Deadly Holiday (Southern California Violent Crimes Taskforce #6.5)(16)

“Really?” Celina thought about The Beast in a tux—damn, wouldn’t that be a fantasy come true? “I would love to be traditional, but seriously, when have we have ever done anything the normal way?”

He kissed her forehead. “We can always play dress-up later.”

“You’re on.”

A wail sounded from Via, who was being passed around between her family members and receiving lots of kisses and hugs. Celina laughed, going to retrieve her daughter.

“Princess Via can be your maid of honor,” her mother suggested.

Celina’s eyes widened, falling on her aunt. “And Aunt Charo can be my matron of honor.”

Tears sparkled in her aunt’s eyes. She pressed a kiss to Celina’s cheek. “I would be honored.”

With Owen and Thomas as Cooper’s best men, and Aunt Charo holding Novia, they all stepped onto the back patio where twinkle lights had been strung. The romantic transformation was breathtaking, white lights sparkling overhead and around the pool area. An arbor had been placed in the center of the yard, more lights outlining it. It was absolutely gorgeous.

“I can’t believe you did this.” Celina was touched, she truly was. She only wished Cooper’s parents were still alive to be there too. In her heart, she knew they were in spirit.

“We had a little help,” Aunt Charo said, gesturing towards a couple off to the side; Bobby and his Eliza. Of course Cooper’s old partner would have a hand in all of this. Bobby kicked his electric wheelchair into gear and Eliza looked like the cat that ate the canary, laughing as Celina hugged them both. She was so choked up with gratitude she could barely speak.

“All right, everyone take a seat and we’ll get started.” One of Celina’s eldest cousins, Alberto, began leading the crowd of people towards the arbor. Ronni stood beneath it, a grin splitting her face. Cooper, Owen, and Thomas took their places, and Aunt Charo, holding Novia, did the same.

Silence filled the air, then the gentle strings of a violin began the wedding march. Overwhelmed with joy, Celina walked down the aisle, her gaze locked solely on Cooper’s as she moved towards the man she loved. The last strands of the violin faded into the night as Celina stopped in front of him, heart in her throat. With a smile, he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm, turning them towards a beaming Ronni.

“Folks, we’re gathered here tonight to unite these two in marriage, because let’s face it, they should have done it a long time ago.”

A chuckle rose up in the crowd.

“Seriously though, I can’t imagine a couple more in love than these two,” Ronni continued. “They’ve endured so much, yet through it all their bond has only grown stronger. I’m truly honored to be the one who gets to unite them forever.”

She paused to clear her throat, and Celina smiled. It was a rarity when Ronni Punto got choked up. The tough ass agent wasn’t prone to tears unless she was causing them.

She cleared her throat again and set her tough gaze on Cooper. “Cooper, do you take Celina to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, until this day forward so long as you both shall live?”

Cooper didn’t even hesitate. “Absolutely.”

“Yeah, you’d better say that.” Another laugh from the crowd and Ronni grinned, turning to Celina. “Celina, do you take Cooper to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, until this day forward so long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Celina answered, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.

“Do you have the rings?” Ronni asked Cooper.

Cooper turned to Thomas who withdrew two shiny objects from his jacket pocket, handing them over.

The diamond wedding band matched the engagement ring Cooper had given her the previous fall. Cooper held it over her ring finger, waiting for Ronni to continue.

“Repeat after me,” Ronni instructed. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

“With this ring, I thee wed.”

“As this ring has no end, neither shall my love for you.”

Cooper repeated the words, his voice growing husky with emotion.

Ronni’s voice grew heavier with emotion as well, as she fed him the next line. “I choose you to be my wife, this day and forevermore.”

“I choose you to be my wife, Celina, this day now and forevermore.” Cooper’s eyes locked on to Celina’s as he slid the ring into place.

“Close enough,” Ronni remarked dryly. “All right, Celina’s turn.”

Cooper handed her a solid silver band and she repeated the same vows, sliding the ring into place.

“By all that is vested in me by the great pastors who ordained me online, I now pronounce you husband and wife. The Beast may kiss his Beauty.”

Overjoyed with happiness, Celina threw her arms around his neck as his mouth captured hers, and she poured every ounce of love she had into that one kiss. By the time they pulled apart they were both breathless.

“God, I love you,” Cooper ran his knuckles over her jaw, staring at her reverently as if he couldn’t believe they had finally done it. “Mrs. Harris.”

Mrs. Harris. She would never grow tired of hearing that. “I love you too, Mr. Harris.”

Cheers and clapping sounded all around them.

“Celina, there are babies here who have not yet been blessed. Perhaps your friend could perform one tonight?” Aunt Charo suggested as she handed Novia into Cooper’s outstretched hands.

Misty Evans & Amy Ma's Books