Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(24)
It is the night before the talent show and seeing her boss around my team is so hot. She is a girl on a mission and she wants everything perfect. I’m watching her bite her pen as she looks at her clipboard.
How did I get so lucky?
I can’t imagine my life without her in it.
I hate leaving her, I hate going home. I see my dad less and less, and when I’m in my room, all I’m thinking about is her. We haven’t gone any further since the party but our make out sessions are hot and steamy.
We’ve gotten to the point where we strip down to our underwear, but that’s it, and I’m honestly fine with that. I never thought I could get off without actually being inside a girl or using my hand. Seeing her almost naked body on top of me, or even beneath me, is always my undoing.
I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her middle and she turns her head and smiles at me. “I’m missing you.” She turns in my arms.
“How can you miss me? We’re in the same room.” She places her hands on my shoulders, the clipboard now placed on the floor. It’s stupid, but I love that she will have her whole attention on me even though I know this talent show means a lot to her.
“I haven’t touched or kissed you in the last…” I look at my watch, “five minutes.” She giggles and stands on her tiptoes to kiss me.
“Better?” I pretend to think about it.
“I think one more should do it… for now.” She smiles against my lips and I kiss her hard and when we pull back, her hand goes to her heart. “I’m good.” I kiss her cheek and start helping the guys with the chairs.
“You're mean!” she shouts and I turn, blowing her a kiss. She tries to look stern but I can see her lips pulled up at the corners. I put my hands together so it looks like I’m praying, giving her an innocent look, and she shakes her head at me and picks up her clipboard and goes all business woman again.
“You are so whipped.” Aaron claps onto my shoulder. We both look to Sasha and she bends over, picking up something from the floor, her ass in the air. I inwardly groan at how good her ass looks, but hating that Aaron is also seeing it. “Damn, man, if I knew all that was hidden, I would have gone there myself.” I give him a look and he places his hands up in the air. “Joking, man.”
“You better be.” I head to the back of the room and grab a few folded chairs.
“I’m kind of into that Karen girl, I know she wants my cock.” He pats his thighs.
“Yeah, she would have fucked you at the party last week if you didn’t get your stupid ass drunk.” He looks at me like I just killed his puppy.
“Please tell me you’re joking?”
“I heard that’s what she wanted but you lost your chance.” I start placing the seats.
“What about now? Does she still want to fuck me now?” I shrug.
“I don’t know.” I watch him pull his hair.
“What do you mean, you don’t know? I could have fucked her. She’s been teasing me, rubbing her body against mine any chance she gets, and I could have fucked her.” He groans. He looks up to the stage where Karen and Sasha are laughing and I watch as they start dancing intimately. Their hips move in sync and Sasha glides her hand down Karen’s arm to her hips.
I’m transfixed. I can’t look away. They both start to dip back and my dick automatically goes hard, seeing her back be so flexible. Images of her riding on top of me enter my head.
“They’re messing with you,” a voice says from behind us. I don’t want to look away from the stage but I do, seeing Brady standing there shaking his head.
“They’re doing this on purpose?” Aaron asks him, his eyes back to the girls.
“They figured adding it in at our gigs gets the crowd riled up. They sometimes do lap dances on one another while Sasha sings.” I groan as more images enter my head.
“Why have I never been to a show?” Aaron complains.
“Because you didn’t know they existed until last week.” Brady replies. I’ve liked Sasha longer than a week, but I don’t want to correct him. “They’re very attractive women; funny, caring, they look out for those who are close to them. They’re very protective of each other.” My eyes go to Sasha and she is laughing, her head thrown back, before she looks over at me and gives me a wink. I smirk back at her.
She paid me back. They do say payback is a bitch.
“Guys don’t look twice at them when there are girls like the cheerleaders wearing short skirts and their breasts on show. Sasha and Karen, once you see their beauty, you can’t look back. You won’t see them the same way again.” I look over at him and see that he’s watching them.
“You liked them?” Even though it was more of a fact than a question.
“I did. I see them more like family now. Once you’re in the friend zone, you have to move on from it. If you have a chance of being with them, don’t ruin it or you will never forgive yourself.” He heads to the stage and says something to them and they laugh even harder.
“Fuck, now I can’t stop looking at her.” I look at Aaron and luckily his eyes are trained on Karen. “I’ve turned into you. I just want to be with her now and I think it’s more than sex.” I chuckle and clap him on the shoulder.