks to me, I'm outta there."

"Fair enough," she says with a laugh.

I enter the trendy restaurant decorated with neon blue lights draped strategically from every wall. The lights tie off a futuristic Star Trek sorta vibe. Hank is at a table across the room. I sneak a chair next to him.

"You made it!" He gives me a jovial pat.

I order a fancy drink off the martini menu and notice Shane with Haley. "He sure is having a good time." The eighteen-year-old diver ogles Haley's substantial mammaries, which are at his eye level considering her runway model height and sky-high heels.

"He's like a young pup nipping at her heels. Look how she's playing with him." Hank laughs.

Sure enough Haley is arching her back and brushing against him as she fingers a lock of professionally bleached hair. I notice there's a lot of positioning and flirting among various stars, pros, and troupe dancers. The pro Ivan gives me bedroom eyes from across the room. I smile nervously and look away.

"Be careful of that one," Hank says. But it's fine. I'm happy to be safely ensconced at the "misfits’ table" with a senior citizen.

Dominic stops by. "Great job tonight." He gives me a quick shoulder squeeze before moving on to Pavel. Being on the show is so much more fun now that we're getting along.

Hank tells stories of life on the road and has me laughing until my sides ache and I almost pee my pants. I'm saved when he's recognized by some country music fans and is pulled away. I take a look around, but everyone's off in clusters, talking and laughing. I'm not sure where Dominic went, so I head out, proud that I stayed as long as I did.

On Tuesday, Mary Kay congratulates me on the great performance as she applies my makeup. "Just so you know, I voted for you last night."


She brushes a dusting of powder over my nose. "So, if one vote makes the difference, it'll be mine."

I look at her reflection in the mirror. "You're the best." She swishes away my makeup cape and I'm off.

My downtime is spent in my trailer reading a new book and trying not to think of going home now that I'm I finally having fun. I'm so distracted that I'm startled when there's a knock on my dressing room door, a first.

"Chelsea, you in there?" Dominic calls.

"Come on in." I check the clock. Shit. I'm late.

Dominic pops his head in. "You coming? Cause I really don't want to walk out on the dance floor by myself."

"Sorry, I lost track of time." I glance in the mirror on my way out. Reading doesn't seem to have undone Mary Kay's work. I hustle alongside Dominic in my toe pinching heels, back to the studio.

"I had no idea they stuck you back here. Let me talk to someone and get you a closer trailer," he says.

"It's fine. I may not need it much longer."

"Yeah, while our scores were decent this time, we're still going to be in the bottom three." He grimaces.

"I know. It's a bummer when we were finally starting to have fun."

We bust through the studio doors and run to our spots for the intro. The results show flies by as Molly and Pavel perform the Encore Dance. Each week the judges select the best dance of the night for a redo. Next, there's a visiting troupe of dancers from Boston, and in between every big number Marcus lets more teams know if they're safe or in danger. As predicted, Dominic and I are in the bottom three.

When we get to those final minutes, and it's down to just us and body builder Dalton and his partner Natalie under the spotlight, I whisper to Dominic, "Sorry, I couldn't do better."

His arm is around my waist and he gives me a little squeeze. "Stop that. We're in this together." The countdown music plays. "Now smile and pretend you don't care."

Angie Stanton's Books