Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(26)
I just hope now that I’m all you will ever see.
Hearing her sing these words as her eyes stay on mine causes my heart to pound unsteadily. Tears are sliding down her cheeks and all I want to do is run to her and hold her. I stand up slowly, her words hitting me right in my heart. I slowly walk to her and she continues to play, her eyes never straying from mine.
All I can see when I look at her is love shining from her eyes. She loves me. I can see it. People will say that we are crazy, that we are moving too fast, but I know what I’m feeling. I stand in front of her with her looking down at me. I wait until she finishes and when the last words leave her lips, I run up the steps leading to the stage and I stand in front of her.
Her big eyes look up at me. She doesn’t say a word but she doesn’t have to. I cup her face and her eyes close. “I love you, Sasha Bennett.” I was close enough to the microphone that the whole room hears it and I hear a few gasps but ignore it.
Her eyes tear up and she chuckles at my accidental announcement. “I love you, too, so much.” I smile hugely and kiss her again. I will never get bored of kissing her.
“It’s set in stone. You own my heart, Sasha, please take care of it.” I wipe away a few tears that escape her eyes.
“As long as you will look after mine.”
I place my hand over her heart. “I promise.” She wraps her arms around me and we kiss. The people around us start to cheer and whistle and I lift her from the ground and she squeals. “I love you,” I tell her again and she laughs.
“I love you, too.” I love hearing her say that.
“Couldn’t you have both waited until tomorrow to declare your love? We probably would have won if you did this at the show,” Karen says, causing us to laugh.
“Sorry, we didn’t think,” I say and Karen huffs.
“Yeah, you were too busy being caught up in the moment.” Sasha sticks her tongue out at her and Karen does the same.
“You have me, you have the crazy lady.” Sasha laughs.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” I kiss her again.
It’s the day of the talent show and Sasha has been calm but I can see the nerves in her body language. The whole place is set up and it looks perfect; you wouldn’t think it was the same school gym we see every day.
The place is packed, most of the students are here with the help of me and the football team, blackmailing and charming to get what it took to fill the seats. I walk down the aisle towards the stage and see a few girls giving me seductive looks.
Since word spread that I confessed my love to Sasha, it’s like they want me even more. Like it’s a competition now to see which one will be able to lead me astray. I wouldn’t do that to Sasha; none of these girls holds anything to my girl.
I smile. My girl. I love that.
I climb up the stage and look in the back to see Sasha pacing. Karen looks a little annoyed and when she spots me, she waves her hands in the air, thanking God. “Please knock some sense into her,” Karen says, walking towards me.
“What’s going on?”
“She is getting stage fright.” She rolls her eyes. “We have been to a million gigs and now she’s decided to clam up.” I walk over to Sasha and notice she looks like a deer caught in headlights. She looks panicked.
“I can’t do it. I can’t go out there.” I pull her to me and stroke her hair.
“Hey, it’s okay. Just take a deep breath.” I feel her chest rise and fall against my own. “You don’t need to do anything you’re not comfortable with. You worked so hard making this place look amazing and if you don’t want to play, you don’t have to.” She looks up at me.
“But people will be disappointed in me.” I see tears in her eyes and I rub them away with my thumbs.
“They’ll get over it. You aren’t playing until the end, so don’t think about it. Let’s just get the show rolling and if you still feel like this when it’s your turn, I’ll announce the show is over.”
“You won’t be upset with me? I know you like hearing me sing.” I chuckle at her cuteness.
“I know I have the rest of my life to hear you sing for me.” Her eyes shine up at me. I lean down and kiss her and she sighs into me.
“I love you,” she breathes out.
“I love you, Miss Bennett. Now go be Mrs. Boss Woman and I’ll be in the audience if you need me.” I kiss her one more time, slap her ass causing her to yelp, and go out to take my seat next to Aaron in the front row.
“We did great work. I’m so proud of us.” Aaron looks around the room.
“Sasha did most of the work, we were just the heavy lifters. She deserves all the praise for this. My girl really is something.” The first act comes on and everyone quiets down. Act after act comes on and they are all pretty good. Nothing like Sasha and her band, but still good.
I look over to the other side of the aisle and see a few men and women in dress suits. I’m assuming these are the important people Sasha and Mr. Atkins were talking about. I see them jotting stuff down and I pray that Sasha will have a change of heart. She wanted a step in the door and these people might be able to do that.
An hour and a half has past and the second to last act is playing. I’m almost biting my nails, I’m so nervous. I’ve messaged Sasha, asking her if she is okay, but no reply so far. It will look weird if I sneak up on stage when someone’s in the middle of a performance.