When in Rome(96)

   To my grandma Betty.

I wish you could have read this one, because you would have loved Mabel. I miss you and your smile and your Santa Claus sweater.


I had high hopes of writing a beautiful, elegant acknowledgment section, but after finishing what ended up being a beast of a book for me, I’m nothing but a thankful, blubbering mess. This book was an emotional roller coaster for me—stretching me and growing my craft in ways that felt impossible to me at times. It wouldn’t be in your hands today without the team of people who encouraged me to finish it, and then helped me transform it from a pile of nonsense into a book that I’m incredibly proud of.

First, I want to thank my brilliant, kind powerhouse of an editor, Shauna Summers. I will never stop being thankful that you wanted to be my editor. Thank you for your encouragement, handholding, and making Amelia and Noah’s story as beautiful as it is! I’m convinced you’re the best editor in the entire world, and I don’t deserve you!

Next, to my incredible agent, Kim Lionetti, THANK YOU! Thank you for reading the few messy early chapters of this book and seeing the potential in it and for steering me in the right direction to finish the damn thing. I still can’t believe you even answered that first email from me and continue to no matter how many ridiculous ones I send you. :) You’re the best. Team Kim for life! And a huge thank-you to the entire Bookends team!

To my lovely, incredible UK editor, Kate Byrne, I’m so honored that you loved and wanted to publish my books! I’m still pinching myself and so grateful for your support.

To my entire team at Dell: Taylor Noel, Corina Diez, Jordan Pace, Mae Martinez, Laurie McGee, and so many others who I’m sure I’m missing; a huge bear hug to you all! I’m so thankful to be working with each of you.

Amber Reynolds, I think you’ve beta-read each of my rom-coms now. I’m convinced you’re my lucky gem, and therefore, you’re never allowed to stop. I’m sorry, but you have to continue reading my terrible drafts, because I love you and need you. Seriously, thank you!! You’re the best. I’m so grateful for you.

To Ashley and Carina, my best ma’ams, whom I love like sisters, thank you for being yourselves and letting me cling to you guys like an annoying barnacle. To Chloe, Becs, Devin, Jody, Gigi, Martha, Summer, Aspen, Rachel, Sophie—you all make this career one hundred times better. I’m incredibly thankful for your friendship!

And to my readers and bookstagram community!!! How do I adequately say thank you for all the love, support, tweets, posts, reviews, emails, aesthetic boards, and encouraging DMs?! Grace, Katie, Morgan, Molly, Addie, Marisol, Alison, Madison, and so many others! The biggest, most heartfelt thank-you!

To my family: Your support means everything to me. Thank you for encouraging me to keep going, and I really hope you skipped all the steamy parts.

And last, but most important to me, my husband, Chris Adams. My best friend, my favorite work colleague, my partner, my eye-candy, my biggest cheerleader, my absolute favorite person in this entire world: I love you. (Is it cheating on our game if I say infinity and beyond in a book? Probably, so I’ll refrain.)



Sarah Adams's Books