Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(49)

Malloron nodded and took it. “Thank you. I wish you well with your casting, Drocco. I will listen for good news that you have found more Omegas. I’m pleased to consider you an ally.”

Drocco nodded. “As am I. Farewell.”

Malloron bid him farewell and closed the portal.

Torin approached him as the Talent-crafters left the room again. “That was strange.”

“I know,” Drocco said, thoughtfully.

“It was too easy—he was too amenable.”

Drocco glanced at him. “But the spell is safe?”

Torin nodded. “It seems so. The Talent-crafters say it’s a complex spell and it seems safe but they cannot see every thread of it. They wish to examine it further before you use it just in case.”

“How long will that take?”

Torin shrugged. “A week, maybe two?”

Drocco thought for a moment. “No. I want to use it immediately.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. The quicker I know more about her, the quicker I can find the other Omegas. Plus, her Haze is close. Explain this to them and tell them they have three hours to examine it further. Can I cast this even if the charms disabling the Talent are in effect?”

“Since the Talent has been disabled on the floor of your bedroom, the spell may need a charm to protect it from being disabled too. The Talent-crafters have been working on a solution for this since yesterday. They should have something.”


When Drocco returned to his bedroom, he was pleased to see the extent of Cailyn’s anger. The room was a mess—more so than he had imagined.

He stood by the door scouring the room for her. “Cailyn. Come here.”

There was no answer. He peered over to where her nest usually was, but it had been moved about in her frenzy.

“Don’t make me come and find you, Cailyn,” he warned.

After a long moment, a shuffling came from a corner next to the bed. Cailyn’s head appeared as she pulled herself up from a wad of blankets. She looked as though she hadn’t slept much either. Her hair was a frazzled mess and the hard look of anger was still on her face. As usual, she looked gorgeous. He stepped through the mess toward her.

“Don’t come near me,” she snarled.

He kept going until he reached her corner, trying not to smile at how appealing she was when she was angry. He had missed her.

“Don’t!” she shouted, as he pulled her out of her nest, like he had done so many times before. “I hate you!” she spat.

He lifted her up into his arms. She tried to resist him but she couldn’t make any impact.

“I don’t want to smell her on you,” she said tightly, fighting him with everything she had.

He shook her a little in annoyance, before holding her tight against him and carrying her across the room, his cock hardening already. “You won’t smell anything.”

She stilled, her body tense. “You didn’t fuck anyone?”


All of the tension left her body, and she slumped against him allowing him to press her to his chest. “I still hate you.”

Drocco chuckled as he cleared a space in the middle of the room. He sat her down on the floor and knelt in front of her. Grabbing her hair, he took her mouth in a hungry kiss, running his hands over her back and up the back of her neck. She kissed him back, but he could sense her resistance. He pulled away to stare into her eyes. “I don’t know when you will accept that you are my Omega or that I am your Alpha, but the state of this room confirms it, Cailyn.”

She glared at him. “You think that threatening me that you will fuck another will somehow make me agree with you?”

“I had every intention of fucking another,” Drocco lied, moving to sit before her. “Something else simply came up.”

Her gaze hardened but she didn’t say anything.

“I haven’t been minding my Empire as I should have been,” he added. “I became too busy. It does not invalidate the point that you are angry about the idea of me with another woman. Why is that?”

She remained quiet but her anger was clear, her eyes shiny and hard. In her scent, Drocco could detect again that hint of her Haze. It was approaching. If he was going to apply Malloron’s spell, it had to be now.

He settled in front of her. His Talent-crafters had created a charm for him to wear around his neck. It meant that only he could cast within the area that was blocked.

Staring into her eyes, he said, “Lelah alith sofrey adin-yan mon carrh.”



Cailyn glared at Drocco. She had spent the last day in utter turmoil thinking about him in the throes of ecstasy with another woman, and he had returned so nonchalantly saying he happened to not have time. What a fucking bastard. She couldn’t deny she felt some ownership of him, especially his cock, but she had soon come to realize that was the result of the conditioning. The constant fucking and knotting and petting—the scent and sound of him—the way he fed and bathed and groomed her and stayed skin-to-skin with her almost all the time; he had conditioned her to feel better in his presence, and that was why she was having these crazy emotions. He had made her this way.

In the last day since he had been gone, she’d had space to think. Since he had entered the room, after trying to kill her, he hadn’t brought any fresh sheets for the bed. No fresh air had entered the room at all. The entire room stank of their sweat, sex, and combined scent—no wonder she had fallen so easily for his conditioning.

Zoey Ellis's Books