Deadly Holiday (Southern California Violent Crimes Taskforce #6.5)(14)

“They’re…from the lab, Mr. Ortega.” Having seen the lab cart, Dr. Kyan fumbled for the right words, confusion knitting her brow. Celina tapped a long finger against an instruction sticker on the side of the cart where the word ‘Help’ was printed in big bold letters. Understanding dawned, and Dr. Kyan quickly righted herself. “They’ll need to draw blood to make sure Jana’s body is prepared to receive the transplant.”

Ortega’s hand wavered, than he slowly lowered the gun.

“Fine,” he said briskly, already turning back to Jana. “Make it quick.”

With Dr. Kyan on their side, Celina pushed the cart towards the bed, keeping her eyes down.

“How much blood will you need to take?” Ortega wanted to know, and Celina gripped the cart tighter, careful to keep her head lowered. They only had one chance to get this right.

“Not much, sir.” Olivia assured him, her hand slipping into her pocket. “Just a few vials. Sarah, can you get her prepped?”

Celina nodded and pushed the cart in front of Ortega, forcing him to step out of the way. It was a tight space, and Celina was unable to avoid making eye contact with him over the top of the cart. He stared at her for a heartbeat, his eyes widening.

“You! I know you!”

Olivia blindsided him from the right, ramming a needle into the side of his neck and injecting the sedative.

“What the fuck?” Ortega swung his fist, clipping Olivia on the side of her head and knocking her off her feet. She pitched to the floor.

“Guar…” The word slurring, Ortega’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and his body pitched forward, landing on top of the cart. The two nurses rushed to Olivia’s side while Dr. Kyan helped Celina roll Ortega’s body off the cart and into a chair, drawing a curtain shut around him.

“Olivia,” Celina breathed, dropping to her knees beside her friend. Dr. Kyan followed, gingerly touching the wound with probing fingers. Olivia groaned, her eyes fluttering. “Talk to me, Olivia. Are you all right?”

“Ouch.” She grimaced, struggling into a sitting position. “I’m going to have one hell of a headache in the morning, but yeah, I think so.”

The door burst open and Cooper and Mitch scrambled in, followed by armed men dressed in SWAT combat gear.

The cavalry had arrived.

The next few minutes were a complete blur, but somehow Celina found herself downstairs, Novia safely in her arms as she watched Ortega’s men being hustled outside. Basilio followed shortly behind, under the watchful eyes of the taskforce, and the glittering rage in his eyes as he passed made Celina turn away.

“So, what happens now?” Olivia asked. She stood with Victor in the hallway, her eyes following the flurry of activity. The normally stoic FBI Director had gone from cool as a cucumber to coming completely unglued when he’d learned Olivia had been injured. He’d practically knocked Cooper out of the way just to get to her. Other than the likely bruise she would have in the morning, Dr. Kyan said Olivia would make a full recovery. Victor had been hovering over her ever since.

“With what?” Celina asked, snuggling into Cooper’s side. Novia was wide awake and mystified by the activity going on, her little eyes bright and curious.

“Jana. What will happen with her now?”

“Child Services will be coming in to handle Jana’s care and medical treatments.” Dr. Kyan approached, looking weary but determined. “I also give you my word that she will receive the bone marrow transplant she so desperately needs. She’s been through a lot, but I want to make sure she gets her very best chance at life. She deserves that much.”

Victor withdrew a business card from his suit pocket, handing it to the doctor. “Can you give this card to Child Services and have them contact me? Once she is well enough to be released, I would like to help find her a stable home.”

Dr. Kyan’s eyes widened, sparkling suspiciously. “That’s very kind of you, Director.” She blinked rapidly for a moment, pausing to clear her throat. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

Ronni and Thomas came through a set of swinging doors, the last of the taskforce to give their statement for the evening.

“Phew, what a night!” Ronni fanned her face for effect. “The lead detective said we’re done for now, and he’ll call if he has any other questions. I don’t know about you guys, but I sure could use a drink.”

“That’s actually a great idea. Why don’t you all come over,” Cooper agreed, much to Celina’s surprise. Since when was Cooper the after-party type? He caught her look, and his smile faded. “Is that okay with you?”

Celina nodded, shaking off her suspicions. Of course everyone should come over for a drink, it’d been a long night. “Absolutely. Everyone is invited,” she added, nodding towards Olivia, who blushed when Victor leaned down and whispered something in her ear.

Celina buttoned a gurgling Novia into her coat while Cooper gathered their things. The baby wasn’t keen on leaving all the action behind to go outside, but a few minutes in the car and she was out like a light. Celina leaned her head against the headrest, closing her eyes. What a night. She was exhausted, and every bone in her body ached. She couldn’t wait to get home and soak in a nice, hot bath.

“Are you sure it’s all right everyone comes over? I’m sorry, sweetheart. I should have asked.”

Misty Evans & Amy Ma's Books