Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(47)

Torin shook his head, disbelievingly. “He will know now by how angry you became, and by the fact you’re even thinking about his proposal, that you care about this Omega.”

“He already thinks I soul-bonded her. He already knew that I want that.”

“No. He was guessing,” Torin pointed out. “Just like he was guessing that you might not be happy with the progress you are making with her. And if he had any suspicions that you were simply taking advantage of her dynamic, they are gone. He knows you want her for yourself, permanently.”

Drocco digested this. “It means nothing. What can he do? His spies won’t be able to get to her.” Cailyn was in his own bedroom, in a tightly secure part of the Palace and guarded in multiple circumferences by warriors he had trained almost from birth. Additionally, the whole floor had been protected by Talent disabling charms. The chances of anyone getting to her was minute.

“I suppose that is true,” Torin said, thoughtfully. “But I’m concerned about what he seemed to pretend to know.”

“What do you mean?”

“He knows no more than anyone in the Palace or even anyone in Ashens, and yet he made some connections that seemed accurate.”

Drocco growled at him. “I told you months ago that I didn’t want any more of his fucking spies in this Palace.”

“And I just told you he doesn’t have any more information than any Lox warrior or citizen of Ashens,” Torin shot back. “You were only visibly angry in front of your staff once, he guessed you haven’t breeded her, and he assumed that you had access to her during her Haze. He isn’t getting it from spies, he is simply smart. And you cannot afford to engage in conversation with him again until you are free of all influences, including your Omega!”

Drocco shot from his chair, advancing toward Torin. “Who the fuck do you think you’re speaking to? What gives you the right to speak to me that way, Torin? To give me orders about my mate?” He pushed his chest into Torin’s, growling at the nerve of the man.

“Our history,” Torin glowered. “You told me when we were seventeen that if you ever found your Omega, to remind you that you were a warrior too.”

Drocco froze. That was when his grandfather had died; shriveled and weak and crying for his Omega—nothing like the man he had looked up to since birth.

“So now I’m telling you,” Torin continued. “You are a leader, you run an Empire. I’m not saying you’re weak, Drocco, but you must remember that your hormones will be turbulent until you soul-bond.”

Drocco’s anger drained away. He moved away from Torin and lowered into his chair.

“The feelings are a natural aspect of being an Alpha, but I don’t think you should concern yourself with Empire business until you soul-bond,” Torin said.

Drocco snapped a look at him. “Understand that I trust and respect you, Torin, but I will not remove myself from my Empire just because I am an Alpha.”

“Even if it will be used against you?” Torin said.

“Yes,” Drocco said. “That is why you are my Commander and not an Alpha. You will keep me grounded like you always do. Let’s move on from this discussion.”

Torin exhaled harshly, moving to sit next to Drocco. “Are you seriously considering Malloron’s offer?”



“I want to know my Omega.”

“You don’t believe what she tells you?” Torin asked, scratching his stubbled cheek.

Drocco thought carefully before he responded. “I do. But I don’t know if she has been brainwashed or tricked. She comes across as very knowledgeable, but there is something lacking in her knowledge of her own background and family. If the Talent is involved, I wouldn’t be surprised if it has been used on her adversely. If I am to soul-bond her, I think I should know everything about her—even the things she doesn’t know about herself.”

Torin stared at Drocco for a moment and then relaxed into a wary smile. “That is the smartest thing I have heard you say since she arrived.”

“But I don’t trust Malloron at all,” Drocco said.

Torin nodded. “No. I could speak to our Talent-crafters to see if they are able to create such a spell, but it seems it would be involved, complex, and require immense skill.”

They were both silent for a moment, in thought.

“Is there any way to assess if what he gives us is harmful?” Drocco asked.

Torin nodded. “Yes, our Talent-crafters can assess it. But I doubt he will harm your Omega. Reports suggest he has always been desperate to find the Omegas. It’s likely he wants to know what you know.”

“It could be harmful to me, then.”

Torin shot him a disbelieving look. “It’s highly doubtful. He will know he is no match for the Lox army, who will all want to avenge you until their dying breath—even more so now that you have actually found an Omega. Also, there are Lox in the Western Lands now. We have warriors in his territory.”

Drocco raised his eyebrows. He had ordered a troop to be sent to the Western Lands before he locked himself in with Cailyn. “They arrived safely and without detection?”

“Yes. If he tries to threaten us, they are in place to deal with him.”

Drocco nodded. It was always going to be a risk to deal with Malloron, but he had to weigh up the importance of what he was offering. Was it worth the risk? He considered Cailyn. She was worth it. “So we take his offer.”

Zoey Ellis's Books