Deadly Holiday (Southern California Violent Crimes Taskforce #6.5)(18)

“Good, because I asked your aunt and cousins to stay with us while they’re visiting.”

Celina drew back, eyes going wide. “You…really?”

He nodded, chuckling softly. “I know how much they mean to you, and I don’t want you to miss a minute of their time here, so Bobby canceled their hotel reservation and their luggage will be delivered in the morning. We can push back all the living room furniture and make beds on the floor, and Owen even gave up his room so your Aunt can…”

Celina cut off the rest of what he was about to say by silencing him with a kiss. He growled against her mouth, lifting her against him, then swinging them around and pressing her against the side of the house. Her legs wrapped around his hips as his large hands roved beneath her elf skirt, finding the edge of her tights and slipping beneath them. He groaned, and she smiled against his mouth.

“You’ve been pantyless all fucking night? Good God, you slay me, woman.” He suckled her lips, his tongue tracing the seam.

“Speaking of ‘sleighs,’” Celina purred in between hot kisses, “I do believe Santa promised to come visit me tonight, though I already feel like I’ve gotten so many presents already, and Christmas is still two days away.”

Cooper traced his fingertips over her face, as if committing every detail to memory. Celina sighed, leaning into his touch. This man, and their life together, she would never get enough of it, of him. And she couldn’t imagine any place she’d rather be than right here, right now.

“Don’t worry, wife,” he said with a wink. “Santa has plenty more presents to put in your stocking. Just you wait and see.”

Misty Evans & Amy Ma's Books